MINUTES OF THE AUDIT COMMITTEE MEETING HELD ON MONDAY 7 SEPTEMBER 2009 PRESENT: Mr Steve Wolski (Chair), Mr Alan Cotton, Mr John Whittaker. IN ATTENDANCE: Mrs Jane McCann (Director of Finance), Mr Greg Wilson (PwC), Miss Sarah Jewett (PwC), Mr Trevor Rees (KPMG), Jean Tracy (Clerk). 1. APOLOGIES Apologies were received from Mr Mohamed Isap, Mrs Emma Casson (KPMG) and Miss Helen Knowles (KPMG). 2. MINUTES OF THE LAST MEETING The minutes of the meeting held on 11 June 2009 were accepted as a true and correct record and were duly signed by the Chair. 3. MATTERS ARISING The KPMG audit report on Governance had been considered by the Chair, Principal and Clerk and responses to the comments raised had been made. The document is in the process of being shared with College management before being presented to the members of the Board and a number of actions have already been completed or are in the process of being actioned. The College responses and information on progress to date will be brought to the next meeting of the Audit Committee. Action: Clerk The College informed the meeting that the new Health & Safety Manager had been appointed and was undertaking work to ensure that a central register of risk assessments was in place and complete. There were no other matters arising not covered elsewhere in the agenda. Audit 09.09.07w.doc Page 1 of 6 4. INTERNAL AUDIT REPORTS: Mr Trevor Rees ...