Job: 7315_LONMIN_REP_front_AW.indd Proof: 10 Proof Read by:Operator:Dave Date: 23/11/2006Server: studio1 Set-up: Rob FirstRead/RevisonsAudit Committee ReportRoleof the Audit Committee Compositionof the Audit CommitteeThe Audit Committee is a formal Committee of the Board, and All independent Directors, with the exception of the Chairman has powers delegated to it under the Articles of Association. Its of the Board, are eligible to become members of the terms of reference were reviewed by the Board in May 2004 Committee. The Nomination Committee will recommend any and are compliant with the provisions of the Combined Code. appointments or removals to the Board, which is responsible A copy of the terms of reference is available on the Company’s for the composition of the Committee. The Committee has at website and sets out the primary purposes of the Audit least three members, all of whom must be financially literate, Committee, which are: and any two members form a quorum. The Committee • To monitor the integrity of the Company’s financial comprised the following members during the year and to the statements and announcements relating to its date of this report, except where stated otherwise:financial performance, reviewing significant financial • Michael Hartnall – an independent Director and a chartered reporting judgements. accountant, Mr Hartnall was for 16 years until 2003 the • To keep under review the effectiveness of the ...