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Consolidated Financial Statements (Unaudited)
and Consolidated Subsidiaries
First Half Years ended June 30, 2006 and 2007
SUMIDA CORPORATION and its Subsidiaries
Consolidated Financial Statements (Unaudited)
First Half Years ended June 30, 2006 and 2007
Consolidated Balance Sheets .................................................................................................................. 1
Consolidated Statements of Income ........................................................................................................ 3
Consolidated Statements of Changes in Net Assets .................................................................................4
Consolidated Statements of Cash Flows ................................................................................................. 6
Notes to Consolidated Financial Statements ........................................................................................... 7
Consolidated Balance Sheets (Unaudited)
As of June 30, 2006 and 2007
June 30,
2006 2007 2007
(Millions of yen) (Thousands of
(Note 2)
Current assets:
Cash and time deposits ¥7,335 ¥5,815 $47,276
Trade receivables:
Notes 984 800 6,504
Accounts 13,453 16,172 131,480
Allowance for doubtful accounts (39) (57) (463)
14,398 16,915 137,521
8,443 10,547 85,748 Inventories (Note 3 )
Deferred income taxes 1,093 646 5,252
Prepaid expenses and other current assets 2,458 4,684 38,081
Total current assets 33,727 38,607 313,878
Property, plant and equipment: (Note 4 )
Land 2,520 2,717 22,089
Buildings 11,322 13,505 109,797
Machinery and equipment 27,142 25,225 205,081
Furniture and fixtures 11,175 8,035 65,325
Construction in progress 1,795 2,515 20,447
53,954 51,997 422,739
Accumulated depreciation (34,087) (28,287) (229,976)
Property, plant and equipment, net 19,867 23,710 192,763
Investment and other assets:
Goodwill 2,762 5,886 47,854
Intangible assets 665 1,393 11,325
Investment in securities (Note 8 ) 301 774 6,293
Investment in affiliate 1,332 181 1,472
Deferred income taxes 3,446 3,333 27,098
Other assets 436 439 3,569
Investment and other assets 8,942 12,006 97,611
Total assets ¥62,536 ¥74,323 $604,252
Consolidated Balance Sheets (Unaudited)
As of June 30, 2006 and 2007
June 30,
2006 2007 2007
(Millions of yen) (Thousands of
(Note 2)
Liabilities, shareholders' equity and net assets
Current liabilities:
Short-term bank borrowings (Note 4 ) ¥7,023 ¥11,230 $91,301
Current portion of long-term debt (Note 4 ) 1,306 2,726 22,163
Trade payables:
Notes 21 4 33
Accounts 4,746 6,182 50,260
4,767 6,186 50,293
Income taxes payable 641 854 6,943
Deferred income taxes 298 305 2,479
Accrued expenses and other current liabilities 5,098 5,187 42,170
Total current liabilities 19,133 26,488 215,349
Long-term liabilities:
Long-term debt (Note 4 ) 13,650 12,323 100,187
Deferred income taxes 649 1,943 15,797
Others 2,541 3,987 32,414
Total long term liabilities 16,840 18,253 148,398
Total liabilities 35,973 44,741 363,747
Net assets:
Common stock:
Authorized-70,000,000 shares;
Issued-19,601,887 shares in 2006 and 19,643,027 shares in 2007 6,929 6,964 56,618
Capital surplus 6,743 6,777 55,098
Earned surplus 13,360 14,465 117,602
Treasury stock, at cost;
29,671 shares in 2006 and 730,663 shares in 2007 (72) (1,523) (12,382)
Total shareholders' equity 26,960 26,683 216,936
Unrealized holding gain on securities 32 52 423
Unrealized gain from hedging instruments 19 114 927
Translation adjustments (1,121) 1,747 14,203
Total valuation and translation adjustments (1,070) 1,913 15,553
Minority interests 673 986 8,016
Total net assets 26,563 29,582 240,505
Total liabilities and net assets 62,536 ¥74,323 $604,252
Consolidated Statements of Income (Unaudited)
For first half years ended June 30, 2006 and 2007
First half years ended June 30,
2006 2007 2007
(Millions of yen) (Thousands of
(Note 2)
Net sales ¥29,759 ¥35,290 $286,910
Cost of sales 21,573 26,975 219,308
Gross profit 8,186 8,315 67,602
Selling, general and administrative expenses (Note 5 ) 5,979 6,357 51,684
Operating income 2,207 1,958 15,918
Other income (expense):
Interest and dividend income 61 59 480
Interest expense (67) (191) (1,553)
Foreign currency exchange gain (loss) 449 514 4,179
Others, net 76 (745) (6,057)
Income before income taxes and minority interests 2,726 1,595 12,967
Income taxes:
Current 726 610 4,959
Deferred 660 (86) (699)
1,386 524 4,260
Income before minority interests 1,340 1,071 8,707
Minority interests 27 37 301
Net income ¥1,313 ¥1,034 $8,406
See accompanying notes to consolidated financial statements.
Consolidated Statements of Changes in Net Assets (Unaudited)
For first half years ended June 30, 2006 and 2007
Shareholders' equity
Common stock Capital surplus Earned surplus Treasury stock shareholders'
(Millions of yen)
Balance as of December 31, 2005 ¥6,771 ¥6,585 ¥12,532 ¥(65) ¥25,823
Changes of items during the period
Issuance of new shares 158 158 316
Dividends from surplus (485) (485)
Interim net income 1,313 1,313
Purchase of treasury stock (8) (8)
Disposal of treasury stock (0) 1 1
Net changes of items other than shareholders' equity -
158 158 828 (7) 1,137Total changes of items during the period
Balance as of June 30, 2006 ¥6,929 ¥6,743 ¥13,360 ¥(72) ¥26,960
Valuation and translation adjustments
Unrealized Total valuation
holding gain or Translation Minority interests Total net assets
holding gain or and translation
loss from hedging adjustments
loss on securities adjustments
(Millions of yen)
Balance as of December 31, 2005 ¥52 - ¥(955) ¥(903) ¥55 ¥24,975
dChanges of items during the perio
Issuance of new shares 316
Dividends from surplus (485)
Interim net income 1,313
Purchase of treasury stock (8)
Disposal of treasury stock 1
(20) ¥19 (166) (167) 618 451 Net changes of items other than shareholders' equity
Total changes of items during the period (20) 19 (166) (167) 618 1,588
Balance as of June 30, 2006 ¥32 ¥19 ¥(1,121) ¥(1,070) ¥673 ¥26,563
Shareholders' equity
Common stock Capital surplus Earned surplus Treasury stock shareholders'
(Millions of yen)
Balance as of December 31, 2006 ¥6,961 ¥6,775 ¥13,642 ¥(1,522) ¥25,856
Changes of items during the period
Issuance of new shares 32 5
Dividends from surplus (429) (429)
Interim net income 1,034 1,034
Purchase of treasury stock (1) (1)
Disposal of treasury stock
Changes in application of equity method 218 218
Net changes of items other than shareholders' equity -
Total changes of items during the period 3 2 823 (1) 827
Balance as of June 30, 2007 ¥6,964 ¥6,777 ¥14,465 ¥(1,523) ¥26,683
Valuation and translation adjustments
Unrealized Total valuation
holding gain or Translation Minority interests Total net assets
holding gain or and translation
loss from hedging adjustments
loss on securities adjustments
(Millions of yen)
Balance as of December 31, 2006 ¥29 ¥96 ¥186 ¥311 ¥984 ¥27,151
Changes of items during the period
Issuance of new shares 5
Dividends from surplus (429)
Interim net income 1,034
Purchase of treasury stock (1)
Disposal of treasury stock
Changes in application of equity method 218
Net changes of items other than shareholders' equity 23 18 1,561 1,602 2 1,604
Total changes of items during the period 23 18 1,561 1,602 2 2,431
Shareholders' equity
Common stock Capital surplus Earned surplus Treasury stock shareholders'
(Thousands of U.S.dollars)
Balance as of December 31, 2006 $56,594 $55,082 $110,910 $(12,374) $210,213
Changes of items during the period
Issuance of new shares 24 16 40
Dividends from surplus (3,488) (3,488)
Interim net income 8,406 8,406
Purchase of treasury stock (8) (8)
Disposal of treasury stock
Changes in application of equity method 1,772 1,772
Net changes of items other than shareholders' equity -
24 16 6,690 (8) 6,722Total changes of items during the period
Balance as of June 30, 2007 $56,618 $55,098 $117,602 $(12,382) $216,936