Energy Conservation Audit and Disclosure OrdinanceThe City of Austin Energy Conservation Audit and Variance Disclosure (ECAD) Ordinance, Austin City Code In addition to the exemptions listed, a home may Chapter 6-7, is designed to help meet goals of the City of receive a variance if it meets one of the following conditions:Austin Climate Protection Plan to offset 800 megawatts of n No later than six months after the sale, the buyer applies for peak energy demand by 2020, contributing to a reduction in a permit to demolish the home the carbon footprint of the Austin community. n The ordinance took effect June 1, 2009. a permit to substantially remodel the home To apply for a variance, go to wners selling a home located within the City and download Oof Austin and receiving electricity from Austin the appropriate variance form online, print out, fill Energy, the City of Austin’s electric utility, are required out, sign and mail to Director of Energy Efficiency to have a City of Austin ECAD audit unless the home Services, Austin Energy, 721 Barton Springs Road, meets one of the following: Austin, TX 78704.l Is less than 10 years old at the time of saleInformation on l Has participated in the Austin Energy Home Performance Energy Efficiency Improvementswith ENERGY STAR program, or an equivalent Austin Austin Energy will provide the dates of energy Energy program not more than ten years before the time efficiency ...