KPMG Global Survey of consumer markets executives









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Pour les deux tiers d’entre elles, l’impact des crises au Moyen-Orient, en Afrique du Nord et au Japon a été limité jusqu’ici mais la volatilité des prix des matières premières inquiète le secteur - Publication d’une étude internationale de KPMG.
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01 juin 2011

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CONSUMER MARKETS CFO Insights: A global survey of Consumer Markets executives KPMG INTERNATIONAL A report prepared by KPMG and CFO Research Services CONSUMER MARKETS CFO Insights: A global survey of Consumer Markets executives KPMG INTERNATIONAL A report prepared by KPMG and CFO Research Services CFO Insights: A global survey of Consumer Markets executives | 1 Contents Foreword 2 Executive summary4 Crisis in the Middle East, North Africa, and Japan: 6 Consumer businesses respond New modes of growth for consumer businesses 8 Margin pressure, demographic change, 11 and regulation Growing the business—a strategic outlook 17 KPMG’s final thoughts 24 About KPMG and the Global Consumer Markets practice 25 Contact us 25 About this report 26 © 2011 KPMG International Cooperative (“KPMG International”), a Swiss entity, and CFO Publishing LLC © 2011 KPMG International Cooperative (“KPMG International”), a Swiss entity, and CFO Publishing LLC CFO Insights: A global survey of Consumer Markets executives | 1 Contents Foreword 2 Executive summary4 Crisis in the Middle East, North Africa, and Japan: 6 Consumer businesses respond New modes of growth for consumer businesses 8 Margin pressure, demographic change, 11 and regulation Growing the business—a strategic outlook 17 KPMG’s final thoughts 24 About KPMG and the Global Consumer Markets practice 25 Contact us 25 About this report 26 © 2011 KPMG International Cooperative (“KPMG International”), a Swiss entity, and CFO Publishing LLC © 2011 KPMG International Cooperative (“KPMG International”), a Swiss entity, and CFO Publishing LLC 2 | CFO Insights: A global survey of Consumer Markets executives CFO Insights: A global survey of Consumer Markets executives | 3 Recovery and growth Shifting demographics and consumer behaviorForeword China, after years of sustained investment, moderniza- China continues to move from an export to a KPMG International is pleased to present CFO tion, improvements in logistics and communications, consumption economy; and significant increases Insights: A global survey of Consumer Markets exec- and political change, has become the world’s second in the growing middle class and consumer base in utives. This survey of just under 300 senior finance largest economy. This surge in growth in China, as emerging economies, as well as reemergence of executives from consumer markets companies well as in other developing nations, has positioned demand in the developed world, are expected to around the world examines the current state and consumer markets companies in emerging markets increase overall consumption of consumer goods. future outlook for companies in the retail, food, drink, to prosper. This growth in consumption is unlikely to be shared and consumer goods sectors. equally among all manufacturers and retailers. The In the more developed economies of the United companies that prosper will respond successfully to We began this research at the onset of 2011 by States, Canada, and Europe, finance executives see regulatory pressure, an aging population, widespread commissioning a study through CFO Research more tepid growth in the coming years. The economic use and influence of technology among consumers, Services to capture senior finance executives’ views recovery underway in these mature markets is driven, and the public’s increasing appreciation of health, on the current state of business and profits in the we believe, as much by external stimulation as by a and the environmental and social impact of their wake of the economic downturn, their performance natural correction of markets or an organic reemer- purchasing decisions. expectations, and the steps they are likely to take to gence of consumer spending. Although manufac- achieve their financial and operating goals in the year turers and retailers in the developed world expect The world’s consumer markets and the companies ahead. to see near-term growth primarily in their domestic that serve them are positioned for growth after a markets—aided in all likelihood by the wealth effect sustained downturn. But the industry is constantly Shortly after launching the first phase of our survey, of rising asset prices—it also comes as little surprise changing, and there are few simple answers to the democratic movements in North Africa and the that they see the greatest opportunities for growth complex challenges that lie ahead for these compa- Middle East introduced renewed uncertainty to global outside of their own regions in China, India, and nies. Retailers and manufacturers alike will need to trade, energy, and financial markets. Then in March, other developing nations. consider carefully how their markets, competitors, an earthquake in Japan brought the prospect of even and suppliers have been transformed in recent years further volatility and disruption to business activity Profit margin sustainability and how they can adapt their own operations and around the world. In the wake of the recession, many companies strategies to respond to these changes. that implemented cost-containment and efficiency Accordingly, we went back to the market in early April improvements say they emerged in a leaner and We would like to thank the executives who partici- with a supplementary survey to gauge and include stronger, or unchanged, position. pated in this study and we hope the findings are useful the executives’ views on the impact of these current as you address the challenges and opportunities you events on their businesses. Rising energy, input, and merchandise costs—identi- face. We at KPMG welcome the opportunity to discuss fied by 60 percent of respondents as the costs most this study and its implications for your business in the In the pages ahead, we share the findings from likely to be affected by the Middle East and Japan years ahead. both phases of the survey, revealing the executives’ crises over the next 12 months—will put renewed perspectives on prospects for growth and opportu- pressure on margins. nity, threats to market share and margins, and strat- egies for success. The results further disclose how Companies will need to effectively respond to shifts in demographics and consumer behavior, and these rising costs, as well as changes in consumer changes in the market and operating conditions, are spending, including increased cost-consciousness expected to impact consumer companies in both the and resistance to debt. Success will lie in companies’ Willy Kruh short and long term. abilities to sustain margin enhancement improve- Global Chair ments, as well as innovate both their products and Consumer Markets business models. KPMG © 2011 KPMG International Cooperative (“KPMG International”), a Swiss entity, and CFO Publishing LLC © 2011 KPMG International Cooperative (“KPMG International”), a Swiss entity, and CFO Publishing LLC 2 | CFO Insights: A global survey of Consumer Markets executives CFO Insights: A global survey of Consumer Markets executives | 3 Recovery and growth Shifting demographics and consumer behaviorForeword China, after years of sustained investment, moderniza- China continues to move from an export to a KPMG International is pleased to present CFO tion, improvements in logistics and communications, consumption economy; and significant increases Insights:
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