Fruit picking : national harvest guide 2013 (OZ)









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10th EDITION8th EDITION 2013 NATIONAL HARVEST GUIDE TABLE OF CONTENTS Acknowledgement The National Harvest Guide has been Introduction 1 produced with the fi nancial assistance of the General Information 2 Commonwealth Department of Education, Employment and Workplace Relations Harvest Trail 5 (DEEWR). However, DEEWR does not accept any responsibility for the contents of this publication and any actions taken in reliance of Handy Hints 8 its contents. New South Wales 9 Disclaimer Northern Territory 38 The National Harvest Labour Information Queensland 42 Service believes that all information supplied in this Guide to be correct at the time of South Australia 70 printing. A guarantee to this effect cannot be given however and no liability in the event of Tasmania 87 information being incorrect is accepted. Victoria 98 The Guide provides independent advice and no payment was accepted during its publication Western Australia 117 in exchange for any listing or endorsing of any place or business. The listing of organisations Wool Harvest 132 does not imply recommendation. Grain Harvest 138 This Guide does not take the place of current and accurate advice. For the latest information on harvest labour opportunities please WELCOME TO THE FREECALL 1800 062 332. NATIONAL HARVEST GUIDE Published Monthly updated text of this guide is also December 2012 10th Editionavailable ‘free of charge’ on the internet Revised
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TABLE OF CONTENTS Acknowledgement
The National Harvest Guide has been Introduction 1
produced with the fi nancial assistance of the
General Information 2 Commonwealth Department of Education,
Employment and Workplace Relations
Harvest Trail 5 (DEEWR). However, DEEWR does not accept
any responsibility for the contents of this
publication and any actions taken in reliance of Handy Hints 8
its contents.
New South Wales 9
Northern Territory 38
The National Harvest Labour Information
Queensland 42 Service believes that all information supplied
in this Guide to be correct at the time of
South Australia 70 printing. A guarantee to this effect cannot be
given however and no liability in the event of
Tasmania 87 information being incorrect is accepted.
Victoria 98 The Guide provides independent advice and
no payment was accepted during its publication
Western Australia 117 in exchange for any listing or endorsing of any
place or business. The listing of organisations
Wool Harvest 132 does not imply recommendation.
Grain Harvest 138 This Guide does not take the place of current
and accurate advice. For the latest information
on harvest labour opportunities please WELCOME TO THE
Published Monthly updated text of this guide is also
December 2012 10th Editionavailable ‘free of charge’ on the internet
November 2012
Click on ‘Download the National Harvest Guide
© National Harvest Labour information Service PDF’
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and reproduce this material in unaltered
* Note: the National Harvest Guide is in pdf
form only (retaining this notice) for your
format - please use appropriate software to
personal, non commercial use or within your
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organisation. Apart from any use as permitted
under the Copyright Act 1968 all other rights
are reserved.
FREECALL 1800 062 332Introduction
THE NATIONAL HARVEST LABOUR The National Harvest Telephone
FREECALL 1800 062 332
The Department of Education Employment This service operates weekdays from 8.00am
and Workplace Relations contracted MADEC to 8.00pm throughout the year, to answer
Australia to establish a National Harvest queries related to harvest labour and to
Labour Information Service to coordinate and connect callers to appropriate providers.
distribute information on harvest labour in Call Centre Operators are in contact with
Australia. The service commenced on 1 July growers, labour providers and job seekers.
The National Harvest Guide
As growers often have diffi culty fi nding The National Harvest Guide provides job
suffi cient workers at harvest time, this service seekers with concise and comprehensive
helps to match an itinerant pool of workers information about harvest work opportunities,
with variable seasonal work. A diverse range working conditions, transport and
of organisations, growers and job seekers use accommodation. It is available free of charge to
this service. job seekers across Australia, both in hard copy
and on the Harvest Trail Website
The National Harvest Labour Information
Service is operated by MADEC Australia.
Established in 1969 to explore the delivery of
alternative adult education programs to groups If you wish to provide feedback regarding your
or individuals in the community, MADEC experience on the Harvest Trail, or lodge a
Australia has established itself as a viable, complaint about an aspect of the Horticulture
community based organisation providing a Industry including wages, working conditions
range of services to regional communities. and/or accommodation, you have three
Employment and Harvest Labour Services options:
are currently delivered by MADEC Australia
sites extending across three states. This is 1. Complete a feedback form which is located
supported by MADEC’s Community College the front page of the Harvest Trail
Unit which delivers accredited and non- Website, Click on
accredited training. the tab on the left menu titled ‘Feedback’,
complete the feedback form and press the
The work of the National Harvest Labour ‘Send’ button. Please note that responses to
Information Service includes: emails can take up to fi ve working days.
Harvest Trail Website 2. Send your feedback/complaint via email to the National Harvest Labour Information
The website provides comprehensive Service at
information about harvest opportunities,
harvest locations, accommodation, transport 3. Contact the National Harvest Labour
and other requirements. Job seekers are Information Service on
referred to harvest vacancies listed by Job FREECALL 1800 062 332.
Services Australia Providers and growers.
If you are dissatisfi ed with how the NHLIS
responds to your concerns or feel that you
cannot discuss the issue with the NHLIS, you
can contact the DEEWR Customer Service
Line on 1800 805 260.
1FREECALL 1800 062 332
GENERAL INFORMATION can be repetitious and tiring.
From grape harvesting in Berri, to mango Crops are collected in various ways. Produce
picking in Darwin, each year thousands is often placed into buckets, tubs or lugs. It can
of people fi nd work helping to bring in the be cut, clipped or picked and placed into a bag
fruit and vegetable harvests. The Harvest strapped to the shoulders. On some occasions
Trail gives them the opportunity to combine produce can be harvested in bunches and
seasonal harvest work with travel around placed onto trays or placed into bins.
Start time is usually from early morning and
The Trail offers a way for anyone eligible to often the work is late into the day. Some
work in Australia, be they young, middle aged evening and night time work can be required,
or older to fi nance travel around the country. especially in the packing of produce harvested
By working and following the Harvest Trail job earlier in the day. There is often work
seekers from Australia and overseas fi nd a associated with the harvest in packing sheds,
great way to maintain a fi t and healthy lifestyle. canneries and other processing plants or
They are able to meet people from around factories.
Australia and the world. They can travel and
see Australia at their own pace while working HARVEST CROPS
and earning money.
There are a variety of crops listed on the
Harvest Trail. These are regularly being added
As you travel around Australia you might
to. The list of crops shows the towns where encounter different driving conditions and
these crops are grown and the approximate
traffi c laws to those you are used to. To keep
time during the year that labour is required for
yourself safe remember the following: you harvesting or other crop duties.
must wear a seatbelt in a passenger vehicle
(car, van or bus) whether you are the driver or a
There are other activities required for crop passenger; driving without a licence is against
production besides the picking of produce.
the law; do not use a mobile phone or device
These activities are available on the Trail and
while driving; observe speed limits at all times; include pruning and trimming vines and trees,
and you must wear a helmet when riding a
thinning and trimming fl owers and bunches and
general crop maintenance work.
There is of course not just one Harvest Trail, Most crops and harvesting jobs are very
but many. Harvest workers can choose to dependant on local weather conditions. The
circle the continent or follow the sun. They size of crops and when they are harvested are
can go south from the wet tropics of Far North often controlled by local weather during the
Queensland to Tasmania’s Huon Valley or year. Considerable variations can occur and it
east from Western Australia’s Margaret River is most advisable to check with local harvest
to the Riverina in NSW. In some locations services for correct information.
it is possible for workers to follow seasonal
activities through much of the year on a trail Some crops cannot be harvested whilst the
within kilometres of their doorstep. produce is wet and many others are affected
by very hot or extremely cold conditions to a
HARVEST WORK point where harvest is not possible.
Harvesting of fruit and vegetable crops around However, remember not to rely on general
Australia can often involve working individually, talk. ALWAYS contact a local harvest service
in pairs or teams. The job can involve climbing for up-to-date and accurate information. The
ladders, standing, kneeling, laying or sitting National Harvest Labour Information Service
while moving through the crop or undertaking a on FREECALL 1800 062 332, can help to
range of duties in a harvesting team. The work con

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