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Le téléchargement nécessite un accès à la bibliothèque YouScribe Tout savoir sur nos offres
of the
4th International Conference onl
San Francisco, California, USA "1519 August 1977
Transaction General Editors:
Thomas A. JAEGER ■ Bruno A. BOLEY
Vol. D. Structural Analysis of
Reactor Fuel Elements
Division D Coordinators:
G. MELESED'HOSPITAL, General Atomic Co., San Diego, Cal., U.S.A.
R. W. WEEKS, Argonne National Laboratory, Argonne, III., U.S.A.
Conference organization by:
International Association for Structural Mechanics in Reactor Technology
Commission of the European Communities, Brussels
in cooperation with: Bundesanstalt für Materialprüfung (BAM), Berlin
Bechtel Power Corp., San Francisco ■ Northwestern University, Evanston
General Chairman: Bruno A. BOLEY Organization Chairman: Scientific Chairmen: Thomas A. JAEGER
Northwestern University, Harvey F. BRUSH Bundesanstalt fur Material
Evanston, Illinois, USA Bechtel Power Corp., prüfung, Berlin, Germany
San Francisco, Calif., USA
Dep. Gen. Chairman: Thomas A.JAEGER Bruno A. BOLEY Conference Organisation by:
International Association for Structural Mechanics in Reactor Technology e.V.
Commission of the European Communities, Brussels
in cooperation with:
Bechtel Power Corp., San Francisco /Los Angeles, Cal., U.SA
Bundesanstalt für Materialprüfung (BAM), Berlin, Germany
EDS Nuclear Inc., San Francisco, Cal., U.SA
Electric Power Research Institute (EPRI), Palo Alto, Cal., U.SA
Franklin Inst.h Laboratories (FIRL), Philadelphia, Pa., U.SA
Massachusetts Inst, of Technology (MIT), Cambridge, Mass., U.SA
Northwestern University, Evanston, Illinois, U.SA
Nuclear Utilities Services (NUS) Corp., Rockville, Md., U.SA
Co-Sponsoring Institutions and Societies
Argonne National Laboratory, Argonne, III., U.SA
American Nuclear Society (ANS)
American Society of Civil Engineers (ASCE) n of Mechanical Engineers (ASME)
British Nuclear Energy Society (BNES)
Canadianr Association
European Nuclear Society (ENS)
Atomic Energy of Japan
Society of Engineering Science
Office of Naval Research (ONR)
Executive Committee
Bruno A. BOLEY, General Chairman and Scientific Chairman
Dean, The Technological Institute, Northwestern University, Evanston, Illinois 60201, U.S.A.
Harvey F. BRUSH, Organization Chairman
Senior Vice President, Bechtel Power Corporation, San Francisco, California 94105, U.SA
Thomas A. JAEGER, Scientific Chairman and Deputy General Chairman
Direktor und Professor, Bundesanstalt für Materialprüfung, Berlin (West) 45, Germany
Raymond K. APPLEYARD, C.E.C. Representative
Director General, Directorate-General 'Scientific and Technical Information and Information Management' (D.G.
Commission of the European Communities, Brussels, Belgium
F. CACCIA-DOMINIONI, C.E.C. Representative
Director, Nuclear and Energy Directorate
Directorate-General 'Industrial and Technological Affairs' (D.G. Ill)
Commission of the European Communities, Brussels, Belgium
Local Organization Committee
Harvey F. BRUSH, Chairman
Philip D. BUSH
Vice President, Kaiser Engineers, Oakland, Cal.
Professor of Engineering Science, University of California, Berkeley, Cal.
Manager, Applied Mechanics, Nuclear Fuel Department, General Electric Co., San José, Cai.
Chauncey STARR,
President, Electric Power Research Institute, Palo Alto, Cal.
Publication Management
Commission of the European Communities, Directorate-General for Scientific and Technical Information and
Information Management (D.G. XIII) - Dissemination of the Product of Research, Luxembourg TRANSACTIONS
of the
4th International Conference on
San Francisco, California, USA ■ 15 — 19 August 1977
Transaction General Editors:
Thomas A. JAEGER ■ Bruno A. BOLEY
Vol. D. Structural Analysis of
Reactor Fuel Elements
Division D Coordinators:
G. MELESED'HOSPITAL, General Atomic Co., San Diego, Cal., U.SA
R. W. WEEKS, Argonne National Laboratory, Argonne, III., U.SA
Conference organization by:
International Association for Structural Mechanics in Reactor Technology
Commission of the European Communities, Brussels
¡n cooperation with: Bundesanstalt für Materialprüfung (BAM), Berlin
Bechtel Power Corp., San Francisco ■ Northwestern University, Evanston
General Chairman: Bruno A. BOLEY Organization Chairman: Scientific Chairmen: Thomas A. JAEGER
NorthwesternUniversity, Harvey F. BRUSH Bundesanstalt für Material
Evanston, Illinois,USA BechtelPowerCorp.,Prüfung, Berlin, Germany
Dep. Gen. Chairman: Thomas A. JAEGER SanFrancisco<Ca,ifUSABruno A> BOLEY LEGAL NOTICE
The Commission of the European Communities is not responsible for the use which could be made
of the following information.
©Copyright CECA, CEE, CEEA Luxembourg, 1977
All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system,
or transmitted, in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording or
otherwise, without the prior permission of the copyright owner. TOPICAL GROUPING OF THE CONFERENCE SESSIONS
Division B. Thermal and Fluid/Structure Dynamics Analysis
Β 1. Computational Methods I
Β 2.ls II
Β 3. Free and Forced Vibrations
Β 4. Blowdown Suppression I
Β 5.nn II
Division C. Structural Analysis of Reactor Fuel and Cladding
C 1. Modeling and Analyses I
C 2.g ands II
C 3. Material Properties and Failure Criteria
C 4. LMFBR-Fuel Rod Modeling and Analyses
Division D. Structural Analysis of Reactor Fuel Elements
D 1. Fuel Rod Analysis
D 2. Subassemblys
D 3. Local Effects (incl. Vibrations)
D 4. Accident and Seismic Response Analysis
D 5. Graphite Fuel Element Analysis
Division E. Structural Dynamics in Fast Reactor Accident Analysis
E 1. Analyses and Codes for LMFBR Containment
E 2. LMFBR Components Response to HCDA
E 3. Subassembly Response to Abnormal Conditions
E 4. Treatment of Dynamic Effects in LMFBR
E 5. Large Sodium-Water Reactions and their Consequences
E 6. LMFBR Containment Materials Problems
Division F. Structural Analysis of Reactor Core and Coolant Circuit Structures
Fl. Piping and Components I
F 2.g ands II
F 3. Piping Dynamic Behavior I
F 4.gcr II
F 5. Reactor Intervals General/Reactor Internal Vibrations
F 6. Flow Induced Vibration
F 7. Fracture Mechanics - Pipes and Tubes I
F 8.es -s ands II
F 9. Heat Exchangers
Division G. Structural Analysis of Steel Reactor Pressure Vessels
Gl. Fracture Mechanics - General
G 2.es - Elasto-Plastic and Plastic
G 3. Fracture Mechanics - More Detailed Aspects of Elastic-Plastic Analysis
G 4.es - Computational Methods G 5. Fracture Mechanics - Some Detailed Analytical Aspects
G 6. Probabilistic Fracture Mechanics
G 7. Stress Analysis - General
G 8.s Analysis - Specific Geometries
G 9. Stresss - Thermal Shock and Fault Conditions/Thermal Effects
Division H. Structural Engineering of Prestressed Reactor Pressure Vessels
H 1. General Design of Prestressed Concrete Pressure Vessels/Prestressed Cast
Iron Pressure Vessels
H 2. Structural Analysis of Prestressed Concrete Reactor Vessels I
H 3.ls ofders II
H 4. Comparisons of Theory with Experimental Data
H 5. Materials Properties Characterization
H 6. Design of Penetrations, Closures and Liners for Prestressed Concrete Reac
tor Vessels
Division J. Loading Conditions and Structural Analysis of Reactor Containment
J 1. Containment Concepts and Probabilistic Safety Assessment
J 2. Underground and Floating Nuclear Power Plants
J 3. Design and Analysis of Concrete Containments and Internal Structures
J 4. Effects of Temperature and Cracking on Concrete Structural Ele
ments/Structural and Leak Rate Testing
J 5. Design and Analysis of Containment Openings and Penetrations/Design
and Analysis of Metal Containments and Liner Plates
J 6. BWR Containment Analysis for LOCA and SRV Leads/Design and An
alysis of Spent Fuel Pools and Containments
J 7. Missile Impact and Transient Loads
J 8. Design and Analysis for Aircraft Impact
J 9. Equipment Response tot Impact/Special Cases of Impact Loading
J 10. Design and Analysis for Tornado Missile Impact/Design and Analysis for
Blast Loading
Division K. Seismic Response Analysis of Nuclear Power Plant Systems
K 11. Ground Motion and Design Criteria I
K.1 n.dn andna II
K 21. Soil Structure Interaction I
K 2 ii. Soilen II
K 31. Dynamic Modeling of Structures, Systems and Components I
K 3 n.cg of,s and Components II
K 41. Seismic Response of Structures I
K 4 a.ce ofs II
K 5. Seismic Response of Fluid Containers
K 61.ce of Piping and Equipment I
K 6 n. Seismic Response ofg andt II
K 7.ce of Reactor Core Structures
K 81. Dynamic Tests and Qualifications of Structures, Systems and Components
K 8 n. Dynamic Tests ands of Structures, Systems ands
K 9. Design Considerations of Structures, Syste