Submission for OMB Review; Comment Request-Safety Standard for Cigarette Lighters, September 21, 2009








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Federal Register/Vol. 74, No. 181/Monday, September 21, 2009/Notices 48065 The CPSC staff estimates that the SUMMARY: Pursuant to the Paperwork manufacturers, importers and private annualized cost to all respondents is Reduction Act of 1995 (44 U.S.C. labelers of mowers subject to the approximately $2,300.84 based on an Chapter 35), the Consumer Product standard to test mowers for compliance hourly wage of $47.44 per hour ($47.44 Safety Commission (Commission) with the standard, and to maintain × 48.5). (Bureau of Labor Statistics announces that it has submitted to the records of that testing. The records of (‘‘BLS’’), December 2008, all workers, Office of Management and Budget testing and other information required service, management, professional, and (OMB) a request for extension of by the certification regulations allow the related). approval of a collection of information Commission to determine that walk- The CPSC staff estimates that it will associated with the Commission’s safety behind power mowers subject to the take an average of 2.5 hours to review standard for walk-behind power lawn standard comply with its requirements. the information collected from the oral mowers. This information also enables the communications with pool owners/ Commission to obtain corrective actions DATES: Written comments on this operators or staff. The annual cost to the if mowers fail to comply with the request for extension of approval of Federal government of the ...
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Federal RegisterSeptember 21, 2009/ Monday,/ Notices74, No. 181/ Vol.
The CPSC staff estimates that theSUMMARY:manufacturers, importers and privatePursuant to the Paperwork annualized cost to all respondents isReduction Act of 1995 (44 U.S.C.labelers of mowers subject to the approximately $2,300.84 based on anChapter 35), the Consumer Productstandard to test mowers for compliance hourly wage of $47.44 per hour ($47.44Safety Commission (Commission)with the standard, and to maintain ×48.5). (Bureau of Labor Statisticsrecords of that testing. The records ofannounces that it has submitted to the (‘‘BLS’’), December 2008, all workers,Office of Management and Budgettesting and other information required service, management, professional, and(OMB) a request for extension ofby the certification regulations allow the related). approvalof a collection of informationCommission to determine that walk The CPSC staff estimates that it will associated with the Commission’s safetybehind power mowers subject to the take an average of 2.5 hours to review standard for walkbehind power lawnstandard comply with its requirements. the information collected from the oral mowers. Thisinformation also enables the communications with pool owners/ Commission to obtain corrective actions DATES:Written comments on this operators or staff. The annual cost to the if mowers fail to comply with the request for extension of approval of Federal government of the collection of standard in a manner that creates a information collection requirements information in these regulations is substantial risk of injury to the public. should be submitted by October 21, estimated to be $19,361.21. This is 2009. Additional Information About the based on an average wage rate of $55.97 Request for Extension of Approval of a (the equivalent of a GS–14 Step 5ADDRESSES:Written comments on this Collection of Information employee). This represents 70.1 percentrequest for extension of approval of of total compensation with aninformation collection requirements Agency address:Consumer Product additional 29.9 percent coming fromshould be captioned ‘‘WalkBehind Safety Commission, 4330 East West benefits (BLS, September 2008,Power Lawn Mowers’’ and submitted by Highway, Bethesda, MD 20814. percentage total benefits for all civilianOctober 21, 2009 to (1) The Office ofTitle of information collection:Safety management, professional, and relatedInformation and Regulatory Affairs,Standard for WalkBehind Power Lawn employees), or $79.84×Attn: OMB Desk Officer for CPSC, OfficeMowers, 16 CFR part 1205.242.5 hours. of Management and Budget, WashingtonType of request:Extension of approval C. Request for Comments DC 20503; telephone: (202) 395–7340,without change. The Commission solicits written and (2) the Office of the Secretary,General description of respondents: comments from all interested persons Consumer Product Safety Commission,Manufacturers, importers, and private about the proposed collection of 4330 East West Highway, Bethesda, MDlabelers of walkbehind power lawn information. The Commission 20814, by email atcpsc,or mowers. specifically solicits information relevant by mail or by facsimile at (301) 504–Estimated number of respondents:20 to the following topics: 0127. peryear. Whether the collection of Estimated average number of hours FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: information described above is per respondent:390 per year. Copies of this request for extension of necessary for the proper performance of Estimated number of hours for all the information collection requirements the Commission’s functions, including respondents (testing and and supporting documentation are whether the information would have recordkeeping):7,800 per year. available from Linda Glatz, Division of practical utility; Estimated number of hours for all Policy and Planning, Office of Whether the estimated burden of respondents (labeling):2,600 per year. Information Technology and the proposed collection of information Estimated cost of collection for all Technology Services, Consumer Product is accurate; respondents (testing, recordkeeping, Whether the quality, utility, andSafety Commission, 4330 East West and labeling):$498,626 per year. clarity of the information to be collectedHighway, Bethesda, MD 20814; Dated: September 16, 2009. could be enhanced; andtelephone: (301) 504–7671 or by email Todd A. Stevenson, toWhether the burden imposed by collection of information could beSecretary, Consumer Product Safety SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION:In the minimized by use of automated,Commission. Federal Registerof July 13, 2009 (74 FR electronic or other technological[FR Doc. E9–22663 Filed 9–18–09; 8:45 am] 33417), the Consumer Product Safety collection techniques, or other forms ofBILLING CODE 6355–01–P Commission published a notice in information technology. accordance with provisions of the Dated: September 16, 2009.Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995 (44 CONSUMER PRODUCT SAFETY Todd A. Stevenson,U.S.C. Chapter 35) to announce the COMMISSION agency’s intention to seek extension of Secretary, Consumer Product Safety Commission.approval of the collection of information Submission for OMB Review; required in the Safety Standard for [FR Doc. E9–22674 Filed 9–18–09; 8:45 am] Comment Request—Safety Standard WalkBehind Power Lawn Mowers (16 BILLING CODE 6355–01–P for Cigarette Lighters CFR part 1205). One comment was received in support of the proposedAGENCY:Consumer Product Safety CONSUMER PRODUCT SAFETYCommission.collection of information in response to COMMISSIONthat notice. ACTION:Notice. The Safety Standard for WalkBehind Submission for OMB Review; Power Lawn Mowers establishesSUMMARY:Pursuant to the Paperwork Comment Request—Safety Standard performance and labeling requirementsReduction Act of 1995 (44 U.S.C. for WalkBehind Power Lawn Mowers for mowers to reduce unreasonable risksChapter 35), the Consumer Product of injury resulting from accidentalSafety Commission (Commission) AGENCY:Consumer Product Safety contact with the moving blades ofannounces that it has submitted to the Commission. mowers. Certification regulationsOffice of Management and Budget ACTION:Notice. implementing the standard require(OMB) a request for extension of
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Federal Register74, No. 181/ Vol.September 21, 2009/ Monday,/ Notices
approval of a collection of informationcompliance with the standard, and aChapter 35), the Consumer Product associated with the Commission’s safetyphysical specimen of the lighter beforeSafety Commission (Commission) standard for cigarette lighters.the introduction of each model of lighterannounces that it has submitted to the DATES:Written comments on thisin commerce. Moreover, the regulationsOffice of Management and Budget request for extension of approval ofat 16 CFR 1210.14, allows for testing(OMB) a request for extension of information collection requirementspurposes, the comparison of a newapproval of a collection of information should be submitted by October 21,model to a previously tested model, asassociated with the Commission’s safety 2009. longas the differences between the twostandard for automatic residential do not adversely affect the childgarage door operators. ADDRESSES:Written comments on this resistance feature or design of the DATES:Written comments on this request for extension of approval of lighter. request for extension of approval of information collection requirements The Commission uses the records of information collection requirements should be captioned ‘‘Cigarette testing and other information required should be submitted by October 21, Lighters’’ and submitted by October 21, by the certification regulations to 2009. 2009 to (1) the Office of Information and determine that disposable and novelty Regulatory Affairs, Attn: OMB Desk ADDRESSES:Written comments on this lighters have been tested and certified Officer for CPSC, Office of Management request for extension of approval of for compliance with the standard by the and Budget, Washington, DC 20503; information collection requirements manufacturer or importer. The telephone: (202) 395–7340, and (2) the should be captioned ‘‘Residential Commission also uses this information Office of the Secretary, by email at Garage Door Operators’’ and submitted to obtain corrective actions if disposable cpscos@cpsc.govor sent to the Office of by October 21, 2009 to (1) the Office of or novelty lighters fail to comply with the Secretary, Consumer Product Safety Information and Regulatory Affairs, the standard in a manner that creates a Commission, 4330 East West Highway, Attn: OMB Desk Officer for CPSC, Office substantial risk of injury to the public. Bethesda, MD 20814. Written comments of Management and Budget, Washington may also be sent by facsimile at (301) Additional Information About the DC 20503; telephone: (202) 395–7340, 504–0127. Request for Extension of Approval of a and (2) the office of the Secretary, 4330 FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT:Collection of Information East West Highway, Bethesda, MD Copies of this request for extension of 20814 by email atcpscos@cpsc.govor Agency address:Consumer Product the information collection requirements sent to that address. Written comments Safety Commission, 4330 East West and supporting documentation are may also be sent to the Office of the Highway, Bethesda, MD 20814. available from Linda Glatz, Division of Secretary by facsimile at (301) 504– Title of information collection:Safety Policy and Planning, Office of 0127. Standard for Cigarette Lighters, 16 CFR Information Technology and Part 1210. FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: Technology Services, Consumer Product Type of request:Extension of approval Copies of this request for extension of Safety Commission, 4330 East West without change. the information collection requirements Highway, Bethesda, MD 20814; General description of respondents: and supporting documentation are telephone: (301) 504–7671 or by email Manufacturers and importers of available from Linda Glatz, Division of disposable and novelty cigarette Policy and Planning, Office of SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION:In the lighters. Information Technology and Federal Registerof July 8, 2009 (74 FR Estimated number of respondents:20 Technology Services, Consumer Product 32573), the Consumer Product Safety per year. Safety Commission, Washington, 4330 Commission published a notice in Estimated average number of hours East West Highway, Bethesda, MD accordance with provisions of the for testing, recordkeeping, and reporting 20814; telephone: (301) 504–7671 or by Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995 (44 per respondent:5,500 per year. email U.S.C. Chapter 35) to announce the Estimated cost of collection for all agency’s intention to seek extension of:The SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION respondents:$200,000 to $501,000 per approval of the collection of informationConsumer Product Safety Improvement year. in the Safety Standard for CigaretteAct of 1990 (Pub. L. 101–608, 104 Stat. Dated: September 16, 2009. Lighters (16 CFR Part 1210). One3110) requires all automatic residential Todd A. Stevenson, comment was received in response togarage door openers manufactured after Secretary, Consumer Product Safety the July 8, 2009 notice, stating that theJanuary 1, 1993, to comply with the Commission. continued testing and data collectionentrapment protection requirements of [FR Doc. E9–22664 Filed 9–18–09; 8:45 am] should not be collected annually sinceUL Standard 325 that were in effect on BILLING CODE 6355–01–P it is unlikely that new lighters areJanuary 1, 1992. In 1992, the manufactured differently than existingCommission codified the entrapment lighters. protectionprovisions of UL Standard CONSUMER PRODUCT SAFETY The regulations at 16 CFR part 1210,325 in effect on January 1, 1992, as the COMMISSION subpart B, do not require annual testingSafety Standard for Automatic or certification of each new lighter. TheResidential Garage Door Operators, 16 Submission for OMB Review; Safety Standard for Cigarette LightersCFR part 1211, subpart A. Certification Comment Request—Safety Standard requires disposable and novelty lightersregulations implementing the standard for Automatic Residential Garage Door to be manufactured with a mechanismrequire manufacturers, importers and Operators to resist operation by children youngerprivate labelers of garage door operators than five years of age. Certificationsubject to the standard to test their AGENCY:Consumer Product Safety regulations implementing the standardproducts for compliance with the Commission. require manufacturers and importers tostandard, and to maintain records of ACTION:Notice. submit to the Commission a descriptionthat testing. Those regulations are of each model of lighter, results ofSUMMARY:Pursuant to the Paperworkcodified at 16 CFR part 1211, subparts prototype qualification tests forReduction Act of 1995 (44 U.S.C.B and C.
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