Submission for OMB Review; Comment Request-Safety Standard for Omnidirectional Citizens Band Base Station








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Federal Register/Vol. 74, No. 181/Monday, September 21, 2009/Notices 48063 associated with the Commission’s safety distribution of electrically operated toys Office of Management and Budget standard for electrically operated toys and children’s articles. (OMB) a request for extension of and children’s articles. The records of testing and other approval of a collection of information information required by the regulations associated with the Commission’s safety DATES: Written comments on this allow the Commission to determine if standard for omnidirectional citizens request for extension of approval of electrically operated toys and children’s band base station antennas. information collection requirements articles comply with the requirements of should be submitted by October 21, DATES: Written comments on this the regulations in Part 1505. If the 2009. request for extension of approval of Commission determines that products information collection requirements ADDRESSES: Written comments on this fail to comply with the regulations, this should be submitted not later than information also enables the October 21, 2009. Commission and the firm to: (i) Identify ADDRESSES: should be captioned ‘‘Electrically specific lots or production lines of Operated Toys’’ and submitted by products which fail to comply with October 21, 2009 to (1) the Office of applicable requirements; and (ii) notify should be captioned ‘‘Citizens Band Information and Regulatory Affairs, ...
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Federal Register/ Notices74, No. 181/ Vol.September 21, 2009/ Monday,
associated with the Commission’s safetydistribution of electrically operated toysOffice of Management and Budget standard for electrically operated toysand children’s articles.(OMB) a request for extension of and children’s articles.The records of testing and otherapproval of a collection of information information required by the regulationsassociated with the Commission’s safety DATES:Written comments on this allow the Commission to determine ifstandard for omnidirectional citizens request for extension of approval of electrically operated toys and children’sband base station antennas. information collection requirements should be submitted by October 21,articles comply with the requirements ofDATES:Written comments on this 2009. theregulations in Part 1505. If therequest for extension of approval of Commission determines that productsinformation collection requirements ADDRESSES:Written comments on this fail to comply with the regulations, thisshould be submitted not later than request for extension of approval of information also enables theOctober 21, 2009. information collection requirements Commission and the firm to: (i) Identify ADDRESSES:Written comments on this should be captioned ‘‘Electrically specific lots or production lines of request for extension of approval of Operated Toys’’ and submitted by products which fail to comply with information collection requirements October 21, 2009 to (1) the Office of applicable requirements; and (ii) notify should be captioned ‘‘Citizens Band Information and Regulatory Affairs, distributors and retailers in the event Base Station Antennas’’ and submitted Attn: OMB Desk Officer for CPSC, Office those products are subject to recall. by October 21, 2009 to (1) the Office of of Management and Budget, Information and Regulatory Affairs, Washington, DC 20503; telephone: (202) Additional Information About the Attn: OMB Desk Officer for CPSC, Office 395–7340, and (2) the Office of the Request for Extension of Approval of a of Management and Budget, Secretary, Consumer Product Safety Collection of Information Washington, DC 20503; telephone: (202) Commission, Washington, 4330 East Agency address:Consumer Product 395–7340, and (2) the Office of the West Highway, Bethesda, MD 20814 by Safety Commission, 4330 East West Secretary, by email atcpsc email atcpsc, or by mail Highway, Bethesda, MD 20814.,or sent to the Office of the or by facsimile at (301) 504–0127. Title of information collection: Secretary, Consumer Product Safety FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: Requirements for Electrically Operated Commission, 4330 East West Highway, Copies of this request for extension of Toys or Other Electrically Operated Bethesda, MD 20814. Written comments the information collection requirements Articles Intended for Use by Children, may also be sent by facsimile at (301) and supporting documentation are 16 CFR Part 1505. 504–0127. available from Linda Glatz, Division of Type of request:Extension of approval FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: Policy and Planning, Office of without change. Copies of this request for extension of Information Technology and General description of respondents: the information collection requirements Technology Services, Consumer Product Manufacturers and importers of and supporting documentation are Safety Commission, Washington, 4330 electrically operated toys and children’s available from Linda Glatz, Division of East West Highway, Bethesda, MD articles. Policy and Planning, Office of 20814; telephone: (301) 504–7671 or by Estimated number of respondents:40 Information Technology and email per year. Technology Services, Consumer Product SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION:In the Estimated average number of hours Safety Commission, 4330 East West Federal Registerof July 8, 2009 (74 FR per respondent (testing):6,400 per year. Highway, Bethesda, MD 20814; 32572), the Consumer Product Safety Estimated average number of hours telephone: (301) 504–7671, email: Commission published a notice in per respondent (recordkeeping and accordance with provisions of the labeling):1,800 per year. Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995 (44SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION:In the Estimated cost of collection for all U.S.C. Chapter 35) to announce theFederal Registerof July 8, 2009 (74 FR respondents:$400,084 per year. agency’s intention to seek extension of32571), the Consumer Product Safety Dated: September 16, 2009. approval of the collection of informationCommission published a notice in Todd A. Stevenson, required in the Requirements foraccordance with provisions of the Secretary, Consumer Product Safety Electrically Operated Toys or OtherPaperwork Reduction Act of 1995 (44 Commission. Electrically Operated Articles IntendedU.S.C. Chapter 35) to announce the [FR Doc. E9–22666 Filed 9–18–09; 8:45 am] for Use by Children (16 CFR part 1505).agency’s intention to seek extension of No comments were received in responseapproval of the collection of information BILLING CODE 6355–01–P to that notice.required in the Safety Standard for The regulations in Part 1505 establishOmnidirectional Citizens Band Base CONSUMER PRODUCT SAFETY performance and labeling requirementsStation (16 CFR Part 1204). No COMMISSION for electrically operated toys andcomments were received in response to children’s articles to reducethat notice. Submission for OMB Review; unreasonable risks of injury to childrenThe Safety Standard for Comment Request—Safety Standard from electric shock, electrical burns,Omnidirectional Citizens Band Base for Omnidirectional Citizens Band and thermal burns associated with thoseStation Antennas establishes Base Station Antennas products. Section 1505.4(a)(3) of theperformance requirements for omnidirectional citizens band base regulations requires manufacturers andAGENCY:Consumer Product S afety importers of electrically operated toysstation antennas to reduce unreasonable Commission. and children’s articles to maintainrisks of death and injury which may ACTION:Notice. records for three years containingresult if an antenna contacts overhead information about: (1) Material andSUMMARY:Pursuant to the Paperworkpower lines while being erected or production specifications; (2) theReduction Act of 1995 (44 U.S.C.removed from its site. Certification quality assurance program used; (3)Chapter 35), the Consumer Productregulations implementing the standard results of all tests and inspectionsSafety Commission (Commission)require manufacturers, importers, and conducted; and (4) sales andannounces that it has submitted to theprivate labelers of antennas subject to
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Federal Register/ Vol.September 21, 2009/ Notices74, No. 181/ Monday,
the standard to test antennas forBaker Pool and Spa Safety Act. Themanufactured, distributed, or entered compliance with the standard, and toCommission will consider all commentsinto commerce in the United States maintain records of that testing.received in response to this noticeshall conform to the entrapment The records of testing and otherbefore requesting approval of thisprotection standards of the ASME/ANSI information required by the certificationcollection of information from the OfficeA112.19.8 performance standard or any regulations allow the Commission toof Management and Budget.successor standard regulating such determine that antennas subject to theswimming pool or drain cover pursuant DATES:Written comments must be standard comply with its section 1404(b) of the Act (‘‘Drain received by the Office of the Secretary This information would also enable theCover Standard’’). In addition to the not later than November 20, 2009. Commission to obtain corrective actionsantientrapment devices or systems, ADDRESSES:You may submit comments, if omnidirectional citizens band baseeach public pool and spa in the United identified by Docket No. CPSC–2009– station antennas failed to comply withStates with a single main drain other 0073, by any of the following methods: than an unblockable drain is required to the standard in a manner which creates Submit electronic comments in the be equipped with 1 or more of the a substantial risk of injury to the public. following way: following devices and systems designed Federal eRulemaking Portal: http:// Additional Information About the to prevent entrapment by pool or spa the Request for Extension Of Approval of a drains: safety vacuum release system; instructions for submitting comments. Collection of Information suctionlimiting vent system; gravity To ensure timely processing of Agency address:drainage system; automatic pump shutConsumer Product comments, the Commission is no longer Safety Commission, 4330 East Westoff system or drain disablement. The accepting comments submitted by Highway, Bethesda, MD 20814.Pool and Spa Safety Act is designed to electronic mail (email) except through Title of information collection:the tragic and hidden hazard ofSafety prevent drain entrapment and eviscerations in Standard for Omnidirectional Citizens Submit written submissions in the public pools and spas. Band Base Station Antennas, 16 CFR following way: The CPSC staff will use a Part 1204.Mail/Hand delivery/Courier (for ‘‘Verification of Compliance Form’’ to Type of Request:Extension ofpaper, disk, or CD–ROM submissions), collect the information necessary to approval without change.preferably in five copies, to:Office of the identify drain covers at pools and spas General description of respondents:Secretary, Consumer Product Safety that do not meet the requirements of the Manufacturers, importers, and privateCommission, Room 502, 4330 East West ASME/ANSI A112.19.8 performance labelers of omnidirectional citizensHighway, Bethesda, MD 20814; standard or any successor standard band base station antennas.telephone (301) 504–7923. regulating such swimming pool or drain Estimated number of respondents:5Instructions:All submissions received cover. CPSC investigators or designated per year.must include the agency name and state or local government officials will Estimated number of hours perdocket number for this notice. All use the form which will be filled out respondent:comments received may be posted220 per year. entirely at the site during the normal Estimated number of hours for allwithout change, including any personal course of the pool and spa inspection. respondents:1,100 per year.identifiers, contact information, or other Using the form, the inspectors will Estimated cost of collection for allpersonal information provided, to collect information regarding the pool or respondents:$60,400 per year. not spa facility; identify the type, location submit confidential business Dated: September 16, 2009. and features of the pool or spa; describe information, trade secret information, or Todd A. Stevenson, the drain covers, antientrapment other sensitive or protected information Secretary, Consumer Product Safety device/systems, sump or equalizer lines electronically. Such information should Commission. at the site; and report on whether any be submitted in writing. [FR Doc. E9–22671 Filed 9–18–09; 8:45 am] actions are necessary to bring the pool Docket:For access to the docket to BILLING CODE 6355–01–Por spa into compliance. read background documents or comments received, go tohttp://B. Estimated Burden CONSUMER PRODUCT SAFETYThe CPSC staff estimates that there FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT:For maybe approximately 97 inspections COMMISSION information about the proposedper year. Because the investigators will [Docket No. CPSC–2009–0073] collection of information call or writebe talking to either the pool owner/ Linda Glatz, Division of Policy andoperator or pool staff at the time of the Proposed Collection; Comment Planning, Office of Informationinspection and asking questions to help Request—Virginia Graeme Baker Pool Technology and Technology Services,complete the form, the CPSC staff and Spa Safety Act; Compliance Form Consumer Product Safety Commission,estimates that the burden hours for pool AGENCY:Consumer Product Safetyowners or pool staff to respond to the4330 East West Highway, Bethesda, MD Commission. 20814;telephone: (301) 504–7671 or byquestions will be approximately 0.5 email per inspection. Thus, the ACTION:Notice. estimated total annual burden hours for SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION: SUMMARY:respondents are approximately 48.5As required by the Paperwork A. Background Reduction Act of 1995 (44 U.S.C.hours (97 inspections×0.5 hours per Chapter 35), the Consumer ProductThe Virginia Graeme Baker Pool andinspection). Although respondents may Safety Commission (‘‘CPSC’’ orSpa Safety Act (‘‘Pool and Spa Safetyinclude either junior or senior pool staff, ‘‘Commission’’) requests comments on aAct’’) went into effect on December 19,CPSC staff based the annualized cost to proposed collection of information2008 (Pub. L. 110–140). The Pool andrespondents based on the compensation regarding a form that will be used toSpa Safety Act applies to public poolsfor managementlevel employees, since verify whether pools and spas are inand spas and requires that eachsuch employees may be the most compliance with the Virginia Graemeswimming pool and spa drain coverknowledgeable of the pool or spa used.
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