COMMONWEALTH OF PENNSYLVANIASPECIAL AUDIT OF:PART 1: TRAVEL ON AIRCRAFT OWNED OR CHARTEREDBY THE COMMONWEALTHPART 2: COMMERCIAL FLIGHTS BOOKED THROUGHTHE COMMONWEALTH TRAVEL CENTERFOR THE PERIODJANUARY 1, 1998, TO DECEMBER 31, 1999COMMONWEALTH OF PENNSYLVANIASPECIAL AUDIT OF:PART 1: TRAVEL ON AIRCRAFT OWNED OR CHARTERED BYTHE COMMONWEALTHPART 2: COMMERCIAL FLIGHTS BOOKED THROUGH THECOMMONWEALTH TRAVEL CENTERFOR THE PERIOD JANUARY 1, 1998, TO DECEMBER 31, 1999TABLE OF CONTENTSPageLetter to the Governor..................................................................................................................1PART 1: TRAVEL ON AIRCRAFT OWNED OR CHARTERED BY THE COMMONWEALTHBackground ..................................................................................................................................3Overview of Audit Findings.........................................................................................................3Finding No. 1 – The Flight Services Division Within the Department ofTransportation Billed Commonwealth Agencies at the Same Reduced Rate for BothBusiness and Nonbusiness Use of State Planes, a Practice That Resulted in TaxpayerSubsidization of Flights Made by the Governor and the Lieutenant Governor forPolitical or Personal Reasons......................................................................................................5Finding No. 2 – Although the Governor’s Office Frequently ...