Official Journal of the European Communities Debates of the European Parliament 1990-91 Session. Report of proceedings from 19 to 23 November 1990








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ISSN 0378-5041 Official Journal Annex of the European Communities No 3-396 English edition Debates of the European Parliament 1990-91 Session Report of proceedings from 19 to 23 November 1990 Europe House, Strasbourg General contents Sitting of Monday, 19 November 1990 Resumption of the session, p. 1 — Approval of the Minutes, p. 1 — Agenda, p. 2 — Protection of natural and semi-natural habitats (vote), p. 4 — Damage caused by waste, p. 7 — Money laundering, p. 12. Sitting of Tuesday, 20 November 1990 21 Approval of the Minutes, p.2 — Delegation of power of decision to committes (vote), p. 25 — Decision on urgency, p. 25 — Conformity assessment, p. 27 — Indirect taxation — VAT, p.8 — German unification, p. 42 — Votes, p. 48 — Question Time, p. 52 — German unification (continuation), p. 65 — Internal market and development of cooperation procedures between Parliament and the Council, p. 74 — Revision of the financial perspective, p. 84 — EUROFORM and NOW initiatives, p. 93. Sitting of Wednesday, 21 November 1990 106 Approval of the Minutes, p.7 — Decision on urgency, p. 108 — Question Time, p. 108 — Statement by the Commission on action taken on the opinions of Parliament, p. 121 — R&D programmes for telematic systems, the environment and marine science and technology, p. 122 — Votes, p. 132 — Shipbuilding, p.
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ISSN 0378-5041
Official Journal Annex
of the
European Communities
No 3-396
English edition Debates of the European Parliament
1990-91 Session
Report of proceedings
from 19 to 23 November 1990
Europe House, Strasbourg
General contents Sitting of Monday, 19 November 1990
Resumption of the session, p. 1 — Approval of the Minutes, p. 1 — Agenda, p. 2 —
Protection of natural and semi-natural habitats (vote), p. 4 — Damage caused by
waste, p. 7 — Money laundering, p. 12.
Sitting of Tuesday, 20 November 1990 21
Approval of the Minutes, p.2 — Delegation of power of decision to committes
(vote), p. 25 — Decision on urgency, p. 25 — Conformity assessment, p. 27 —
Indirect taxation — VAT, p.8 — German unification, p. 42 — Votes, p. 48 —
Question Time, p. 52 — German unification (continuation), p. 65 — Internal market
and development of cooperation procedures between Parliament and the Council,
p. 74 — Revision of the financial perspective, p. 84 — EUROFORM and NOW
initiatives, p. 93.
Sitting of Wednesday, 21 November 1990 106
Approval of the Minutes, p.7 — Decision on urgency, p. 108 — Question Time,
p. 108 — Statement by the Commission on action taken on the opinions of
Parliament, p. 121 — R&D programmes for telematic systems, the environment and
marine science and technology, p. 122 — Votes, p. 132 — Shipbuilding, p. 135 —
October 1990 European Council in Rome — Intergovernmental conferences —
Subsidiarity — Budgetary control — Financing of the Community, p. 138
Observers from the territory of the former GDR, p. 172 — Topical and urgent debate
(statement by the President), p. 172 — Votes (Single Act), p. 174 — Annex, p. 178.
(Continued overleaf) NOTE TO READER
Appearing at the same time as the English edition are editions in the eight other official
languages of the Communities: Spanish, Danish, German, Greek, French, Italian, Dutch and
Portuguese. The English edition contains the original texts of the interventions in English
and an English translation of those made in other languages. In these cases there are, after the
name of the speaker, the following letters, in brackets, to indicate the language spoken:
(ES) for Spanish, (DA) for Danish, (DE) for German, (GR) for Greek, (FK) for French,
(IT) for Italian, (NL) for Dutch and (PT) for Portuguese.
The original texts of these interventions appear in the edition published in the language-
Contents (continued) Sitting of Thursday, 22 November 1990 242
Approval of the Minutes, p.3 — Topical and urgent debate, p. 247 — Statement by
the Commission on the agricultural aspects of the GATT negotiations, p. 266 —
Agreement EEC-Hungary, Poland, Czechoslovakia, p. 279 — Fisheries, p. 284 —
Shipbuilding (continuation), p. 291 — Votes, p. 294 — Annex — Formal sitting,
p. 306.
Sitting of Friday, 23 November 1990 309
Approval of the Minutes, p.9 — Votes, p. 310 — Approved phyto-pharmaceutical
products, p. 313 — Fishery and aquaculture, p. 318 — Fats and olive oil, p. 320 —
Second stage of Portuguese accession, p. 321 — Community tourist statistics, p. 325
— Gulf crisis, p. 326 — Audiovisual, p. 327 — MIRIAM scheme, p. 333 —
Adjournment of the session, p. 335.
Resolutions adopted at sittings of ¡9 to 23 Noi'ember 1990 appear in the Official Journal of
the European Communities C 324, 24.12.1990. 19.11.90 Debates of the European Parliament No 3-396/1
1. Resumption of the session Mr Bettini, Mrs Garcia Arias, Mrs Diez de
Rivera Icaza
2. Approval of the Minutes
5. Damage caused by waste — report (Doc. A3-
Mr von Stauffenberg, Mr Tomlinson, Mr 272/90) by Mr Ferri
Mr Ferri, Mr Falconer, Mrs Braun-Moser,
Mrs Salema, Lord lnglewood, Mr Lannoye, 3. Agenda
Mr Vernier, Mrs Grund, Mr Ripa di Meana
Mr Ford, Mr Bangemann, Mr Ford, Mr (Commission)
L Smith, Mr von der Vring, Mrs Aglietta,
6. Money laundering — report (Doc. A3-273I Dessylas, Mr Prag, Mrs Ewing, Mr Seal, Mr
90) by Mr Hoon McMahon
Mr Hoon, Mr de Donnea, Mrs Vayssade, Mr
4. Protection of natural and semi-natural ha­
Garcia Amigo, Mrs Salema, Lord Bethell,
bitats (vote) — report (Doc. A3-254/90) by
Taradasch, Mr Lane, Mr Ribeiro, Mr
Mr Muntingh
Moretti, Mr Panella, Mr Zavvos, Mr De
Rossa, Mr Pinxten, Mr Bangemann (Commis­Mr Muntingh, Mr Cano Pinto, Mr Vernier,
sion) Mr Dillen, Mr Lane, Mr Monnier Besombes, 12
IN THE CHAIR: MR BARÓN CRESPO and Citizens' Rights was consulted on the legal basis. I
must point out that this was not the case.
Mr President, you will recall that we discussed this on
(The sitting was opened at 5 p.m.) the Thursday afternoon of the October part-session and
that I was informed that the committee must be
consulted on the legal basis. That was at 4.15 in the
1. Resumption of the session
afternoon. An announcement in the Chamber enabled
the Committee on Legal Affairs and Citizens' Rights to
PRESIDENT. — I declare resumed the session of the be convened, but the rapporteur and numerous other
European Parliament, which was adjourned on 26 members were unable to attend because of the very
October 1990. short notice given. In these circumstances it was
impossible to have a serious consultation and discussion
on what is, moreover, no easy subject. The Committee
2. Approval of the Minutes
on Legal Affairs and Citizens' Rights decided unanim­
ously on that occasion that an appropriate examination,
PRESIDENT. — The Minutes of the sitting of Friday, a consultation in other words, was not possible and
26 October have been circulated. recommended that Parliament defer its decision.
Arc there any comments ?
On the Friday Parliament decided not to comply with
this recommendation, of which it had been informed by
VON STAUFFENBERG (PPE), chairman of the the vice-chairman of the Committee on Legal Affairs
Committee on Legal Affairs and Citizens' Rights. —
and Citizens' Rights. The contention in the minutes that
(DE) Mr President, I have already written to you about the Committee on Legal Affairs and Citizens' Rights
the minutes of the sitting of 26 October, but I feel bound was consulted remains incorrect.
to request corrections to two items in the minutes. Both
corrections concern the resolution on Iraq and Kuwait, In its dealings with the Council and Commission
on which we have voted. According to the minutes, the Parliament has always emphasized — with good reason
resolution states that the Committee on Legal Affairs and with the backing of the Court of Justice — that No 3­396/2 Debates of the European Parliament 19.11.90
consultation on any legislation is not a formal act but a Labour Party to present apologies for non­attendance
serious business, in which it has the option of expressing today on behalf of Sir Christopher Prout. He is in
an opinion after the matter has been given serious London making an important announcement to the
consideration. What applies to Parliament as a whole Conservative 1922 Committee. In his absence could
must, of course, also apply to its various bodies or somebody scotch these terrible rumours that Mrs
sections. Otherwise it would be putting itself in the Thatcher has been abandoned by all...
wrong in its future dealings with the Community's other (The President cut off the speaker)
This being the case, the decision taken by the President ANDREWS (RDE). — Mr President, on a point of
in the Chair at that time that purely formal consultation order, I would refer to a series of resolutions which were
within a very short period without the possibility of the passed by Parliament over the years and to a report by
matter being given serious consideration can be Mr Bontempi for the Committee on Legal Affairs and
regarded as consultation pursuant to Rule 36 of the Citizens' Rights which Parliament requested the
Rules of Procedure cannot be upheld. committee to draw up on the question of the Birmin­
gham Six. As you are well aware, Mr Bontempi duly I would also point out, therefore, that Parliament's
reported quite favourably on this issue, but there has
Rules of Procedure have not been observed and that an
been no debate in Parliament on the result of his report
infringement of Rule 36 is bound to give rise to serious
on the Birmingham Six. As a result of various doubts about the validity of Parliament's decision on the
resolutions which have passed through this House,
grounds that it has not followed its own procedures. It is
there have been a number of calls for the release of the not for me to give a final answer. I can only say that as a
Birmingham Six on the basis of new evidence that is
general rule Parliament's decisions are valid only if
being produced practically each week and each day. We Parliament fully respects the Rules of Procedure it has
are now aware that the confessions and the forensic
laid down for itself and does not disregard them.
evidence on which they were convicted have been totally
What we expect of the other institutions in the Treaty and absolutely discredited. The Devon and Cornwall
— respect for the rules laid down in the Treaty by the Police have been

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