Official Journal of the European Communities Debates of the European Parliament 1978-1979 Session. Report of Proceedings from 10 to 14 April 1978








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ISSN 0378-5041 Annex Official Journal of the European Communities No 229 April 1978 Debates of the European Parliament English edition 1978-1979 Session Report of Proceedings from 10 to 14 April 1978 European Centre, Luxembourg Monday, 10 April 1978 Contents Resumption of session, p. 2 — Statement by the President, p. 2 — Appointment of a Member, p. 2 — Petitions, p. 2 — Documents, p. 2 — Authorization of reports — Referral to committee, p. 4 — Order of business, p. 5 — Urgent procedure, p. 7 — Speaking time, p. 7 — Procedure without report, p. 7 — Tabling of amend­ments, p. 8 — Action taken on Parliament's opinions, p. 8 — Equal treatment for men and women at work, p. 9 — Youth unemployment, p. 20 — Cocoa and choco­late products, p. 26 — Parliament's administrative expenditure during 1977, p. 29 — Next sitting, p. 29. Tuesday, 11 April 1978 30 Minutes, p. 32 — Authorization of reports — Reference to committee, p. 32 — Urgent procedure, p. 32 — Dumping, p. 34 — EEC-Comecon relations, p. 49 — Welcome, p. 54 — Question Time, p. 55 — Welcome, p. 62 — Votes, p. 62 — EEC-Japan trade relations, p. 64 — Committees, p. 73 — EEC-China trade rela­tions, p. 73 — Development of the customs union, p. 83 — Dealings in licences, p. 91 — Issuing of loans by the Commission, p. 93 — Next sitting, p. 110 — Annex, p. 111. Wednesday, 12 April 1978 112 Minutes, p.4 — Documents, p.4 — Court of Auditors organigramme, p. 114 — Welcome, p.
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ISSN 0378-5041
Annex Official Journal
of the
European Communities
No 229
April 1978
Debates of the European Parliament English edition
1978-1979 Session
Report of Proceedings
from 10 to 14 April 1978
European Centre, Luxembourg
Monday, 10 April 1978 Contents
Resumption of session, p. 2 — Statement by the President, p. 2 — Appointment of
a Member, p. 2 — Petitions, p. 2 — Documents, p. 2 — Authorization of reports
— Referral to committee, p. 4 — Order of business, p. 5 — Urgent procedure, p. 7
— Speaking time, p. 7 — Procedure without report, p. 7 — Tabling of amend­
ments, p. 8 — Action taken on Parliament's opinions, p. 8 — Equal treatment for
men and women at work, p. 9 — Youth unemployment, p. 20 — Cocoa and choco­
late products, p. 26 — Parliament's administrative expenditure during 1977, p. 29
— Next sitting, p. 29.
Tuesday, 11 April 1978 30
Minutes, p. 32 — Authorization of reports — Reference to committee, p. 32 —
Urgent procedure, p. 32 — Dumping, p. 34 — EEC-Comecon relations, p. 49 —
Welcome, p. 54 — Question Time, p. 55 — Welcome, p. 62 — Votes, p. 62 —
EEC-Japan trade relations, p. 64 — Committees, p. 73 — EEC-China trade rela­
tions, p. 73 — Development of the customs union, p. 83 — Dealings in licences, p.
91 — Issuing of loans by the Commission, p. 93 — Next sitting, p. 110 — Annex,
p. 111.
Wednesday, 12 April 1978 112
Minutes, p.4 — Documents, p.4 — Court of Auditors organigramme, p. 114
— Welcome, p.4 — European Council — Fight against terrorism, p. 114 —
Agenda, p. 145 — Question Time (contd), p. 145 — Legal policy, p. 153 — Votes,
p. 156 — Legal policy (contd), p. 158 — Fixing of agricultural prices, p. 166 —
Next sitting, p. 184 — Annex, p. 185.
(Continued overleaf) NOTE TO READER
Appearing at the same time as the English edition are editions in the five other official
languages of the Communities : Danish, German, French, Italian and Dutch. The English
edition contains the original texts of the interventions in English and an English transla­
tion of those made in other languages. In these cases there are, after the name of the
speaker, the following letters, in brackets, to indicate the language spoken : (DK) for
Danish, (D) for German, (F) for French, (I) for Italian and (NL) for Dutch.
The original texts of these interventions appear in the edition published in the language
Contents (continued) Thursday, 13 April 1978 187
Minutes, p. 189— Documents, p. 189 — Resolution under Rule 47 (1), p. 189 —
Agenda, p. 190 — Development of the Mediterranean regions, p. 190 — Question
Time (conclusion), p. 213 — Votes, p. 218 — Shipping regulations, p. 223 —
Agenda, p. 242 — Accession of Djibouti to Lomé Convention, p. 242 — EEC-ACP
Convention, p. 244 — Next sitting, p. 253 — Annex, p. 254.
Friday, 14 April 1978 258
Minutes, p.9 — Agenda, p.9 — Verification of credentials, p. 260 — Commit­
tees, p. 260 — Texts of treaties, p. 260 — Petitions, p. 260 — Procedure without
report, p. 260 — Resolutions under Rule 47 (5), p. 260 — Regional development
programmes, p. 261 — Agenda, p. 267 — Unemployment, p. 268 — Areas under
vines, p. 272 — Meeting of OECD agricultural ministers, p. 274 — Aid to hop-pro­
ducers, p. 274 — Budgetary policy for 1979, p. 275 — Fresh lemons, p. 280 —
EEC-Yugoslavia negotiations, p. 280 — Hot-water meters, p. 282 — Navigability
licences, p. 282 — Votes, p. 283 — Next part-session, p. 283 — Minutes, p. 284 —
Adjournment, p. 284.
Resolutions adopted at sittings of 10 to 14 April 1978 appear in the Official Journal of
the European Communities C 100 of 8. 5. 1978. Sitting of Monday, 10 April 1978
1. Resumption of the session 2 Mr Vandewiele, author of the oral ques­
tion 11
2. Statement by the President
Mr Vredeling, Vice-President of the
3. Appointment of a MemberCommission ; Mr Albers on behalf of
Socialist Group ; Mr Meintz, on behalf of
4. Petitions
the Liberal and Democratic Group; Mr
Yeats, on behalf of the Group of European 5. Documents received
Progressive Democrats ; Mr Squarcialupi,
6. Authorization of reports — referral to on behalf of the Communist and Allies
committee 4 Group; Mr Brown; Mr Vredeling; Mrs
Dunwoody ; Mr Vredeling 11
7. Order of business
Procedural motion : Mrs Kellett-Bowman 14. Statement by the Commission on unemploy­
Mr Glinne, Chairman of the Committee on ment among young people
Economic and Monetary Affairs; Mr Mr Vredeling, Vice-President of the
Nyborg; Mr Lange, chairman of the Commission ; Mr Van der Gun, Chairman
Committee on Budgets; Lord Bruce of of the Committee on Social Affairs,
Donington, Chairman of the Committee on Employment and Education ; Mr Adams,
Regional Policy, Regional Planning and on behalf of the Socialist Group; Mr
Transport 5 Bertrand, on behalf of the Christian-
Democratic Group (EPP); Mr Bourdellès,
8. Urgent procedure 7 on behalf of the Liberal and Democratic
Group ; Mrs Squarcialupi, on behalf of the 9. Limit on speaking time
Communist and Allies Group; Mr Vred­
10. Procedure without reporteling 20
11. Time limit for tabling amendments .... 8 15. Directive on cocoa and chocolate products
— Report by Mr Lamberts, on behalf of
12. Action taken by the Commission on the
the Committee on the Environment, Public
opinions of Parliament
Health and Consumer Protection, (Doc.
Mr Vredeling, Vice-President of the
Commission 8
Mr Lamberts, rapporteur 26
Procedural motion: Mr Spicer; Mr Vred­
Mr Baas, on behalf of the Liberal and eling
Democratic Group; Mr Vredeling, Vice-
13. Equal treatment for men and women at President of the Commission8
work — Joint debate on a report by Mrs
16. Administrative expenditure of Parliament
Dunwoody, on behalf of the Committee on
during the financial year 1977 — Report
Social Affairs, Employment and Education
by Mr Cointat, on behalf of the Committee
(Doc. 6/78) and an oral question with
on Budgets (Doc. 14/78) 29 debate (Doc. 21/78)
Mrs Dunwoody, rapporteur 9 17. Agenda for the next sittingDebates of the European Parliament
IN THE CHAIR : MR COLOMBO in Rule 48 (2) of the Rules of Procedure and, pursuant
to paragraph 3 of that same rule, referred to the
President Committee on the Rules of Procedure and Petitions.
(The sitting was opened at 5.10 p.m.)
5. Documents received
President. — The sitting is open.
President. — I have received :
(a) from the Council, requests for an opinion on the
1. Resumption of the session
following Commission proposals and communica­
tions : President. — I declare resumed the session of the
European Parliament adjourned on 17 March 1978. — proposal for a directive relating to the approximation
of the laws, regulations and administrative provisions
of the Member States concerning misleading and
2. Statement by the President unfair advertising (Doc. 8/78)
which has been referred to the Committee on the
President. — I have recieved the following communi­
Environment, Public Health and Consumer Protec­
cation from Mr Andersen, the President-in-Office of
tion as the committee responsible and to the
the Council of the European Communities :
Committee on Economic and Monetary Affairs and
I have pleasure in informing you that, in accordance with
the Legal Affairs Committee for their opinions ;
the wish expressed by the European Parliament in its
— communication on the introduction of a Community resolution of 16 February 1978, the European Council
aid system for intra-Community trade in power-sta­reached agreement at its meeting of 7 April 1978 in
tion coal (Doc. 9/78) Copenhagen on the date of elections to the European
Parliament by direct universal suffrage, which will be
which has been referred to the Committee on Energy
held from 7 to 10 June 1979.
and Research as the committee responsible and to the
1 propose to make a comprehensive statement to the Committee on Budgets for its opinion ;
European Parliament on 12 April 1978 concerning this
— proposal for a regulation opening, allocating and
decision and other subjects discussed by the European
providing for the administration of Community tariff
Council in Copenhagen.
quotas for certain wines having a registered designa­
tion of origin, falling within subheading ex 22.05 c of
the Common Customs Tariff, originating in Algeria
3. Appointment of a Member
(1978/79) — (Doc. 10/78)
which has been referred to the Committee on President. — On 4 April 1978, the Folketing of the
External Economic Relations as the committee respon­Kingdom of Denmark appointed Mr Ib Christensen a
sible and to the Committee on Agriculture and the Member of the European Parliament to replace Mr
Committee on Development and Cooperation for Jensen.
their opinions ;
Mr Christensen's credentials will be verified after the
— communication on the programme of work to be next Bureau meeting. In the meantime, he will take
carried out in the veterinary, zootechnical and animal his seat in Parliament and on its committees with the
protection spheres ; staff required f

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