Official Journal of the European Communities Debates of the European Parliament 1988-89 session. Report of proceedings from 10 to 14 October 1988








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ISSN 0378-5041 Official Journal Annex of the European Communities No 2-369 Debates of the European Parliament English edition 1988-89 session Report of proceedings from 10 to 14 October 1988 Europe House, Strasbourg Sitting of Monday, 10 October 1988 1 General contents Resumption of the session, p. 1 — Tribute, p. 1 — Waiving of parliamentary immun­ity, p. 4 — New United States trade bill, p. 5 — Common transport policy and the Mediterranean region, p. 11 Sitting of Tuesday, 11 October 1988 19 Decision on urgency, p. 21 — Protection of workers from the risks related to chemi­cal and other agents, p. 21 — Protection of workers from exposure to benzene, p. 25 — Proprietary medicinal products, p. 30 — Major accident hazards of certain indus­trial activities, p. 37 — Formal sitting, p. 40 — Question Time, p. 45 — Major acci­dent hazards of certain industrial activities (continuation), p. 58 — Cocoa and choc­olate products, p. 60 — Importation of minced meat and meat in pieces, p. 64 — Quality of air in indoor environments, p. 66 — Protection of pedestrians, p. 70 — Conservation of European wildlife and natural habitats, p. 76 — Protection of birds, p. 84 — International trade in endangered species of wild fauna and flora, p. 93 Sitting of Wednesday, 12 October 1988 96 AIM Community action, p.8 — Publication of annual accounting documents, p. 100 — Implementation of the Community budget for 1988, p. 103 — Legal gap in the time-share market, p.
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ISSN 0378-5041
Official Journal Annex
of the
European Communities
No 2-369
Debates of the European Parliament English edition
1988-89 session
Report of proceedings
from 10 to 14 October 1988
Europe House, Strasbourg
Sitting of Monday, 10 October 1988 1 General contents
Resumption of the session, p. 1 — Tribute, p. 1 — Waiving of parliamentary immun­
ity, p. 4 — New United States trade bill, p. 5 — Common transport policy and the
Mediterranean region, p. 11
Sitting of Tuesday, 11 October 1988 19
Decision on urgency, p. 21 — Protection of workers from the risks related to chemi­
cal and other agents, p. 21 — Protection of workers from exposure to benzene, p. 25
— Proprietary medicinal products, p. 30 — Major accident hazards of certain indus­
trial activities, p. 37 — Formal sitting, p. 40 — Question Time, p. 45 — Major acci­
dent hazards of certain industrial activities (continuation), p. 58 — Cocoa and choc­
olate products, p. 60 — Importation of minced meat and meat in pieces, p. 64 —
Quality of air in indoor environments, p. 66 — Protection of pedestrians, p. 70 —
Conservation of European wildlife and natural habitats, p. 76 — Protection of birds,
p. 84 — International trade in endangered species of wild fauna and flora, p. 93
Sitting of Wednesday, 12 October 1988 96
AIM Community action, p.8 — Publication of annual accounting documents,
p. 100 — Implementation of the Community budget for 1988, p. 103 — Legal gap in
the time-share market, p. 112 — Votes, p. 118 — Construction industry, p. 124 —
Transitional aids to agricultural income, p. 131 —Votes (Single Act), p. 140 — Wel­
come, p. 150 — Question Time, p. 150 — Action taken on the opinions of Parlia­
ment, p. 163 — Annexes, p. 165
Sitting of Thursday, 13 October 1988 202
Approval of the minutes, p.4 — Debate on topical and urgent subjects of major
importance, p. 208 — Community's relations with non-European members of the
CMEA, p. 230 — Transitional aids to agricultural income (continuation), p. 236 —
'Seville 1992', p. 239 —Winston Churchill-Jean Monnet Tunnel, p. 246 — Approval
of the minutes (continuation), p. 248 — Votes, p. 248
(Continued overleaf) NOTE TO READER
Appearing at the same time as the English edition are editions in the eight other official
languages of the Communities: Spanish, Danish, German, Greek, French, Italian, Dutch
and Portuguese. The English edition contains the original texts of the interventions in
English and an English translation of those made in other languages. In these cases there
are, after the name of the speaker, the following letters, in brackets, to indicate the lan­
guage spoken: (ES) for Spanish, (DA) for Danish, (DE) for German, (GR) for Greek,
(ER) for French, (IT) for Italian, (ML) for Dutch and (PT) for Portuguese.
The original texts of these interventions appear in the edition published in the language
Contents (continued) Sitting of Friday, 14 October 1988 256
Approval of the minutes, p.6 — Votes, p. 257 — Aid to hop producers for the
1987 harvest, p.9 — Technological developments in East and South-East Asia,
p. 259 — Adjournment of the session, p. 261
Resolutions adopted at sittings of 10 to 14 October 1988 appear in the Official Journal of the
European Communities C 290, 14. 11. 1988. No 2-369/1 10. 10.88 Debates of the European Parliament
1. Resumption of the session
Pimenta; Mr Lataillade; Mr Zahorka; Mr
2. Tribute: Kilby; Mr Rossetti; Mr Clinton Davis . . .
Mr West; Mr Andrews; Mr McMahon; Mr
Common transport policy and the Mediterra­
Pearce; Mr Ford; Mr Telkämper; Mr Tomlin-
nean region — Report (Doc. A 2-167/88) by
son; Mr Paisley; Mr Sutra de Germa; Mr
Mr Rossetti:
Suárez Gonzales
Mr Rossetti; Mr Sapena Cranell; Mr Anas-
3. Waiving of parliamentary immunity —
tassopoulos; Mr Romera i Alcazar; Mr San-
Report (Doc. A 2-191/88) by Mr Donnez: tana Lopes; Mr Nitsch; Mr Coderch Planas;
Mr Donnez; Mr Negri Mr Lagakos; Mr Coimbra Martins; Mr Mir­
anda da Silva; Mr Clinton Davis (Commis­4. New United States trade bill— Statement by
sion) the Commission :
Mr Clinton Davis (Commission); Mr Seeler;
Mr Mallet; Mr Cassidy; Mr Baillot; Mr
IN THE CHAIR: LORD PLUMB 1962 and Parliamentary Secretary in the Ministry of
Aviation in 1962. He was the President of the Econo­
mic and Social Committee from 1976 to 1978. He was
President a Member of the European Parliament from 1979 until
his death. Formerly a Vice-President of our Parlia­
ment and a member of the bureau of the European
(The sitting was opened at 5 p.m.) Democratic Group, he was also an active member of
the Committee on Economic and Monetary Affairs
and Industrial Policy. He will be remembered by his
many friends and colleagues as a doughty fighter and 1. Resumption of the session
a founder and a very energetic member of the Kanga­
roo Group.
PRESIDENT. — I declare resumed the session of the
A memorial service will be held for Basil de Ferranti in European Parliament which was suspended on 16 Sep­
London on 9 November and here in Strasbourg during tember 1988.
the next part-session.
I ask you to observe a minute's silence in his memory.
2. Tribute
(The House rose and observed a minute's silence)'
PRESIDENT. — It is my very sad duty to announce
the death on 24 September of our dear friend and col­
league, Basil de Ferranti.
Approval of minutes — Request for waiver of parliamentary
Basil de Ferranti was born on 2 July 1930. He was a immunity — Verification of credentials — Membership of
Member of Parliament in Westminster from 1958 to Parliament: See minutes. No 2-369/2 Debates of the European Parliament 10. 10.88
WEST (S). — Mr President, would you allow me to Is there any way we can ensure that Mr Paisley, who is
thank you for the representations you made to the considered by many to be an institutional terrorist,
South African Minister for Justice on behalf of this does not get the floor tomorrow for international
Parliament, at my request, regarding six South Afri­ publicity which would bring this House into disrepute?
cans who were due to be hanged last Tuesday,
4 October. Your intervention helped to bring about an (Applause from the right)
indefinite stay of execution for Mr Raymond Kozih
— on medical grounds we are told — but only a
PRESIDENT. — Mr Andrews, I can only tell you 30-day stay of execution for four others from the Ado
that we have taken every precaution possible to make Youth Congress, one of whom, Sybil Wonsih, is only
sure that when we receive His Holiness tomorrow 18 years old. Unfortunately, Michael Mensih who was
there will be no interruptions whatever. I hope the only convicted in March this year and whose lawyer
whole House will honour that position. said that all the legal procedures had not been
exhausted, was hanged on that day. It was also unfor­
tunate that according to your Deputy Director, whom
McMAHON (S). — Mr President, during the course I contacted on Thursday 29 September, you were not
of this week would the Chairman of the Committee on contactable on that day and, therefore, not able to
Institutional Affairs make a full, free and frank state­
make representation to South Africa on behalf of
ment to the House on the events surrounding the seven men due to be hanged on Friday, 30 September.
eccentric meeting which took place in Brussels the
Those men, of course, did die.
other week and which has been the subject of some
correspondence in the English press, in particular the
Mr President, I trust that you will continue to make speech by the Prime Minister of the United Kingdom
urgent representations on behalf of this Parliament for at Bruges. I also invite the Members of the European
the four who have only a 30-day stay of execution and Democratic Group, particularly Messrs Prag, Cassidy
also for an end to this judicial slaughter in South and Tuckman, who are mentioned in this correspond­
Africa. With South Africa at the top of the league table ence, to make personal statements under Rule 85 of
for executions — averaging some 150 per year — is the Rules of Procedure so that this House can have a
this not another reason why we should now press the clear and frank indication where Mrs Thatcher and
Council and the Commission to implement Parlia­ the Conservatives stand.
ment's policy adopted on 7 July calling for sanctions
against South Africa? Should we not also regret the
presence of the Commission at the Coaltran's 88th PRESIDENT. — That is completely out of order
conference in Rotterdam on 18 and 20 October, Mr McMahon. What you have just said is not a ques­
designed to share out the European coal market, and tion, it is merely a comment. There will be three
at which South African representation from the coal reports before this House during the second October
industry will be present? part-session from the Committee on Institutional
Affairs. That will be the proper occasion to raise these
matters; not now.
PRESIDENT. — Thank you, Mr West. We note the
points you make and they will be duly considered.

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