Before theFederal Communications CommissionWashington, DC 20554In the Matter of ))Application by Verizon New Jersey )Inc., Bell Atlantic Communications, )Inc. (d/b/a Verizon Long Distance), ) CC Docket No. 01-347NYNEX Long Distance company )(d/b/a Verizon Enterprise Solutions), )Verizon Global Networks Inc., and )Verizon Select Services Inc., for )Authorization To Provide In-Region, )InterLATA Services in New Jersey )COMMENTS ON BEHALF OF THENEW JERSEY DIVISION OF THE RATEPAYER ADVOCATEIN OPPOSITION TO THE APPLICATION OFVERIZON NEW JERSEY FOR AUTHORIZATION TO PROVIDEIN-REGION, INTERLATA SERVICES IN NEW JERSEYLawanda R. Gilbert, Esq. Blossom A. Peretz, Esq.Deputy Ratepayer Advocate RATEPAYER ADVOCATE Jose Rivera-Benitez, Division of the Ratepayer AdvocatethJoshua Seidemann 31 Clinton Street – 11 FloorElana Shapochnikov P.O. Box 46005Ava-Marie Madeam Newark, New Jersey 07101Janine Durand (973) 648-2690Asst. Deputy Ratepayer AdvocatesSUMMARYTelecommunications competition in New Jersey is weak and diminishing, with manycompetitive carriers going bankrupt and still others exiting the market. As this dispiritingdownward spiral plays out, Verizon’s co-CEO characterizes as a “joke” the fundamentalmechanisms of the Telecommunications Act of 1996, and other Verizon executives call forhigher barriers to competitive entry. Despite all this, in this proceeding Verizon-NJ hasrequested authority under section 271 of the 1996 Act to offer in-region, ...