MSHA - FedReg E9-5289 - Proposed Information Collection Request Submitted for Public Comment and Recommendations;








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Federal Register/Vol. 74, No. 53/Friday, March 20, 2009/Notices 11973 display a currently valid OMB control The following change has occurred petition filed by an official of a Missouri number. See 44 U.S.C. 3512. since the publication of the last notice State workforce office on behalf of regarding the State’s EB status: workers of The Doe-Run Company, St. This Notice revises the collections of • The 13-week insured Louis, Missouri. information contained in the ICR titled unemployment rate (IUR) for South The petitioner has requested that the Notice Requirements of the Health Care Carolina for the week ending February petition be withdrawn. Consequently, Continuation Coverage Provisions 21, 2009, rose above 5.0 percent and the investigation has been terminated. approved under OMB Control Number exceeded 120 percent of the 1210–0123. OMB has approved this Signed at Washington, DC, this 5th day of corresponding average rate in the two revision to the ICR pursuant to the March 2009. prior years. Therefore, beginning the emergency review procedures under 5 Richard Church, week of March 8, 2009, eligible CFR 1320.13. The public reporting Certifying Officer, Division of Trade unemployed workers will be able to burden for this collection of information Adjustment Assistance. collect up to an additional 13 weeks of is estimated to average approximately 7 [FR Doc. E9–5913 Filed 3–19–09; 8:45 am] UI benefits. minutes per respondent, including time BILLING CODE ...
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Federal RegisterMarch 20, 2009/ Friday,74, No. 53/ Vol./ Notices
display a currently valid OMB controlThe following change has occurredpetition filed by an official of a Missouri number.Seesince the publication of the last noticeState workforce office on behalf of44 U.S.C. 3512. regarding the State’s EB status:workers of The DoeRun Company, St. This Notice revises the collections of Louis, Missouri.The 13week insured information contained in the ICR titled unemployment rate (IUR) for SouthThe petitioner has requested that the Notice Requirements of the Health Care Carolina for the week ending Februarypetition be withdrawn. Consequently, Continuation Coverage Provisions 21, 2009, rose above 5.0 percent andthe investigation has been terminated. approved under OMB Control Number exceeded 120 percent of the 1210–0123. OMB has approved this Signed at Washington, DC, this 5th day of corresponding average rate in the two revision to the ICR pursuant to theMarch 2009. prior years. Therefore, beginning the emergency review procedures under 5 Richard Church, week of March 8, 2009, eligible CFR 1320.13. The public reporting Certifying Officer, Division of Trade unemployed workers will be able to burden for this collection of information Adjustment Assistance. collect up to an additional 13 weeks of is estimated to average approximately 7 [FR Doc. E9–5913 Filed 3–19–09; 8:45 am] UI benefits. minutes per respondent, including time BILLING CODE 4510–FN–P for gathering and maintaining the data Information for Claimants needed to complete the required The duration of benefits payable in disclosure. Interested parties are DEPARTMENT OF LABOR the EB program, and the terms and encouraged to send comments regarding conditions on which they are payable, the burden estimate or any other aspectMine Safety and Health Administration are governed by the FederalState of this collection of information, Extended Unemployment Compensation Proposed Information Collection including suggestions for reducing this Act of 1970, as amended, and the Request; Submitted for Public burden, to the U.S. Department of Labor, operating instructions issued to the Comment and Recommendations; Office of the Chief Information Officer, states by the U.S. Department of Labor. Health Standards for Diesel Attention: Departmental Clearance In the case of a state beginning an EB Particulates Matter (Underground Officer, 200 Constitution Avenue, NW., period, the State Workforce Agency will Metal and Nonmetal Mines) Room N–1301, Washington, DC 20210 furnish a written notice of potential or e entitlement to each individual who hasACTION:Notice. and reference the OMB Control Number exhausted all rights to regular benefits 1210–0123. SUMMARY:The Department of Labor, as and is potentially eligible for EB (20 V. Modelspart of its continuing effort to reduce CFR 615.13(c)(1)). paperwork and respondent burden Persons who believe they may be The Department has decided to make conducts a preclearance consultation entitled to EB or who wish to inquire the model notices available in program to provide the general public about their rights under the program modifiable, electronic form on its Web and Federal agencies with an should contact their State Workforce site: opportunity to comment on proposed Agency. and/or continuing collections of VI. Statutory Authority FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: information in accordance with the Scott Gibbons, U.S. Department of Authority:29 U.S.C. 1027, 1059, 1135,Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995 Labor, Employment and Training 1161–1169, 1191c; Public Law 111–5, 123 (PRA95) [44 U.S.C. 3506(c)(2)(A)]. This Administration, Office of Workforce Stat. 115; sec. 3001(a)(5), 3001(a)(2)(C), program helps to ensure that requested 3001(a)(7), and Secretary of Labor’s OrderSecurity, 200 Constitution Avenue, data can be provided in the desired No. 1–2003, 68 FR 5374 (Feb. 3, 2003).NW., Frances Perkins Building, Room format, reporting burden (time and S–4231, Washington, DC 20210, Signed at Washington, DC this 17th day of financial resources) is minimized, telephone number (202) 693–3008 (this March 2009. collection instruments are clearly is not a tollfree number) or by email: Alan D. Lebowitz, understood, and the impact of collection Deputy Assistant Secretary, Employeerequirements on respondents can be Benefits Security Administration.Signed in Washington, DC, this 13th day of properly assessed. March 2009. [FR Doc. E9–6131 Filed 3–19–09; 8:45 am] Currently, the Mine Safety and Health Douglas F. Small, Administration (MSHA) is soliciting BILLING CODE 4510–29–P Deputy Assistant Secretary, Employment andcomments concerning the extension of Training Administration. the information collection related to the DEPARTMENT OF LABOR[FR Doc. E9–6032 Filed 3–19–09; 8:45 am]30 CFR 57.5060, 57.5065, 57.5066, BILLING CODE 4510–FW–P57.5067, 57.5070, 57.5071, and Employment and Training 57.5075—Health Standards for Diesel Administration Particulates Matter (Underground Metal DEPARTMENT OF LABOR and Nonmetal Mines). Notice of a Change in Status of an DATES:Submit comments on or before Extended Benefit (EB) Period for South Employment and Training May 19, 2009. Carolina Administration ADDRESSES:Send comments to, Debbie [TA–W–65,287] AGENCY:Employment and Training Ferraro, Management Services Division, Administration, Labor. 1100 Wilson Boulevard, Room 2141, The DoeRun Company; St. Louis, MO; ACTION:Notice. Arlington,VA 22209–3939. Commenters Notice of Termination of Investigation are encouraged to send their comments SUMMARY:on computer disk, or via email toPursuant to Section 221 of the TradeThis notice announces a change in benefit period eligibilityAct of 1974, as amended, anFerraro.Debbie@DOL.GOV.Ms. Ferraro under the EB program for Southinvestigation was initiated on Februarycan be reached at (202) 693–9821 Carolina. 18,2009 in response to a worker(voice), or (202) 693–9801 (facsimile).
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Federal Register/ Vol./ NoticesMarch 20, 2009/ Friday,74, No. 53
FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: Statement’’ to view documentsDEPARTMENT OF LABOR Contact the employee listed in thesupporting theFederal RegisterNotice. ADDRESSESsection of this notice.Occupational Safety and Health III. Current Actions Administration SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION: Currently, the Mine Safety and Health[Docket No. OSHA–2009–0004] I. Background Administration is soliciting comments Diesel particulate matter (DPM) is a 1,3Butadiene Standard; Extension of concerning the proposed extension of probable carcinogen that consists of tiny the Office of Management and the information collection requirement particles present in diesel engine Budget’s (OMB) Approval of related to the health standard exhaust that can readily penetrate into Information Collection (Paperwork) requirements for the protection of the deepest recesses of the lungs. Requirements miners’ health related to Diesel Despite ventilation, the confined particulate matter for underground underground mine work environmentAGENCY:Occupational Safety and Health Metal and Nonmetal mines. may contribute to significantAdministration (OSHA), Labor. concentrations of particles produced by Underground mines are confinedACTION:Request for public comment. equipment used in the mine. spaces which, despite ventilation Underground miners are exposed toSUMMARY:OSHA solicits comments requirements, tend to accumulate higher concentrations of DPM than anyconcerning its proposal to extend OMB significant concentrations of particles other occupational group. As a result,approval of the information collection and gases—both those produced by the they face a significantly greater risk thanrequirements contained in the 1,3 mine itself (e.g., methane gas and other workers of developing suchButadiene Standard (29 CFR 1910.1051). respirable dust) and those produced by diseases as lung cancer, heart failure,DATES:Comments must be submitted equipment used in the mine (e.g., diesel serious allergic responses and other (postmarked, sent, or received) by May particulate). It is widely recognized that cardiopulmonary problems. 19, 2009. respirable particles can create adverse The DPM rule for underground Metal ADDRESSES:Electronically:You may health effects. This information and Nonmetal (MNM) miners submit comments and attachments collection is provided to the MSHA establishes a permissible exposure limit electronically athttp:// inspector and used by the agency to (PEL) to total carbon, which is a, which is the monitor the mine operator’s compliance surrogate for measuring a miner’s Federal eRulemaking Portal. Follow the with the health standard. exposure to DPM. The rule includes a instructions Online for submitting number of other requirements for theType of Review:Extension. comments. protection of miners’ health. Agency:Mine Safety and HealthFacsimile:If your comments, II. Desired Focus of Commentsattachments, are not longerAdministration. including than 10 pages, you may fax them to the MSHA is particularly interested inTitle:Health Standards for Diesel OSHA Docket Office at (202) 693–1648. comments that:Particulates Matter (Underground Metal Mail, hand delivery, express mail, and Nonmetal Mines).Evaluate whether the proposed messenger, or courier service:When collection of information is necessary OMB Number:1219–0135. using this method, you must submit for the proper performance of the Frequency:On Occasion.three copies of your comments and functions of the agency, including attachments to the OSHA Docket Office, whether the information will haveAffected Public:Business or other for Docket No. OSHA–2009–0004, U.S. practical utility;profit. Department of Labor, Occupational Evaluate the accuracy of the Respondents:173. Safety and Health Administration, agency’s estimate of the burden of the Responses:N–2625, 200 Constitution18,752. Room proposed collection of information, Avenue, NW., Washington, DC 20210. including the validity of the Total Burden Hours:3,331 hours. Deliveries (hand, express mail, methodology and assumptions used; Total Burden Cost (operating/ messenger, and courier service) are Enhance the quality, utility, and maintaining):$176,363. accepted during the Department of clarity of the information to be Labor’s and Docket Office’s normal collected; andComments submitted in response to business hours, 8:15 a.m. to 4:45 p.m.,this notice will be summarized and/orMinimize the burden of the e.t. collection of information on those whoincluded in the request for Office of Instructions:All submissions must are to respond, including through theManagement and Budget approval of the use of appropriate automated,include the Agency name and OSHA information collection request; they will electronic, mechanical, or otherdocket number for the ICR (OSHA– also become a matter of public record. technological collection techniques or2009–0004). All comments, including Dated at Arlington, Virginia, this 16th day other forms of information technology,any personal information you provide, of March, 2009. e.g.are placed in the public docket without, permitting electronic submissions John Rowlett, of responses.change, and may be made available A copy of the proposed informationDirector, Management Services Division.Online at collection request can be obtained by[FR Doc. E9–6030 Filed 3–19–09; 8:45 am]For further information on submitting contacting the employee listed in thecomments see the ‘‘Public BILLING CODE 4510–43–P ADDRESSESsection of this notice, orParticipation’’ heading in the section of viewed on the Internet by accessing thethis notice titledSUPPLEMENTARYMSHA home page (http://INFORMATION. and selecting ‘‘Rules &Docket:To read or download Regs’’, and then selecting ‘‘FedReg.comments or other material in the Docs’’. On the next screen, selectdocket, go to ‘‘Paperwork Reduction Act Supportingor the OSHA Docket Office at the
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