M ISSOURI MUNICIPAL & ASSOCIATE CIRCUIT JUDGES ASSOCIATION November 2004 benchmark “An Invaluable Experience . . . Into Human Nature” by Judge A. Rex Gabbert A municipal criminal and maintained his busy private practice Inside this issue: traffic docket usually consists of a while handling a morning session of Human Nature—Rex Gabbert 1& 2 high volume of cases with various the court that usually consisted of American Judges Association— 3 offenses and a diversity of per- 130 or more cases. With a high vol-Michael McAdam sons appearing before you as ei- ume of cases, the judge was compli-You Make The Ruling 4 ther defendants or witnesses. mented by the local media for his This high volume of cases, cou- “quick common sense judgment.” Premature Sentence Void 5 pled with the different offenses One reporter wrote: His face is a im-Board Update 5 and persons in each case and lim- mobile as the Egyptian Sphinx and ited time to thoroughly conduct no one can tell from his expression Admission of Dispatch Testimony 6&7 each case, may at times be frus- what is passing in his mind as he lis-Answers to You Make 8 trating or overwhelming to you as tens to testimony . . . then like a bolt The Ruling a judge. The experience is in it- from a clear sky he eases out ’90 and Board of Directors 9 self an education into human na- 100’ days [sentences] in a low and ture that you may not have en- modulated voice.” The docket con-Calendar of Events 10 countered ...