LEGAL COMPLIANCE MANUALCLAIMS AND DISBURSEMENTSIntroductionMunicipal transactions involving an account, claim, or demand made for any propertyor service w hich can be it emized in the ordinary course of business and disbursementsof municipal funds are covered in this section.“Municipality” for the purposes of this section means a county; local social servicesagency; county board of education for unorganized territory; school district; charterschool; town or home rule charter city of the second, third, or fourth class; or parkdistrict. This section also applies to statutory cities.In addition, Minn. Stat. § 471.425 (Prompt Payment of Local Government Bills), appliesto any home rule charter or statutory city, county, town, school district, politicalsubdivision, or agency of local government . It also applies to the Metropolitan Counciland any board or agency created under Minn. Stat. ch. 473.11/03 5-1Minn. Stat. Yes No W ork paperSection CLAIMS AND DISBURSEMENTS ReferencePart I. General Provisions - For Municipalities§ 471.38, A. Has every person or the person’s agent claiming payment putsubd. 1 such claim in writing (which includes an electronic transactionrecord) by items? B. Has each declaration for payment (described below ) been signedto the effect that such account, claim, or demand is just andcorrect and that no part of it has been paid? § 471.38, NOTE: The provisions of ...