Mine Safety and Health Administration (MSHA) - FR Doc 05-8842 - Proposed Information Collection Request








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23232 Federal Register / Vol. 70, No. 85 / Wednesday, May 4, 2005 / Notices Dated: April 27, 2005. ADDRESSES: Ms. Hazel M. Bell, U.S. functions of the agency, including Department of Labor, 200 Constitution Bruce Bohanon, whether the information will have Ave., NW., Room S–3201, Washington, practical utility; Chief, Branch of Management Review and DC 20210, telephone (202) 693–0418, Internal Control, Division of Financial • Evaluate the accuracy of the Management, Office of Management, fax (202) 693–1451, e-mail agency’s estimate of the burden of the Administration and Planning, Employment bell.hazel@dol.gov. Please use only one proposed collection of information, Standards Administration. method of transmission for comments including the validity of the [FR Doc. 05–8845 Filed 5–3–05; 8:45 am] (mail, fax, or e-mail). methodology and assumptions used; BILLING CODE 4510–27–P SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION: • Enhance the quality, utility and I. Background clarity of the information to be DEPARTMENT OF LABOR The Wage and Hour Division (WHD) collected; and of the Department of Labor (DOL) • Minimize the burden of the Mine Safety and Health Administration administers the Employee Polygraph collection of information on those who Protection Act of 1988 (EPPA), 29 U.S.C. are to respond, including through the Proposed Information Collection 2001 et seq. The EPPA prohibits most Request Submitted for Public use of appropriate automated, private employers from using ...
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Federal Register/ Vol./ Wednesday,70, No. 85/ NoticesMay 4, 2005
Dated: April 27, 2005. ADDRESSES:Ms. Hazel M. Bell, U.S.functions of the agency, including Department of Labor, 200 Constitutionwhether the information will haveBruce Bohanon, Ave., NW., Room S3201, Washington,practical utility;Chief, Branch of Management Review and DC 20210, telephone (202) 6930418,Internal Control, Division of Financial Evaluate the accuracy of the fax (202) 6931451, e-mailManagement, Office of Management, agencys estimate of the burden of the Administration and Planning, Employment bell.hazel@dol.gov. Please use only one proposed collection of information, Standards Administration. method of transmission for comments including the validity of the [FR Doc. 058845 Filed 5305; 8:45 am] (mail, fax, or e-mail). methodology and assumptions used; SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION: BILLING CODE 451027P Enhance the quality, utility and I. Background clarity of the information to be DEPARTMENT OF LABOR The Wage and Hour Division (WHD)collected; and of the Department of Labor (DOL) Minimize the burden of the Mine Safety and Health Administration administers the Employee Polygraph collection of information on those who Protection Act of 1988 (EPPA), 29 U.S.C. are to respond, including through theProposed Information Collection 2001et seq.The EPPA prohibits most use of appropriate automated,Request Submitted for Public private employers from using any lie electronic, mechanical, or otherComment and Recommendations; detector tests either for pre-employment Testing, Evaluation and Approval of technological collection techniques or screening or during the course of Mining Products other forms of information technology, employment. The Act contains an e.g., permitting electronic submissions exemption applicable to Federal, State ACTION:Notice. of responses. and local government employers. The EPPA also contains several limitedSUMMARY:The Department of Labor, as III. Current Actions exemptions authorizing polygraph testspart of its continuing effort to reduce under certain conditions, includingpaperwork and respondent burden, The DOL seeks an approval for the testing: (1) By the Federal Governmentconducts a preclearance consultation extension of this information collection of experts, consultants or employees ofprogram to provide the general public that requires the keeping of records by Federal contractors engaged in nationaland Federal agencies with an examiners and employers as necessary security intelligence oropportunity to comment on proposed or appropriate for the administration of counterintelligence functions; (2) ofand/or continuing collections of the Act and the provision of certain employees the employer reasonablyinformation in accordance with the notices to polygraph examiners and suspects of involvement in a workplacePaperwork Reduction Act of 1995 examinees. incident resulting in economic loss or(PRA95) [44 U.S.C. 3506(c)(2)(A)]. This Type of Review:Extension. injury to the employers business; (3) of program helps to ensure that requested some prospective employees of private Agency:Employment Standardsdata can be provided in the desired armored cars, security alarm and Administration. format,reporting burden (time and security guard firms; and (4) of some financial resources) is minimized, Title:Employee Polygraph Protection current and prospective employees of collection instruments are clearly Act. certain firms authorized to manufacture, understood, and the impact of collection distribute or dispense controlledOMB Number:12150170. requirements on respondents can be substances. The WHD may assess civil Agency Number:Notice to Examineeproperly assessed. money penalties of up to $10,000 Employer Polygraph Protection ActDATES:Submit comments on or before against employers who violate any (WH5, 2005.1481). July EPPA provision. DOL currently has no ADDRESSES:Send comments to U.S. Affected Public:Business or other for-printed public use forms associated Department of Labor, Mine Safety and profit, Not-for-profit institutions, Farms. with this information collection that Health Administration, John Rowlett, consists of third-party disclosures andTotal Respondents:328,000. Director, Management Services recordkeeping requirements. Appendix Total Responses:328,000. Division, 1100 Wilson Boulevard, Room A of Regulations, 29 CFR part 801, 2134, Arlington, VA 222093939. Time per Response:Varies from 1 contains a written statement setting Commenters are encouraged to send minute to 30 minutes, depending on the forth both the examinees and their comments on a computer disk, or notice. employers legal rights, for use in via Internet e-mail to satisfying the EPPA section 8(b)(2)(d) Frequency:On Occasion Rowlett.John@dol.gov, along with an disclosure requirement. DOL proposes (Recordkeeping, Reporting, Third-party original printed copy. Mr. Rowlett can to make the information in Appendix A Disclosure). be reached at (202) 6939827 (voice), or available on an optional public use form Estimated Total Burden Hours:(202) 6939801 (facsimile). that will be available through the 82,406. FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: Departmental Internet Web site in PDF Contact the employee listed in the Total Burden Cost (capital/startup): format. This information collection is ADDRESSESsection of this notice. currently approved for use through$0. SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION: October 31, 2005. Total Burden Cost (operating/ maintenance):$0. II. Review FocusI. Background Comments submitted in response to The Department of Labor isThe Mine Safety and Health this notice will be summarized and/or particularly interested in commentsAdministration (MSHA) is responsible included in the request for Office offor the inspection, testing, approval and which: certification, and quality control ofManagement and Budget approval of theEvaluate whether the proposed collection of information is necessaryinformation collection request; they willmining equipment and components, for the proper performance of thealso become a matter of public record.materials, instruments, and explosives
Federal Register/ Vol.70, No. 85/ Wednesday,May 4, 2005/ Notices
used in both underground and surfacecollection of information, including the‘‘Statutory and Regulatory Information’’ coal, metal, and nonmetal mines. Titlevalidity of the methodology andand‘‘Federal RegisterDocuments.’’ 30 CFR parts 6 through 36 containassumptions used; III. Current Actions procedures by which manufacturers * Suggestmethods to enhance the may apply for and have equipmentTitle 30 CFR parts 6 through 36 quality, utility, and clarity of the approved as‘‘permissible’’require that an investigation leading tofor use in information to be collected; and mines. approvalor certification will be * Addressthe use of appropriate undertaken by the A&CC only pursuant II. Desired Focus of Comments automated, electronic, mechanical, or to a written application accompanied by Currently, the Mine Safety and Healthother technological collection prescribed drawings and specifications Administration (MSHA) is soliciting techniques or other forms of information identifying the piece of equipment. This comments concerning the proposed technology, (e.g., permitting electronic information is used by engineers and extension of the information collection submissions of responses) to minimizescientists to evaluate the design in requirement related to testing, the burden of the collection ofconjunction with tests to assure evaluation, and approval of Mining information on those who are toconformance to standards prior to Products. MSHA is particularly respond. approvalfor use in mines. interested in comments that: Type of Review:Extension. A copy of the proposed information * Evaluatewhether the proposed Agency:Mine Safety and Health collection request can be obtained by collection of information is necessary Administration. contacting the employee listed in the for the proper performance of MSHAs ADDRESSESsection of this notice orTitle:Permissible Equipment Testing. functions, including whether the viewed on the Internet by accessing theOMB Number:12190066. information has practical utility; * Evaluatethe accuracy of MSHAhome page (s MSHAPublic:http:// AffectedBusiness or other for-estimate of the burden of the proposedwww.msha.govprofit.) and then choosing Total Total Cite/reference FrequencyBurden hoursBurden costs respondents responses Part 6................................................ 1On occasion..................................... 2 2 0 Part 7................................................ 48On occasion..................................... 1201,391 $573,048 Part 15.............................................. 1On occasion..................................... 210 6,472 Part 18.............................................. 114On occasion..................................... 383 996378,962 Part 19.............................................. 2On occasion..................................... 522 19,513 Part 20.............................................. 3On occasion..................................... 649 17,092 Part 22.............................................. 4On occasion..................................... 17 6080,082 Part 23.............................................. 4On occasion..................................... 623 13,756 Part 27.............................................. 3On occasion..................................... 421 15,193 Part 28.............................................. 1On occasion..................................... 320 29,175 Part 33.............................................. 1On occasion..................................... 320 10,383 Part 35.............................................. 4On occasion..................................... 6144 14,284 Part 36.............................................. 4On occasion..................................... 530 6,200 TOTALS .....................................190 ...........................................................562 2,7881,164,160.00
Respondents:190.DEPARTMENT OF LABORcollection instruments are clearly understood, and the impact of collection Responses:562. Mine Safety and Health Administration requirements on respondents can be Total Burden Hours:2,788. properly assessed. Proposed Information Collection Total Burden Cost (capital/startup): DATES:Submit comments on or before Request Submitted for Public $0. Comment and Recommendations;July 5, 2005. Total Burden Cost (operating/ Hazard Communication ADDRESSES:Send comments to U.S. maintaining):$1,164,160. Department of Labor, Mine Safety and Comments submitted in response toACTION:Notice. Health Administration, John Rowlett, this notice will be summarized and/or Director, Management Services SUMMARY:The Department of Labor, as included in the request for Office of Division, 1100 Wilson Boulevard, Room part of its continuing effort to reduce Management and Budget approval of the 2134, Arlington, VA 222093939. paperwork and respondent burden information collection request; they will Commenters are encouraged to send conducts a preclearance consultation also become a matter of public record. their comments on a computer disk, or program to provide the general public Dated at Arlington, Virginia, this 26th dayvia Internet e-mail to and Federal agencies with an of April, 2005.Rowlett.John@dol.gov, along with an opportunity to comment on proposed David L. Meyer,original printed copy. Mr. Rowlett can and/or containing collections of information in accordance with thebe reached at (202) 6939827 (voice), or Director, Office of Administration and Management.Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995(202) 6939801 (facsimile). (PRA95) (44 U.S.C. 3506(c)(2)(A)). This [FR Doc. 058842 Filed 5305; 8:45 am] FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: program helps to ensure that requested Contact the employee listed in the BILLING CODE 451043P data can be provided in the desired ADDRESSESsection of this notice. format, reporting burden (time and financial resources) is minimized,SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION:
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