60356 Federal Register/Vol. 73, No. 198/Friday, October 10, 2008/Notices educators, employers, and economic in the respondent’s application is not and no shift of production to a foreign development representatives. considered to be confidential. source occurred. Additionally, current High Growth and The petitioner requested that workers Signed at Washington, DC, this 1st day of Community-Based Job Training of Visteon Corporation Regional October 2008. Grantees are posting their deliverables Assembly & Manufacturing LLC, Fuel Chari A. Magruder, on this Web site. Delivery—Climate Group Division, Employment and Training Administration, • America’s Service Locator (http:// Concordia, Missouri be considered Grant Officer. www.servicelocator.org) provides a eligible for TAA as a secondary affected Attachment A directory of the nation’s One-Stop company. The petitioner provided a list Career Centers. of TAA certified companies to which Memorandum of Agreement • Career Voyages (http:// the subject firm allegedly supplied In applying for these funds, the www.careervoyages.gov), a Web site components during the relevant time organization represented by the undersigned targeted at youth, parents, counselors, period. (the ‘‘applicant’’) agrees to participate in a and career changers, provides random assignment evaluation in which A company official was contacted to information about career opportunities individuals applying to the program are verify whether the ...