Mine Safety and Health Administration (MSHA) - FedReg E7-20239 - Proposed Information Collection Request








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Federal Register/Vol. 72, No. 198/Monday, October 15, 2007/Notices 58337 OMB Number: 1219–0048. SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION: contacting the employee listed in the Recordkeeping: None. ADDRESSES section of this notice or I. Background Affected Public: Business or other for- viewed on the internet by accessing the Title 30 CFR Sections 56.19057 and profit. MSHA home page (http:// Cite/Reference: 30 CFR 56.5005 and 57.19057 require the annual www.msha.gov/) and selecting ‘‘Rules 57.5005. examination and certification of a hoist and Regs’’, then selecting ‘‘Fed Reg Total Respondents: 300. operator’s fitness. The safety of all metal Docs.’’ Total Responses: 5,400. and nonmetallic miners riding hoist III. Current Actions Estimated Total Burden Hours: 2,174 conveyances is dependent upon the hours. attentiveness and physical capabilities Title 30 CFR Sections 56.19057 and Burden Cost: $90,000. of the hoist operator, in routine and 57.19057 require the annual Comments submitted in response to emergency evacuations. Improper examination and certification of a hoist this notice will be summarized and/or movement, overspeed, and overtravel of operator’s fitness. The safety of all metal included in the request for Office of a hoisting conveyance can result in and nonmetallic miners riding hoist Management and Budget approval of the serious physical harm or death to all conveyances is dependent upon the information collection request; they will passengers. While small ...
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Federal Register/ Notices/ Monday,October 15, 2007/ Vol.72, No. 198
OMB Number:12190048.SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION:contacting the employee listed in the Recordkeeping:None.ADDRESSESsection of this notice or I. Background Affected Public:Business or other for-viewed on the internet by accessing the profit. Title30 CFR Sections 56.19057 and MSHA home page (http:// Cite/Reference:30 CFR 56.5005 and57.19057 require the annual www.msha.gov/) and selecting‘‘Rules 57.5005. examinationand certification of a hoist and Regs’’, then selecting‘‘Fed Reg Total Respondents:300. operators fitness. The safety of all metal Docs.’’Total Responses:5,400. and nonmetallic miners riding hoist Estimated Total Burden Hours:2,174III. Current Actions conveyances is dependent upon the hours. attentiveness and physical capabilitiesTitle 30 CFR Sections 56.19057 and Burden Cost:$90,000. of the hoist operator, in routine and57.19057 require the annual Comments submitted in response to emergency evacuations. Improperexamination and certification of a hoist this notice will be summarized and/or movement, overspeed, and overtravel ofoperators fitness. The safety of all metal included in the request for Office of a hoisting conveyance can result inand nonmetallic miners riding hoist Management and Budget approval of the serious physical harm or death to allconveyances is dependent upon the information collection request; they will passengers. While small mine operatorsattentiveness and physical capabilities also become a matter of public record. are likely to have fewer hoists and hoistof the hoist operators, in routine and Dated at Arlington, Virginia, this 10th dayoperators, Congress intended that theemergency evacuations. Improper of October, 2007. Mine Act be enforced at all miningmovements, overspeed, and overtravel David L. Meyer,of a hoisting conveyance can result inoperations within its jurisdiction Director, Office of Administration andserious physical harm or death to allregardless of size and that information Management.collection and record keepingpassengers. Small mine operators are [FR Doc. E720237 Filed 101207; 8:45 am]requirements be consistent withlikely to have fewer hoists and hoist BILLING CODE 451043Poperators.efficient and effective enforcement of the Mine Act. However, Congress didType of Review:Extension. recognize that small operations may faceAgency:Mine Safety and Health DEPARTMENT OF LABORAdministration.problems in complying with some Mine Act provisions. Section 103(e) of theTitle:Hoist OperatorsPhysical Mine Safety and Health Administration Mine Act directs the Secretary of LaborFitness. not to impose an unreasonable burdenOMB Number:12190049. Proposed Information Collection on small businesses when obtaining anyAffected Public:Business or other for-Request Submitted for Public information under the Mine Act. Thisprofit. Comment and Recommendations; information collection does not have aTotal Respondents:64. Hoist OperatorsPhysical Fitness significant impact on a substantialTotal Responses:320. number of small entities.Estimated Total Burden Hours:10.7. ACTION:Notice. Total Annualized Capital/Startup II. Desired Focus of Comments SUMMARY:The Department of Labor, asCosts:$0. Currently, the Mine Safety and Health part of its continuing effort to reduceTotal Operating and Maintenance Administration (MSHA) is soliciting paperwork and respondent burden,Costs:$98,560. comments concerning the proposed conducts a preclearance consultationComments submitted in response to extension of the information collection program to provide the general publicthis notice will be summarized and/or requirement related to the Hoist and Federal agencies with anincluded in the request for Office of OperatorsPhysical Fitness. MSHA is opportunity to comment on proposedManagement and Budget approval of the particularly interested in comments and/or continuing collections ofinformation collection request; they will that: information in accordance with thealso become a matter of public record. Evaluate whether the proposed Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995 Dated at Arlington, Virginia, this 10th day collection of information is necessary (PRA95) [44 U.S.C. 3506(c)(2)(A)]. This of October, 2007. for the proper performance of MSHAs program helps ensure that requested David L. Meyer, functions, including whether the data is provided in the desired format, Director, Office of Administration and information has practical utility; reporting burden (time and financial Management. Evaluate the accuracy of MSHAs resources) is minimized, collection [FR Doc. E720238 Filed 101207; 8:45 am] estimate of the burden of the proposed instruments are clearly understood, and BILLING CODE 451043P collection of information, including the the impact of collection requirements on validity of the methodology and respondents can be properly assessed. assumptions used; DATES:Submit comments on or before DEPARTMENT OF LABOR Suggest methods to enhance the December 14, 2007. quality, utility, and clarity of the Mine Safety and Health Administration ADDRESSES:Send comments to Debbie information to be collected; and Ferraro, Management Services Division, Address the use of appropriate Proposed Information Collection 1100 Wilson Boulevard, Room 2171, automated, electronic, mechanical, or Request Submitted for Public Arlington, VA 222093939. Commenters other technological collection Comment and Recommendations; are encouraged to send their comments techniques or other forms of information Rock Burst Control Plan on computer disk, or via E-mail to technology, (e.g., permitting electronic Ferraro.Debbie@DOL.GOV.Ms. Ferraro submissions of responses) to minimize ACTION:Notice. can be reached at (202) 6939821 the burden of the collection of (voice), or (202) 6939801 (facsimile).SUMMARY information on those who are to:The Department of Labor, as FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT:respond. partof its continuing effort to reduce Contact the employee listed in theA copy of the proposed informationpaperwork and respondent burden, ADDRESSEScollection request can be obtained bysection of this notice.conducts a preclearance consultation
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Federal Register/ Monday,72, No. 198/ Vol./ NoticesOctober 15, 2007
program to provide the general publicvalidity of the methodology and463, as amended), the National Science and Federal agencies with anassumptions used;Foundation announces the following opportunity to comment on proposedmeeting:Suggest methods to enhance the and/or continuing collections ofquality, utility, and clarity of theName:Presidents Committee on the information in accordance with theinformation to be collected; andNational Medal of Science (1182). Address the use of appropriate Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995Date and Time:Friday, November 30, automated, electronic, mechanical, or (PRA95) [44 U.S.C. 3506(c)(2)(A)]. This2007, 8:30 a.m.1:30 p.m. other technological collection program helps ensure that requestedPlace:Room 1235, National Science techniques or other forms of information data is provided in the desired format,Foundation, 4201 Wilson Blvd, technology, (e.g., permitting electronic reporting burden (time and financialArlington, VA. submissions of responses) to minimize resources) is minimized, collectionType of Meeting:Closed. the burden of the collection of instruments are clearly understood, andContact Person:Ms. Mayra Montrose, information on those who are to the impact of collection requirements onProgram Manager, Room 1282, National respond. A copy of the proposed respondents can be properly assessed.Science Foundation, 4201 Wilson Blvd, information collection request can be Arlington, VA 22230. Telephone: 703DATES:Submit comments on or before obtained by contacting the employee 2924757. December 14, 2007. listed in theADDRESSESsection of this Purpose of Meeting:To provide ADDRESSES:Send comments to Debbie notice or viewed on the internet by advice and recommendations to the Ferraro, Management Services Division, accessing the MSHA home page (http:// President in the selection of the 2007 1100 Wilson Boulevard, Room 2171, www.msha.gov/) and selecting‘‘Rules National Medal of Science recipients. Arlington, VA 222093939. Commenters and Regs’’, then selecting‘‘Fed Reg Agenda:To review and evaluate are encouraged to send their comments Docs.’’nominations as part of the selection on computer disk, or via E-mail to process for awards. III. Current Actions Ferraro.Debbie@DOL.GOV.Ms. Ferraro Reason for Closing:The nominations can be reached at (202) 6939821 Thisinformation collection needs to being reviewed include information of a (voice), or (202) 6939801 (facsimile).be extended to protect miners from personal nature where disclosure would entrapment, serious physical harm or FOR FURTHER INFORMATION:Contact the constitute unwarranted invasions of death, in metal and nonmetal employee listed in theADDRESSESpersonal privacy. These matters are underground mines with a history of section of this notice. exempt under 5 U.S.C. 552b(c)(6) of the rock bursts. Government in the Sunshine Act. SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION: Type of Review:Extension. Dated: October 10, 2007. Agency:Mine Safety and Health I. Background Administration.Susanne Bolton, When rock bursts occur in an Title:Rock Burst Control Plans. Committee Management Officer. underground mine, they pose a serious OMB Number:12190097. [FR Doc. E720202 Filed 101207; 8:45 am] threat to the safety of miners in the areaAffected Public:Business or other for-BILLING CODE 755501P affected by the burst. These bursts mayprofit. reasonably be expected to result in theFrequency:On occasion. entrapment, serious physical harm, orCite/Reference:30 CFR 57.3461. Total Respondents:2.NUCLEAR REGULATORY death, of miners. Recently developed Total Responses:2.COMMISSION mining technology now permits mine Average Time per Response:12 hours. operators to monitor rock stresses, Estimated Total Burden Hours:24NUREG/CRXXXX,‘‘Approaches for which helps predict an impending hours.Using Traditional Probabilistic Risk burst. These predictions can be used by Total Annualized Capital/StartupAssessment Methods for Digital a mine operator to move miners to safer Costs:$0.Systems’’; Draft Report for Comment locations and to establish areas that Total Operating and Maintenance need relief drilling. Title 30, Section AGENCY:Nuclear Regulatory Costs:$0. 57.3461 requires operators of Commission. Comments submitted in response to underground metal and nonmetal mines this notice will be summarized and/orACTION:Notice of availability for public to develop a rock burst control plan included in the request for Office ofcomment. within 90 days after a rock burst has Management and Budget approval of the occurred.SUMMARY:The Nuclear Regulatory information collection request; they will Commission (NRC) is conducting also become a matter of public record. II. Desired Focus of Comments research to support development of Dated at Arlington, Virginia, this 10th day Currently, the Mine Safety and Health regulatory guidance for using risk of October, 2007. Administration (MSHA) is soliciting information related to digital systems in David L. Meyer, comments concerning the proposed the licensing actions of nuclear power Director, Office of Administration and extension of the information collection plants (NPPs). The objective of this Management. requirement related to the Rock Burst research is to identify and develop [FR Doc. E720239 Filed 101207; 8:45 am] Control Plans. MSHA is particularly methods, analytical tools, and BILLING CODE 451043P interested in comments that: regulatory guidance to support (1) Using Evaluate whether the proposedinformation on the risks of digital collection of information is necessarysystems in NPP licensing decisions, and NATIONAL SCIENCE FOUNDATION for the proper performance of MSHAs (2)including models of digital systems functions, including whether theinto NPP probabilistic risk assessments Presidents Committee on the National information has practical utility;(PRAs). Medal of Science; Notice of Meeting Evaluate the accuracy of MSHAsupport of this research,s In estimate of the burden of the proposedIn accordance with the FederalBrookhaven National Laboratory (BNL) collection of information, including theAdvisory Committee Act (Pub. L. 92 isworking on the use of traditional
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