Mine Safety and Health Administration (MSHA) - FedReg Doc. 06-4825 - Mine Emergency Evacuation; extension








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Federal Register/Vol. 71, No. 100/Wednesday, May 24, 2006/Rules and Regulations 29785 6. Section 286.103 is revised to read person 30 days to respond to the initial PART 349—DISPOSITION OF as follows: Commission order concerning a notice CONTESTED AUDIT FINDINGS AND of deficiency, audit report or similar PROPOSED REMEDIES § 286.103 Notice to audited person. document with respect to the finding or 7. The authority citation for part 349 findings or any proposed remedy or An audit conducted by the is revised to read as follows: remedies, or both, in any combination, Commission’s staff under authority of with which it disagreed. Authority: 42 U.S.C. 7101–7352; 49 U.S.C. the Natural Gas Policy Act may result in 1, et seq. a notice of deficiency or audit report or [FR Doc. 06–4814 Filed 5–23–06; 8:45 am] similar document containing a finding 8. Section 349.1 is revised to read as BILLING CODE 6717–01–P or findings that the audited person has follows: not complied with a requirement of the § 349.1 Notice to audited person. Commission with respect to, but not DEPARTMENT OF LABOR limited to, the following: A filed tariff An audit conducted by the or tariffs, contracts, data, records, Commission or its staff under authority Mine Safety and Health Administration accounts, books, communications or of the Interstate Commerce Act may papers relevant to the audit of the result in a notice of deficiency or audit 30 CFR Parts 48, 50, and 75 audited person; matters ...
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Federal Register/ Vol.71, No. 100/ Wednesday,May 24, 2006/ Rulesand Regulations29785
6. Section 286.103 is revised to readPART 349DISPOSITION OFperson 30 days to respond to the initial as follows:CONTESTED AUDIT FINDINGS ANDCommission order concerning a notice PROPOSED REMEDIESof deficiency, audit report or similar §286.103 Noticeto audited person. document with respect to the finding or 7. The authority citation for part 349 findings or any proposed remedy or An audit conducted by the is revised to read as follows: remedies, or both, in any combination, Commissions staff under authority of Authority:42 U.S.C. 71017352; 49 U.S.C.with which it disagreed. the Natural Gas Policy Act may result in 1,et seq. a notice of deficiency or audit report or [FR Doc. 064814 Filed 52306; 8:45 am] similar document containing a finding 8. Section 349.1 is revised to read asBILLING CODE 671701P or findings that the audited person has follows: not complied with a requirement of the §to audited person.349.1 Notice Commission with respect to, but not DEPARTMENT OF LABOR limited to, the following: A filed tariffAn audit conducted by the or tariffs, contracts, data, records,Commission or its staff under authority Mine Safety and Health Administration accounts, books, communications orof the Interstate Commerce Act may papers relevant to the audit of theresult in a notice of deficiency or audit 30 CFR Parts 48, 50, and 75 audited person; matters under thereport or similar document containing a Standards of Conduct or the Code offinding or findings that the audited RIN 1219AB46 Conduct; and the activities or operationsperson has not complied with a of the audited person. The notice ofrequirement of the Commission with Emergency Mine Evacuation deficiency, audit report or similarrespect to, but not limited to, the AGENCY:Mine Safety and Health document may also contain one or morefollowing: A filed tariff or tariffs, Administration, Labor. proposed remedies that address findingscontracts, data, records, accounts, of noncompliance. Where such findings,books, communications or papersACTION:Extension of comment period. with or without proposed remedies,relevant to the audit of the audited SUMMARY:The Mine Safety and Health appear in a notice of deficiency, auditperson; and the activities or operations Administration is extending the report or similar document, suchof the audited person. The notice of comment period for the Emergency document shall be provided to thedeficiency, audit report or similar Temporary Standard on Emergency audited person, and the finding ordocument may also contain one or more Mine Evacuation published on March 9, findings, and any proposed remedies,proposed remedies that address findings 2006 (71 FR 12252). This action is in shall be noted and explained. Theof noncompliance. Where such findings, response to a request from the public. audited person shall timely indicate inwith or without proposed remedies, a written response any and all findingsappear in a notice of deficiency, auditDATES:The comment period will close or proposed remedies, or both, in anyreport or similar document, suchon June 29, 2006. combination, with which the auditeddocument shall be provided to the FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: person disagrees. The audited personaudited person, and the finding or Patricia W. Silvey, Acting Director; shall have 15 days from the date it isfindings, and any proposed remedies, Office of Standards, Regulations, and sent the notice of deficiency, auditshall be noted and explained. The Variances, MSHA; phone: (202) 693report or similar document to provide aaudited person shall timely indicate in 9440; facsimile: (202) 6939441; Email: written response to the audit staffa written response any and all findings Silvey.Patricia@dol.gov. indicating any and all findings oror proposed remedies, or both, in any SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION:The Mine proposed remedies, or both, in anycombination, with which the audited Safety and Health Administration combination, with which the auditedperson disagrees. The audited person (MSHA) received a request to extend the person disagrees, and such further timeshall have 15 days from the date it is public comment period for 60 days so as the audit staff may provide in writingsent the notice of deficiency, audit that interested parties could adequately to the audited person at the time thereport or similar document to provide a address issues contained in MSHAs document is sent to the audited person.written response to the audit staff opening statement. MSHA is conducting The audited person may move theindicating any and all findings or this rulemaking under the statutory Commission for additional time toproposed remedies, or both, in any requirement that the Agency must provide a written response to the auditcombination, with which the audited publish the Final Rule no later than staff and such motion shall be grantedperson disagrees, and such further time December 9, 2006, that is, 9 months for good cause shown. Any initial orderas the audit staff may provide in writing following the publication of the ETS. that the Commission subsequently mayto the audited person at the time the MSHA is granting a 30day extension of issue with respect to the notice ofdocument is sent to the audited person. the comment period (from May 30, deficiency, audit report or similarThe audited person may move the 2006, to June 29, 2006) to allow all document shall note, but not address onCommission for additional time to interested parties additional time to the merits, the finding or findings, orprovide a written response to the audit provide input into this important the proposed remedy or remedies, orstaff and such motion shall be granted rulemaking. The comment period will both, in any combination, with whichfor good cause shown. Any initial order close on June 29, 2006; MSHA the audited person disagreed. Thethat the Commission subsequently may welcomes comment from all interested Commission shall provide the auditedissue with respect to the notice of parties. person 30 days to respond to the initialdeficiency, audit report or similar Dated: May 18, 2006. Commission order concerning a noticedocument shall note, but not address on David G. Dye, of deficiency, audit report or similarthe merits, the finding or findings, or Acting Assistant Secretary for Mine Safety document with respect to the finding orthe proposed remedy or remedies, or and Health. findings or any proposed remedy orboth, in any combination, with which [FR Doc. 064825 Filed 52206; 9:53 am] remedies, or both, in any combination,the audited person disagreed. The with which it disagreed.Commission shall provide the auditedBILLING CODE 451043P
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