33490 Federal Register/Vol. 71, No. 111/Friday, June 9, 2006/Notices All workers of Tenneco, Inc., Clevite- or a misinterpretation of facts or of the DEPARTMENT OF LABOR Pullman Division, Milan, Ohio, who became law. Therefore, dismissal of the totally or partially separated from Mine Safety and Health Administration application was issued. employment on or after March 20, 2005 TA–W–58,939; Kmart, Rainbow City, Proposed Information Collection through April 19, 2008, are eligible to apply Alabama (May 31, 2006) Request Submitted for Public for trade adjustment assistance under Section Signed at Washington, DC, this 1st day of Comment and Recommendations; 223 of the Trade Act of 1974 and are also June 2006. Petitions for Modification of Mandatory eligible to apply for alternative trade Erica R. Cantor, Safety Standards adjustment assistance under Section 246 of Director, Division of Trade Adjustment the Trade Act of 1974. Assistance. ACTION: Notice. Signed in Washington, DC, this 2nd day of [FR Doc. E6–9014 Filed 6–8–06; 8:45 am] SUMMARY: The Department of Labor, as June, 2006. BILLING CODE 4510–30–P part of its continuing effort to reduce Elliott S. Kushner, paperwork and respondent burden Certifying Officer, Division of Trade conducts a pre-clearance consultation DEPARTMENT OF LABOR Adjustment Assistance. program to provide the general public [FR Doc. E6–9021 Filed 6–8–06; 8:45 am] and Federal agencies with an Employment and Training BILLING CODE ...