25784 Federal Register/Vol. 72, No. 87/Monday, May 7, 2007/Notices Information and Regulatory Affairs, (5) An estimate of the total number of 1:30 p.m. Ethics for Special Attention Department of Justice Desk respondents and the amount of time Government Employees. Officer, Washington, DC 20503. needed for an average respondent to 2 p.m. Discussion of Priorities for Additionally, comments may be respond is as follows: It is estimated that Future Meetings. 2:45 p.m. Measures of Intangible submitted to OMB via facsimile to (202) no more than 75 respondents will apply Capital. 395–5806. Comments may also be a year. Each application takes 4:45 p.m. Conclude (approximate submitted to M. Pressley, Bureau of approximately 120 minutes to complete. time). (6) An estimate of the total public Justice Assistance, Office of Justice burden (in hours) associated with the The meeting is open to the public. Programs, U. S. Department of Justice, collection: Total Annual Reporting Any questions concerning the meeting 810 7th Street, NW., Washington, DC. Burden: 75 × 120 minutes per should be directed to Margaret Johnson, 20531 via facsimile to (202) 305–1367. application = 9,000 minutes/by 60 Federal Economic Statistics Advisory Written comments and suggestions minutes per hour = 150 hours. Committee, on Area Code (202) 691– from the public and affected agencies If additional information is required, 5600. Individuals with disabilities, who concerning the proposed collection ...