Mine Safety and Health Administration (MSHA) - Federal Register Document 06-6857 - Proposed Information








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26568 Federal Register/Vol. 71, No. 87/Friday, May 5, 2006/Notices adversely affected by increased The amended notice applicable to DEPARTMENT OF LABOR customer imports. TA–W–53,039A is hereby issued as Mine Safety and Health Administration The amended notice applicable to follows: TA–W–56,088 is hereby issued as All workers of Planar Systems, Inc. Proposed Information Collection follows: Medical Business Unit, Dome Imaging Request Submitted for Public All workers of Maytag Corporation, Systems, Waltham, Massachusetts (TA–W– Comment and Recommendations; Newton Laundry Products, now known as 53,039A), who became totally or partially Ground Control Plan Whirlpool Corporation, Newton Laundry separated from employment on or after Products, Newton, Iowa, who became totally September 23, 2002, through October 24, ACTION: Notice. or partially separated from employment on or 2005, are eligible to apply for adjustment after November 22, 2003 through December assistance under Section 223 of the Trade Act SUMMARY: The Department of Labor, as 23, 2006, are eligible to apply for adjustment of 1974. part of its continuing effort to reduce assistance under Section 223 of the Trade Act paperwork and respondent burden of 1974. Signed at Washington, DC this 20th day of conducts a pre-clearance consultation April 2006. Signed at Washington, DC this 20th day of program to provide the general public April 2006. Richard Church, and Federal agencies with an Richard Church, ...
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Federal Register/ Friday,71, No. 87/ NoticesMay 5, 2006/ Vol.
adversely affected by increasedThe amended notice applicable toDEPARTMENT OF LABOR customer imports.TAW53,039A is hereby issued as The amended notice applicable toMine Safety and Health Administration follows: TAW56,088 is hereby issued as All workers of Planar Systems, Inc. Proposed Information Collection follows: Medical Business Unit, Dome Imaging Request Submitted for Public All workers of Maytag Corporation, Systems, Waltham, Massachusetts (TAWComment and Recommendations; Newton Laundry Products, now known as 53,039A), who became totally or partially Ground Control Plan Whirlpool Corporation, Newton Laundry separated from employment on or after Products, Newton, Iowa, who became totally September 23, 2002, through October 24, ACTION:Notice. or partially separated from employment on or 2005, are eligible to apply for adjustment after November 22, 2003 through December assistance under Section 223 of the Trade ActSUMMARY:The Department of Labor, as 23, 2006, are eligible to apply for adjustment of 1974.part of its continuing effort to reduce assistance under Section 223 of the Trade Act paperwork and respondent burden of 1974. Signed at Washington, DC this 20th day of conducts a preclearance consultation Signed at Washington, DC this 20th day ofApril 2006. program to provide the general public April 2006. Richard Church, and Federal agencies with an Richard Church, Certifying Officer, Division of Trade opportunity to comment on proposed Certifying Officer, Division of Trade Adjustment Assistance. and/or continuing collections of Adjustment Assistance. [FR Doc. E66812 Filed 5406; 8:45 am] information in accordance with the [FR Doc. E66813 Filed 5406; 8:45 am] BILLING CODE 451030P Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995 BILLING CODE 451030P (PRA95) [44 U.S.C. 3506(c)(2)(A)]. This program helps to ensure that requested DEPARTMENT OF LABOR data can be provided in the desired DEPARTMENT OF LABOR format, reporting burden (time and Employment and Training financial resources) is minimized, Employment and Training Administration collection instruments are clearly Administration understood, and the impact of collection [TAW53,039A] [TAW58,728]requirements on respondents can be properly assessed. Planar Systems, Inc., Medical Business U.S. Security Associates, Inc. Working DATES:Submit comments on or before Unit, Dome Imaging Systems, OnSite at Techneglas, Inc. Pittston, July 5, 2006. Waltham, MA; Amended Certification PA; Dismissal of Application for Regarding Eligibility To Apply forADDRESSES:Send comments to U.S. Reconsideration Worker Adjustment AssistanceDepartment of Labor, Mine Safety and Health Administration, John Rowlett, Pursuant to 29 CFR 90.18(C) an In accordance with Section 223 of the Director, Management Services Trade Act of 1974 (19 U.S.C. 2273), theapplication for administrative Division, 1100 Wilson Boulevard, Room Department of Labor issued areconsideration was filed with the 2134, Arlington, VA 222093939. Certification of Eligibility to Apply forDirector of the Division of Trade Commenters are encouraged to send Worker Adjustment Assistance onAdjustment Assistance for workers at their comments on a computer disk, or October 24, 2003, applicable to workersU.S. Security Associates, Inc., Working via Internet email to of Planar Systems, Inc., MedicalOnSite at Techneglas, Inc., Pittston, Rowlett.John@dol.gov,along with an Business Unit, Waltham, Massachusetts. Pennsylvania. The application did not original printed copy. Mr. Rowlett can The notice was published in theFederal contain new information supporting a be reached at (202) 6939827 (voice), or Registeron November 28, 2003 (68 FR conclusion that the determination was (202) 6939801 (facsimile). 6687868779). erroneous, and also did not provide a FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: At the request of a company official, justification for reconsideration of the Contact the employee listed in the the Department reviewed the determination that was based on either ADDRESSES’’section of this notice. certification for workers of the subject mistaken facts or a misinterpretation of firm. The workers produce flat panelSUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION: facts or of the law. Therefore, dismissal displays and related products. of the application was issued.I. Background New information shows that in April Each operator of a surface coal mine 2002, Planar Systems, Inc. purchasedTAW58,728; U.S. Security Associates, is required under 30 CFR 77.1000 to Dome Imaging Systems located inInc., Working OnSite at Waltham, Massachusetts. Workersestablish and follow a ground control Techneglas, Inc., Pittston, separated from employment at theplan that is consistent with prudent Pennsylvania, (April 24, 2006). Waltham, Massachusetts location of theengineering design and which will Signed at Washington, DC, this 26th day of subject firm had their wages reportedensure safe working conditions. The April 2006. under the separate Unemploymentplans are based on the type of strata Erica R. Cantor Insurance (UI) tax account for Domeexpected to be encountered, the height Imaging Systems.and angle of highwalls and spoil banks, Director, Division of Trade Adjustment Assistance. Accordingly, the Department isand the equipment to be used at the amending the certification to properly[FR Doc. E66838 Filed 5406; 8:45 am]mine. Ground control plans are required reflect this matter.BILLING CODE 451030Pby 30 CFR 77.10001 to be filed with The intent of the DepartmentMSHA district Manager in thes the certification is to include all workers ofdistrict in which the mine is located. Planar Systems, Inc. who wereThe plans are reviewed by MSHA to adversely affected by increasedensure that highwalls, pits, and spoil company imports.banks are maintained in safe condition
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Federal Register/ Notices/ Friday,May 5, 200671, No. 87/ Vol.
through the use of sound engineering design.
II. Desired Focus of Comments
MSHA is particularly interested in comments that: Evaluate whether the proposed collection of information is necessary for the proper performance of the functions of the agency, including whether the information will have practical utility; Evaluate the accuracy of the agencys estimate of the burden of the proposed collection of information, including the validity of the methodology and assumptions used; Enhance the quality, utility, and clarity of the information to be collected; and Minimize the burden of the collection of information on those who are to respond, including through the use of appropriate automated, electronic, mechanical, or other technological collection techniques or other forms of information technology, e.g., permitting electronic submissions of responses. A copy of the proposed information collection request can be obtained by contacting the employee listed in the FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACTsection of this notice, or viewed on the Internet by accessing the MSHA home page (http://www.msha.gov) and then choosing‘‘Statutory and Regulatory Information’’and‘‘Federal Register Documents.’’
III. Current Actions
MSHA is seeking to continue the requirement for mine operators to submit ground control plans to ensure that highwalls, pits, and spoil banks are maintained in safe condition so that a safe working environment is provided for miners. Type of Review:Extension. Agency:Mine Safety and Health Administration. Title:Ground Control Plan. OMB Number:12190026. Recordkeeping:§77.10001 states that the operator shall file a copy of the ground control plan and revisions with the Coal Mine Health and Safety District or Subdistrict office for the District or Subdistrict in which the mine is located and shall identify the name and location of the mine; the Mine Safety and Health Administration identification number if known; and the name and address of the mine operator. Frequency:On occasion Affected Public:Business or other for profit. Respondents:925. Reponses:313.
Total Burden Hours:2,721 hours. Total Burden Cost (operating/ maintaining):$0. Comments submitted in response to this notice will be summarized and/or included in the request for Office of Management and Budget approval of the information collection request; they will also become a matter of public record. Dated at Arlington, Virginia, this 27th day of April, 2006. David L. Meyer, Director, Office of Administration and Management. [FR Doc. E66857 Filed 5406; 8:45 am] BILLING CODE 451043P
Records Schedules; Availability and Request for Comments
AGENCY:National Archives and Records Administration (NARA). ACTION:Notice of availability of proposed records schedules; request for comments.
SUMMARY:The National Archives and Records Administration (NARA) publishes notice at least once monthly of certain Federal agency requests for records disposition authority (records schedules). Once approved by NARA, records schedules provide mandatory instructions on what happens to records when no longer needed for current Government business. They authorize the preservation of records of continuing value in the National Archives of the United States and the destruction, after a specified period, of records lacking administrative, legal, research, or other value. Notice is published for records schedules in which agencies propose to destroy records not previously authorized for disposal or reduce the retention period of records already authorized for disposal. NARA invites public comments on such records schedules, as required by 44 U.S.C. 3303a(a). DATES:Requests for copies must be received in writing on or before June 19, 2006. Once the appraisal of the records is completed, NARA will send a copy of the schedule. NARA staff usually prepare appraisal memorandums that contain additional information concerning the records covered by a proposed schedule. These, too, may be requested and will be provided once the appraisal is completed. Requesters will be given 30 days to submit comments. ADDRESSES:You may request a copy of any records schedule identified in this
notice by contacting the Life Cycle Management Division (NWML) using one of the following means (Note the new address for requesting schedules using email): Mail: NARA (NWML), 8601 Adelphi Road, College Park, MD 207406001. E mail:requestschedule@nara.gov. FAX: 3018373698. Requesters must cite the control number, which appears in parentheses after the name of the agency which submitted the schedule, and must provide a mailing address. Those who desire appraisal reports should so indicate in their request. :
FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT Laurence Brewer, Director, Life Cycle Management Division (NWML), National Archives and Records Administration, 8601 Adelphi Road, College Park, MD 207406001. Telephone: 3018371539. Email: records.mgt@nara.gov.
SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION:Each year Federal agencies create billions of records on paper, film, magnetic tape, and other media. To control this accumulation, agency records managers prepare schedules proposing retention periods for records and submit these schedules for NARAs approval, using the Standard Form (SF) 115, Request for Records Disposition Authority. These schedules provide for the timely transfer into the National Archives of historically valuable records and authorize the disposal of all other records after the agency no longer needs them to conduct its business. Some schedules are comprehensive and cover all the records of an agency or one of its major subdivisions. Most schedules, however, cover records of only one office or program or a few series of records. Many of these update previously approved schedules, and some include records proposed as permanent. No Federal records are authorized for destruction without the approval of the Archivist of the United States. This approval is granted only after a thorough consideration of their administrative use by the agency of origin, the rights of the Government and of private persons directly affected by the Governments activities, and whether or not they have historical or other value. Besides identifying the Federal agencies and any subdivisions requesting disposition authority, this public notice lists the organizational unit(s) accumulating the records or indicates agencywide applicability in the case of schedules that cover records that may be accumulated throughout an
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