Mine Safety and Health Administration (MSHA) - Federal Register Document 06-4277 - Proposed Information








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14956 Federal Register/Vol. 71, No. 57/Friday, March 24, 2006/Notices Dated at Arlington, Virginia, this 14th day systems for hazardous gases and actions DEPARTMENT OF LABOR of March, 2006. to be taken to assure safety of miners. Mine Safety and Health Administration David L. Meyer, II. Desired Focus of Comments Director of Administration and Management. Proposed Information Collection MSHA is particularly interested in [FR Doc. E6–4277 Filed 3–23–06; 8:45 am] Request Submitted for Public comments that: BILLING CODE 4510–43–P Comment and Recommendations; • Evaluate whether the proposed Underground Retorts collection of information is necessary DEPARTMENT OF LABOR for the proper performance of the ACTION: Notice. functions of the agency, including Employment and Training whether the information will have SUMMARY: The Department of Labor, as Administration practical utility; part of its continuing effort to reduce [TA–W–57,802, TA–W–57,802A, TA–W– paperwork and respondent burden • Evaluate the accuracy of the 57,802B, TA–W–57,802C and TA–W– conducts a pre-clearance consultation agency’s estimate of the burden of the 57,802D] program to provide the general public proposed collection of information, and Federal agencies with an including the validity of the Sara Lee Branded Apparel Division opportunity to comment on proposed methodology and assumptions used; Office, Including Employees, Winston- and/or continuing collections of • Enhance the quality, ...
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Federal Register March 24, 2006 / Friday, / Notices 71, No. 57/ Vol.
DEPARTMENT OF LABORsystems for hazardous gases and actions4th day , this 1foM rahcetaDlrA ta d, ongtiniainrgVi to be taken to assure safety of miners., 2006. Mine Safety and Health AdministrationII. Desired Focus of CommentsDavid L. Meyer,  Proposed Information CollectionMSHA is particularly interested in[DFirRe cDtoocr.oEf6Ad4m27i7n iFstirleatdi o3n 2a3nd0M6;a8n:a4g5eamme]n t. Request Submitted for Public Comment and Recommendations;comments that:BILLING CODE 451043P Underground RetortscoyEavwhe atluthr heetsoporp eell den ofctioorma infi  sitnossraenecDEPARTMENT OF LABOR  ACTION:rp erepoofht rceanf  oer prmfoitno sfoht eufcnncy, inc the age gnidul e.icotN SUMMARY:emtro tnaL f,robe ThpaDe as t rehtehw wontimaornf ihe ahevli llial umployment and TrEn ioatA gniniartsinimd part of its continuing effort to reduce practic ti ty; paperwork and respondent burdenEvaluate the accuracy of the[T57A,802BW0A,8 5T7,2 ,WAT570W,8, TAT d2anC 08A25,7AWW conducts a pre-clearance consultation agencys estimate of the burden of the program to provide the general public proposed collection of information,57,802D] and Federal agencies with an including the validity of the opportunity to comment on proposed methodology and assumptions used; liDivis dpAapere BrandeSara Leton-Wins ,seeyolpmE gnidlunc Ie,icff Oon and/or continuing collections of utili information in accordance with the clay,italque ht ecnahnEt noeb onformatiof the irti yyt ,na dlo ,irtsla,koNwrison Madd Ne, annaanaC w ;TC ,niB et doLacCN ,em, Sal  Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995 collected; and (PRA95) [44 U.S.C. 3506 (c)(2)(A)]. ThisMinimize the burden of themACed deenaticifrtoi neRagdrni glEigibility To Appf ylW roekro r program helps to ensure that requested collection of information on those whoAdjustment Assistance and Negative data can be provided in the desired are to respond, including through theDetermination Regarding Eligibility To format, reporting burden (time and use of appropriate automated,Apply for Alternative Trade Adjustment financial resources) is minimized, electronic, mechanical, or otherAssistance collection instruments are clearly technological collection techniques or  understood, and the impact of collection other forms of information technology, In accordance with Section 223 of the requirements on respondents can bee.g.Ace adTr97 1oft and 3),  9.U 41(2 72.S.Cf  o741926 (i t64t2intg  feoT ,e hpeedramr isno sc submislectroni properly assessed. res o Currently, the Mine Safety and Health ofA cpopny soefs .t he proposed information SDUe.ecSpt.iaCor.t n2m 8e1n3t) ,o fa sL aabmoer nidsseu deA, dtc thae  Administration (MSHA) is soliciting collection request can be obtained by Certification Regarding Eligibility to comments concerning the extension of contacting the employee listed in the Apply for Worker Adjust nt the information collection related to the 30 CFR 57.22401; Underground Retorts.AviDeDwReEdS SoEnSessi acche ng tI tnt eh tybreensect,g ecreai dgonranitnoR l intoyi tt of o  EsliihgiitboinemAD tereimeNagiteve and a ssistanc DATES: home page (Submit comments on or before MSHAhttp://Apply for Alternative Trade Adjustment May 23, 2006.www.msha.gov on September 28, 2005 Assistance) and then choosing ADDRESSES:Send comments to U.S.‘‘Statutory and Regulatory Information’’ , Department of Labor, Mine Safety and and‘‘Federal Register Documents.’’acilppa orskeor wtoe bl onsiff Oe,ic f Sara Lee BranddeA pprale ,iDiv Health Administration, John Rowlett,III. Current ActionsWinston-Salem, North Carolina. The Director, Management Services notice was published in theFederal Division, 1100 Wilson Boulevard, Room This request for information containsRegisteron October 31, 2005 (70 FR 2134, Arlington, VA 22209 whereby mine operators can3939. provisions 62347). Commenters are encouraged to send maintain compliance with the their comments on a computer disk, or regulations and assure the safety of At the request of a company official via Internet E-mail to miners where underground retorts are raenvdi ethwee dS ttahtee  caegretinfcicy,a ttihoen  Dfeorp awrtomrkeenrts  of Rowlett.John@dol.gov used., along with an original printed copy. Mr. Rowlett canType of Review:ucco sno derriro nk.e or wtirEaxptaesnestaoi nhswo shttafirm. New inform ehtjbus tce be reached at (202) 6939827 (voice), orAgency:Mine Safety and Health s of (202) 6939801 (facsimile). Administration. iDnivvoilsivoinn g Offofiucr ee, mWpilnosyteoen-Sa ltehme , North FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT:Title: Carolina facility of the Sara Lee BrandedUnderground Retorts. Contact the employee listed in theOMB Number:12190096. Apparel located in Bristol, Connecticut, ADDRESSESsection of this notice.Frequency:On Occasion. Connecticut, Madison, Norwalk, SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION:Affected Public: Connecticut and New Canaan,Business or other for- I. Backgroundf.i rSoh arotn. Allen, sM .uSas ncMpnIyt, re. MrchMil aeaboHna n dtcennoCsM .tuci This regulation pertains to the safetyRespondents:1. requirements to be followed by the mineBurdtal Toc(aso tneC ur BalotT :sruoH ned1p6it0a lh/ostuarrst.up):tto phelared tetivi seieht tca  nfo orudtcoiy etrivaa d deviorp nolnacS naiv foricesservion nutctrf puopfos sMiV . operators in the use of underground  retorts to extract oil from shale by heat $0.T  /otal Burden Cost (operatunderwear (shorts and T-shirts) or fire. Prior to ignition of retorts, theing mine operator must submit a writtenmaintaining):ng$di .t0s,  heyb decudbus eht ropnot es df niehes comject. Bapany plan indicating the acceptable levels of Comments submitted in response to Department is amending this combustible gases and oxygen; this notice will be summarized and/or certification to include employees of the specifications and location of off-gas included in the request for Office of Division Office, Winston-Salem, North monitoring procedures and equipment; Management and Budget approval of the Carolina facility of the Sara Lee Branded procedures for ignition of retorts and information collection request; they will Apparel located in Bristol, Connecticut, details of area monitoring and alarm also become a matter of public record. Norwalk, Connecticut Madison,
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