Mine Safety and Health Administration (MSHA) - Federal Register Document E7-6605 - Proposed Information








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17590 Federal Register/Vol. 72, No. 67/Monday, April 9, 2007/Notices Management and Budget approval of the FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: The implemented to prevent smoking in information collection request; they will employee listed in the ADDRESSES hazardous areas. also become a matter of public record. section of this notice. Type of Review: Extension. Agency: Mine Safety and Health Dated at Arlington, Virginia, this 4th day SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION: Administration. of April, 2007. I. Background Title: Program to Prevent Smoking in David L. Meyer, Hazardous Areas. Under the Mine Act and § 75.1702, Director, Office of Administration and OMB Number: 1219–0041. Management. coal mine operators are required to Frequency: On Occasion. develop programs to prevent persons [FR Doc. E7–6604 Filed 4–6–07; 8:45 am] Affected Public: Business or other for- from carrying smoking materials, BILLING CODE 4510–43–P profit. matches, or lighters underground and to Respondents: 492. prevent smoking in hazardous areas, Responses: 101. DEPARTMENT OF LABOR such as in or around oil houses, Estimated Time Per Respondent: .5 explosives magazines, etc. The Mine Act Mine Safety and Health Administration hours. and the standard further require that the Total Burden Hours: 50.5 hours. mine operator submit the program plan Proposed Information Collection Total Burden Cost (operating/ to MSHA for approval. The purpose of Request Submitted for Public maintaining): $0. the program ...
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Federal Register/ NoticesApril 9, 2007/ Monday,72, No. 67/ Vol.
Management and Budget approval of theFOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT:The implementedto prevent smoking in information collection request; they willemployee listed in theADDRESSEShazardous areas. also become a matter of public record.section of this notice.Type of Review:Extension. Agency:Mine Safety and Health Dated at Arlington, Virginia, this 4th daySUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION: Administration. of April, 2007. I. Background Title:Program to Prevent Smoking in David L. Meyer, Hazardous Areas. Under the Mine Act and§75.1702, Director, Office of Administration and OMB Number:12190041. Management.coal mine operators are required to Frequency:On Occasion. [FR Doc. E76604 Filed 4607; 8:45 am]develop programs to prevent persons Affected Public:Business or other for from carrying smoking materials, BILLING CODE 451043P profit. matches, or lighters underground and to Respondents:492. prevent smoking in hazardous areas, Responses:101. DEPARTMENT OF LABORsuch as in or around oil houses, Estimated Time Per Respondent:.5 explosives magazines, etc. The Mine Act Mine Safety and Health Administrationhours. and the standard further require that the Total Burden Hours:50.5 hours. mine operator submit the program plan Proposed Information Collection Total Burden Cost (operating/ to MSHA for approval. The purpose of Request Submitted for Public maintaining):$0. the program is to insure that a fire or Comment and Recommendations; Comments submitted in response to explosion hazard does not occur. Program to Prevent Smoking in this notice will be summarized and/or MSHAs investigation determined that Hazardous Areas included in the request for Office of the most likely source of ignition for Management and Budget approval of the several fatal explosions in the past was ACTION:Notice. information collection request; they will the open flame of a cigarette lighter or also become a matter of public record. SUMMARY:The Department of Labor, as match. part of its continuing effort to reduceDated at Arlington, Virginia, this 4th day II. Desired Focus of Comments paperwork and respondent burdenof April, 2007. conducts a preclearance consultationMSHA is particularly interested inDavid L. Meyer, program to provide the general publiccomments that: Director, Office of Administration and and Federal agencies with anEvaluate whether the proposedManagement. opportunity to comment on proposedcollection of information is necessary[FR Doc. E76605 Filed 4607; 8:45 am] and/or continuing collections offor the proper performance of the BILLING CODE 451043P information in accordance with thefunctions of the agency, including Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995whether the information will have (PRA95) [44 U.S.C. 3506 (c)(2)(A)]. Thispractical utility; NATIONAL COUNCIL OF DISABILITY program helps to ensure that requested Evaluate the accuracy of the data can be provided in the desired agencys estimate of the burden of theSunshine Act Meetings format, reporting burden (time and proposed collection of information, financial resources) is minimized,TYPE:Quarterly Meeting. including the validity of the collection instruments are clearly methodology and assumptions used;DATES AND TIMES:April 16, 2007, 10 understood, and the impact of collection a.m.Enhance the quality, utility, and5 p.m. April 17, 2007, 9 a.m.4 requirements on respondents can be clarity of the information to bep.m. properly assessed. collected; and LOCATION:Crowne Plaza Hotel Atlanta Currently, the Mine Safety and Health Minimize the burden of the Buckhead, 3377 Peachtree Road, NE., Administration (MSHA) is soliciting collection of information on those who Atlanta, Georgia. comments concerning the extension of are to respond, including through the STATUS:April 16, 2007, 10 a.m.5 the information collection related to the use of appropriate automated, p.m.Open. April 17, 2007, 9 a.m.4 Sections 317(c) of the Federal Mine electronic, mechanical, or other p.m.Open. April 17, 2007, 4 p.m.5 Safety and Health Act of 1977 (Mine technological collection techniques or p.m.Closed. Act), 30 U.S.C. 877(c), and 30 CFR other forms of information technology, AGENDA:Public Comments; Livable 75.1702 which prohibits persons from e.g., permitting electronic submissions Communities/Best Practices Panel smoking or carrying smoking materials of responses. Presentation; Emergency Preparedness underground or in places where there is A copy of the proposed information Panel Presentation; Reports from a fire or explosion hazard. Section collection request can be obtained by Council Members and the Acting Co 75.17021 requires that the mine contacting the employee listed in the Executive Directors; Committee and operator submit the program plan to FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACTTeam Reports; Unfinished Business; MSHA for approval. section of this notice, or viewed on the New Business; Announcements; DATES:Submit comments on or before internet by accessing the MSHA home Adjournment. June 8, 2007. page (http://www.msha.gov/) and SUNSHINE ACT MEETING CONTACT:Mark S. ADDRESSES:Send comments to, Debbiechoosing‘‘Rules and Regs’’, then Quigley, Director of Communications, Ferraro, Management Services Division,choosing‘‘Fed Reg Docs.’’NCD, 1331 F Street, NW., Suite 850, 1100 Wilson Boulevard, Room 2171, III. Current Actions Washington, DC 20004; 2022722004 Arlington, VA 222093939. Commenters (voice), 2022722074 (TTY), 202272are encouraged to send their commentsThe mine operator uses the 2022 (fax). on computer disk, or via Internet emailinformation to conduct the program. toFerraro.Debbie@DOL.GOVMSHA uses the information to. Ms.AGENCY MISSION:NCD is an independent Ferraro can be reached at (202) 693the mine operator determineagency makings Federal 9821 (voice), or (202) 693with the standard and thatrecommendations to the President and9801 compliance (facsimile). aprogram is developed andCongress to enhance the quality of life
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