38406 Federal Register/Vol. 74, No. 147/Monday, August 3, 2009/Notices 16 CFR 1118.20(e). In accordance with 16 M. Reza Malihi, the Office of the Secretary by August 18, CFR 1118.20(f), if the Commission does not Trial Attorney, Office of the General Counsel. 2009. receive any written request not to accept the By: lllllllllllllllllll ADDRESSES: Persons wishing to Agreement within fifteen (15) days, the Neal S. Cohen, comment on this Settlement Agreement Agreement shall be deemed finally accepted should send written comments to the on the sixteenth (16th) day after the date it United States of America—Consumer Comment 09–C0026, Office of the is published in the Federal Register. Product Safety Commission 18. Upon the Commission’s final Secretary, Consumer Product Safety acceptance of the Agreement and issuance of In the Matter of Downeast Concepts, Inc., Commission, 4330 East West Highway, the final Order, Downeast knowingly, CPSC Docket No. 09–C0022. Room 502, Bethesda, Maryland 20814– voluntarily, and completely waives any 4408. Order rights it may have in this matter to the FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: M. following: (1) An administrative or judicial Upon consideration of the Settlement Reza Malihi, Trial Attorney, Division of hearing; (2) judicial review or other challenge Agreement entered into between Downeast Compliance, Office of the General or contest of the validity of the Commission’s Concepts, Inc. (‘‘Downeast’’) and the U.S. Counsel, ...