L O S A N G E L E S P O L I C E C O M M I S S I O NL O S A N G E L E S P O L I C E C O M M I S S I O NREVIEW OF AUDIT DIVISION’SGANG ENFORCEMENT DETAILWORK PRODUCT ASSESSMENTSUMMARYConducted byOFFICE OF THE INSPECTOR GENERALANDRÉ BIROTTE, JR.Inspector GeneralDecember 28, 2005OFFICE OF THE INSPECTOR GENERALREVIEW OF AUDIT DIVISION’S GANG ENFORCEMENT DETAILWORK PRODUCT ASSESSMENT SUMMARYFISCAL YEAR 2005/2006PURPOSEThe Office of the Inspector General (OIG) performed an “executive level” review of AuditDivision’s Gang Enforcement Detail (GED) Work Product Assessment Summary Report(Report). Audit Division performed the assessment to meet the audit mandates of ConsentDecree paragraph 131 (f) and (g). Those mandates require Audit Division to examine therelationships of GED officers working together under particular supervisors to determinewhether additional investigation is needed to identify “at-risk” practices. Also, the mandatesrequire Audit Division to draw a conclusion regarding the GED’s adherence to the law, the LosAngeles Police Department’s (Department) policies and procedures, and the Consent Decree;and recommend a course of action to correct any identified deficiencies. Because the assessment1only provided a summary of the results from five Consent Decree audits and four Command2Accountability Performance Audits (CAPAs) and drew no conclusions, the OIG performed an“executive level” review of the Report, instead of a more detailed review ...