Federal Register / Vol. 69, No. 230 / Wednesday, December 1, 2004 / Notices 69959 Form Number: None. Management and Budget, Room 10235, participants and beneficiaries and to the Frequency: On occasion. Washington, DC 20503, 202–395–7316 federal government of the plan’s Type of Response: Recordkeeping and (this is not a toll-free number), within election. To satisfy the requirements to Third party disclosure. 30 days from the date of this publication notify the federal government, a group Affected Public: Business or other for- in the Federal Register. health plan may either send the profit; Not-for-profit institutions; The OMB is particularly interested in Department a copy of the summary of Federal Government; and State, Local, comments which: material reductions in covered services or Tribal Government. • Evaluate whether the proposed or benefits sent to participants and Number of Respondents: 70,544. collection of information is necessary beneficiaries, or the plan may use the Number of Annual Responses: 70,544. for the proper performance of the Department’s model notice published in Estimated Time Per Response: 5 functions of the agency, including the Interim Final Rule which was minutes. whether the information will have developed for this purpose. Total Burden Hours: 5,640. practical utility; Ira L. Mills, Total Annualized capital/startup • Evaluate the accuracy of the costs: $0. Departmental Clearance Officer. agency’s estimate of the burden ...