Debtor Audit Standards - Federal Register Vol. 71, No. 190








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Federal Register / Vol. 71, No. 190 / Monday, October 2, 2006 / Notices 58005 Dated: September 27, 2006. for the proper performance of the Debtor Audit Standard No. 2 functions of the agency, including Lynn Bryant, The debtor audit engagement shall be whether the information will have Department Clearance Officer, PRA, performed by individuals having practical utility; Department of Justice. adequate knowledge of bankruptcy —Evaluate the accuracy of the agencies [FR Doc. E6–16179 Filed 9–29–06; 8:45 am] petitions, schedules, and statements; the estimate of the burden of the BILLING CODE 4410–18–P Bankruptcy Code; and the Federal Rules proposed collection of information, of Bankruptcy Procedure. including the validity of the methodology and assumptions used; DEPARTMENT OF JUSTICE Debtor Audit Standard No. 3 —Enhance the quality, utility, and clarity of the information to be Debtor Audit Standards In all matters relating to the debtor collected; and audit, an independence in mental —Minimize the burden of the collection AGENCY: Executive Office for United attitude shall be maintained by the of information on those who are to States Trustees, Justice. individuals performing the engagement. respond, including through the use of ACTION: Notice. Debtor Audit Standard No. 4 appropriate automated, electronic, mechanical, or other technological Due professional care shall be SUMMARY: This notice sets forth the collection techniques or other forms exercised in ...
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Federal Register/ Notices71, No. 190/ Vol.October 2, 2006/ Monday,
Dated: September 27, 2006. for the proper performance of theDebtor Audit Standard No. 2 functions of the agency, includingLynn Bryant, The debtor audit engagement shall be whether the information will have Department Clearance Officer, PRA, performed by individuals having practical utility;Department of Justice. adequate knowledge of bankruptcy Evaluate the accuracy of the agencies [FR Doc. E616179 Filed 92906; 8:45 am] petitions, schedules, and statements; the estimate of the burden of the BILLING CODE 441018P Bankruptcy Code; and the Federal Rules proposed collection of information, of Bankruptcy Procedure. including the validity of the methodology and assumptions used; DEPARTMENT OF JUSTICE Debtor Audit Standard No. 3 Enhance the quality, utility, and clarity of the information to beDebtor Audit Standards In all matters relating to the debtor collected; and audit, an independence in mental Minimize the burden of the collectionAGENCY:Executive Office for United attitude shall be maintained by the of information on those who are toStates Trustees, Justice. individuals performing the engagement. respond, including through the use of ACTION:Notice. Debtor Audit Standard No. 4 appropriate automated, electronic, mechanical, or other technological Due professional care shall be SUMMARY:This notice sets forth the collection techniques or other forms exercised in the planning and standards that will be utilized to of information technology, e.g., performance of the engagement. determine the accuracy, veracity, and permitting electronic submission of completeness of petitions, schedules, responses. Debtor Audit Standard No. 5 and other information that a debtor is Overview of This Information required to provide under sections 521 The work shall be adequately planned Collection and 1322 of title 11, United States Code, and assistants, if any, are to be properly (1)Type of Information Collection:and, if applicable, section 111 of suchsupervised. New data collection.title, in cases filed under chapter 7 or 13 Debtor Audit Standard No. 6 (2)Title of the Form/Collection:of such title in which the debtor is an National Inmate Survey.individual. Sufficient evidence must be obtained (3)Agency form number, if any, and ADDRESSES:to provide a reasonable basis for theComments on the standards the applicable component of the may be submitted electronically via e-conclusion expressed in the report filed Department of Justice sponsoring the mail towith the court. collection:Form numbers not available, or at this time. The Bureau of JusticeDebtor Audit Standard No. 7 by postal mail at Executive Office for Statistics, Office of Justice Programs, United States Trustees, Debtor Audit The report shall identify that the Department of Justice is the sponsor for Team, 20 Massachusetts Ave, 8TH subject matter of the debtor audit is the the collection. Floor, Washington, DC 20530. To ensure petition, schedules, and other (4)Affected public who will be asked proper handling, please reference information as originally filed by the or required to respond, as well as a brief EOUST Debtor Audit Standards on your debtor in the bankruptcy case and state abstract:Primary: State, Local, or Tribal correspondence. Comments received are that the debtor audit was conducted in Government. Other: Federal public records. accordance with the Debtor Audit Government, Business or other for-profit, Not-for-profit institutions. TheStandards and the procedures FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: work under this clearance will be usedestablished by the United States Trustee Mark A. Redmiles, Chief, Civil to develop surveys to produce estimatesProgram. Enforcement Unit, Executive Office for for the incidence and prevalence of United States Trustees, 20 Debtor Audit Standard No. 8 sexual assault within correctional Massachusetts Ave, 8th Floor, facilities as required under the Prison Washington, DC 20530.The report shall clearly and Rape Elimination Act of 2003 (Pub. L. conspicuously state the conclusion as to SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATIONThe 10879).: the presence or absence of material (5)An estimate of the total number ofauthority for these standards is located misstatements in income, expenses, or respondents and the amount of timeat 28 U.S.C. 586(f)(1), and section 603(a) assets, in the petition, schedules, and estimated for an average respondent toof the Bankruptcy Abuse Prevention and statements originally filed by the debtor respond:Consumer Protection Act of 2005It is estimated that 90,100 in the bankruptcy case. respondents will spend approximately(enacted April 20, 2005), Public Law Debtor Audit Standard No. 9 30 minutes on average responding to the1098, 119 Stat. 37. survey. Dated: September 26, 2006. The report shall state that it is (6)An estimate of the total public Lynn Bryant, intended solely for the information and burden (in hours) associated with the Department Clearance Officer, U.S. use of the United States Trustee and collection:There are an estimated Department of Justice. other parties in interest to the 45,360 total burden hours associated bankruptcy case and that it is not with this collection.Debtor Audit Standards intended to be and should not be used FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: Debtor Audit Standard No. 1 by anyone other than these specified Lynn Bryant, Department Clearance parties; noting however, that since the Officer, United States Department ofThe debtor audit engagement shall be report is a matter of public record, its Justice, Justice Management Division,performed by individuals having distribution is not limited. Policy and Planning Staff, Patrick Henryadequate technical training and [FR Doc. E616129 Filed 92906; 8:45 am] Building, Suite 1600, 601 D Street, NW.,proficiency for performing attest Washington, DC 20530.engagements.BILLING CODE 441040P
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