Crime & Disorder & Drugs Audit 2004 - Vehicle Crime








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Broadland Crime and Disorderand Drugs Audit 2004Vehicle Crimexx1.1 Vehicle crimeVehicle crime is defined as 2 Home Office bandings:Theft of a Motor Vehicle (TOMV), which includes Taking of a Motor Vehicle WithoutConsent (TWOC) and Aggravated TWOC, as well as TOMVTheft from a Motor Vehicle (TFMV)1.1.1 Volume and trendsTable 3 shows the numbers of TOMV and TFMV in Broadland for each year, andpercentage change year-on-year. TOMV + TFMV - Percent changeTOMV TFMV Count year-on-year2000-1 155 652 8072001-2 139 551 690 - 14.52002-3 194 711 905 + 31.22003-4 179 439 618 - 31.7Table 1 Numbers of TOMV and TFMV in Broadland and percentage change year-on-year[Source: NC1]There was a major rise in vehicle crime in 2002-3, which is partly attributable to NCRS. Onthe other hand, there were major falls in 2001-2 and especially in 2003-4. In 2003-4, lowernumbers of TFMV accounted for most of the reduction. Overall, between the time of thelast audit (2000-1) and the current audit (2003-4), there has been a reduction in TOMV/TFMV of 23.4%.1.1.2 Comparative incidenceComparative incidence (rate) of vehicle crime per 1000 population is charted in Fig. 7.CDRP Analyst, Eastern, April 2005 216.9181613.31412 10.58.6107.685.26420Broadland Norfolk Eastern England & CDRP Most-2003-4 2003-4 2003-4 Wales Family 9 similar2003-4 2003-4 CDRPFamily2003-4Geographic areaFig. 1 Comparative incidence (rate) of vehicle crime (TOMV/ TFMV) per 1000 population[Source ...
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Broadland Crime and Disorder
and Drugs Audit 2004
Vehicle Crimex
1.1 Vehicle crime
Vehicle crime is defined as 2 Home Office bandings:
Theft of a Motor Vehicle (TOMV), which includes Taking of a Motor Vehicle Without
Consent (TWOC) and Aggravated TWOC, as well as TOMV
Theft from a Motor Vehicle (TFMV)
1.1.1 Volume and trends
Table 3 shows the numbers of TOMV and TFMV in Broadland for each year, and
percentage change year-on-year.
TOMV + TFMV - Percent change
TOMV TFMV Count year-on-year
2000-1 155 652 807
2001-2 139 551 690 - 14.5
2002-3 194 711 905 + 31.2
2003-4 179 439 618 - 31.7
Table 1 Numbers of TOMV and TFMV in Broadland and percentage change year-on-year
[Source: NC1]
There was a major rise in vehicle crime in 2002-3, which is partly attributable to NCRS. On
the other hand, there were major falls in 2001-2 and especially in 2003-4. In 2003-4, lower
numbers of TFMV accounted for most of the reduction. Overall, between the time of the
last audit (2000-1) and the current audit (2003-4), there has been a reduction in TOMV/
TFMV of 23.4%.
1.1.2 Comparative incidence
Comparative incidence (rate) of vehicle crime per 1000 population is charted in Fig. 7.
CDRP Analyst, Eastern, April 2005 216.918
12 10.5
Broadland Norfolk Eastern England & CDRP Most-
2003-4 2003-4 2003-4 Wales Family 9 similar
2003-4 2003-4 CDRP
Geographic area
Fig. 1 Comparative incidence (rate) of vehicle crime (TOMV/ TFMV) per 1000 population
[Source: HO4]
In 2003-4, the Broadland rate was lower than county, regional, national, CDRP Family 9
and most-similar CDRP family rates.
For incidence of vehicle crime in the quarter January – March 2004, Broadland CDRP
nd st thranked 2 (where 1 has the lowest crime rate and 15 the highest) out of 15 in its family
group of most-similar CDRPs [Source: iQ].
1.1.3 Cost
For all crimes of TOMV in Broadland in 2003-4, the total value recorded by the police is
£369,806. The field has been completed in all 179 records, though in 75 cases, a value of
zero is recorded. For all crimes of TFMV, the total recorded value is £90,674. The field has
been completed in all but 3 records, but the value given is zero in 172 cases out of 440
[Source: NC1]. The combined total recorded value for TOMV and TFMV is £460,480.
Whilst this is not a trivial sum, the high proportion of records with a value of zero suggest
that police records offer an incomplete representation of the true costs of vehicle crime to
the individual and to society.
The total cost to society of vehicle crime in Broadland in 2003-4 may be estimated using
findings and methodology from Home Office Research Study 217, as shown in Table 4. To
reflect the higher average unit costs of vehicle crime against the commercial and public
sectors, average unit costs for TOMV and TFMV are each split into separate estimates for
crimes against individuals and crimes against the commercial and public sectors. This
distinction is replicated in the present study.
CDRP Analyst, Eastern, April 2005 3
Incidence (rate) per 1000 populationCuriously, HORS 217 gives the number of recorded crimes of TOMV and TFMV against
the commercial and public sectors in the target year, 1999-2000, as zero in each case;
accordingly, the multiplier used to calculate the estimated national total of recorded and
unrecorded crime is quoted as ‘N/A’ at this point. The multipliers used in Table 4 for TOMV
and TFMV against the commercial and public sectors are assumed to be the same as for
TOMV and TFMV against individuals.
No. Est. total
recorded no. crimes
crimes in in Est. unit Est. total
Broadland Multiplier Broadland cost cost
TOMV against individuals and
households 165 1.2 198 £4,800 £950,400
TOMV against the
commercial and public
sectors 14 1.2 17 £9,700 £162,960
TFMV against individuals and
households 396 3.9 1544 £580 £895,752
TFMV against the commercial
and public sectors 48 3.9 187 £700 £131,040
Total Vehicle Crime 623 1946 £2,140,152
Table 2 Estimated cost to society of vehicle crime in Broadland in 2003-4
[Sources: NC1, HO7]
The true costs of vehicle crime suggested by this analysis, £2.1m, are substantially greater
than costs recorded by the police.
1.1.4 Vehicle crime at train stations
Data from the British Transport Police (BTP) shows that there were a total of 4 vehicle
crimes at train stations in Broadland in 2003-4. 2 of these occurred at Lingwood, and 2 at
The BTP category ‘vehicle crime’ is defined more widely than vehicle crime elsewhere in
this analysis, comprising 8 offences. At Lingwood, the 2 crimes committed were ‘Criminal
damage to a pedal cycle’ and ‘Damage to motor vehicle’. At Reedham, the 2 crimes were
‘TWOC’ and ‘TFMV’.
1.1.5 Target set in 2002-5 Strategy
The target set for vehicle crime reduction by the Broadland 2002-5 Strategy was as
The targets will take account of BPVI 128 to reduce vehicle crimes per 1000 population by 30% by
BVPI 128 defined vehicle crime as the TOMV and TFMV bandings used in the current
CDRP Analyst, Eastern, April 2005 4To the extent that numbers of vehicle crimes in Broadland have reduced from 690 in 2001-
2 to 618 in 2003-4, a fall of 10%, Broadland has not met its target for vehicle crime
reduction for 2004.
In January 2004, Broadland CDRP reset the baseline for the targets set out in the 2002-5
Strategy to 2002-3. By this measure, the target for vehicle crime has been met, since
vehicle crime decreased by 31.7% between 2002-3 and 2003-4.
1.1.6 Ward analysis
Map 1 gives a quintile mapping of vehicle crime (TOMV/ TFMV) by ward. The ward count
across most of Broadland is low. The highest levels are found in some areas around the
fringes of Norwich - generally on or adjacent to the road arteries radiating from the city -
and in Aylsham Ward.
Map 1 Vehicle crime (TOMV/ TFMV) in Broadland, 2003-4 – distribution by ward
[Source: NC1]
Table 5 shows figures and rankings for volume and incidence of vehicle crime in
Broadland wards in 2003-4, together with deprivation scores.
CDRP Analyst, Eastern, April 2005 5Incidence
District (rate per District Deprivation
Volume rank Population 1000 rank score District rank
Ward (count) (volume) mid-2001 population) (incidence) (IMD 2000) (deprivation)
Southeast 71 1 3455 20.5 1 12.2 22
Thorpe St Andrew
Northeast 45 2 6875 6.5 88.1 30
Taverham 38 3 10495 3.6 22 5.2 35
Aylsham 29 4 5840 5.0 15 14.2 13
Sprowston Central
29 5 5140 5.6 12 17.1 7
Thorpe St Andrew
South 28 6 2605 10.7 3 24.8 1
Drayton 27 7 4475 6.0 10 9.2 29
Brundall 26 84525.7 11 8.0 31
Witchingham 24 9 1975 12.2 2 13.7 16
Sprowston South 23 10 2925 7.9 4 11.1 25
Hellesdon West 22 11 4160 5.3 13 12.8 19
Sprowston East 22 12 4290 5.1 14 15.6 11
Rackheath 20 13 3175 6.3 9 11.6 23
Cawston 17 14 2430 7.0 5 16.2 10
Blofield 16 15 3520 4.5 16 7.2 34
Catton 16 16 5685 2.8 29 7.8 32
Horsford 14 17 3930 3.6 23 16.3 9
Acle 12 18 2745 4.4 17 13.1 18
South Walsham 12 19 1800 6.7 7 14.4 12
St Faiths 12 20 1730 6.9 6 12.4 21
Thorpe St Andrew
Northwest 12 21 3785 3.2 27 10.0 28
Hellesdon North 11 22 3405 3.2 26 10.0 27
Coltishall 10 23 2355 4.2 19 11.3 24
Hevingham 10 24 2315 4.3 18 20.8 5
Reepham 8 25 2660 3.0 28 13.8 15
Hainford 7 26 1870 3.7 21 10.3 26
Spixworth 7 27 4445 1.6 33 7.4 33
Sprowston West 7 28 1720 4.1 20 12.7 20
Freethorpe 6 29 1785 3.4 25 18.7 6
Burlingham 5 30 3210 1.6 34 16.8 8
Buxton 5 31 2240 2.2 30 13.8 14
Foulsham 5 32 1465 3.4 24 22.5 3
Plumstead 4 33 2535 1.6 32 23.5 2
Wroxham 3 34 1530 2.0 31 13.2 17
Reedham 2 35 1695 1.2 35 22.5 4
Broadland 605 118790 5.1
Table 3 Volume and incidence of vehicle crime (TOMV/ TFMV) in Broadland wards, 2003-4, in rank
order by volume [Sources: NC1, IMD2000, NCC]
CDRP Analyst, Eastern, April 2005 6Two of the 20% most-affected wards by volume (Hellesdon Southeast and Thorpe St
Andrew South) are among the 20% most-affected wards by incidence. These 2 wards are
thereby identified as priority areas for crime reduction interventions.
One of these priority wards, Thorpe St Andrew South, is among the 20% of most deprived
wards in Broadland (using IMD 2000). Amongst all wards in Broadland, there is not a close
correlation between incidence of vehicle crime and rates of deprivation.
The crime reduction matrix in Table 6 shows that the 2 wards where high volume and high
incidence of vehicle crime coincided in 2003-4 accounted for 16.4% of the Broadland total.
Volume of vehicle crime
Low Medium High
5 wards 2 wards
Low 0(3.1% of crimes) (3.8% of crimes)
Incidence of 2 wards 14 wards 5 wards
vehicle Medium
(1.8% of crimes) (32.6% of crimes) (27.8% of crimes)
5 wards 2 wards
High 0 (14.5% of crimes) (16.4% of crimes)
Table 4 Crime reduction matrix – Vehicle crime (TOMV/ TFMV) in Broadland wards, 2003-4
[Sources: NC1, HO8]
More detailed analysis for vehicle crime in this study will focus on Hellesdon Southeast
Ward, which accounted for 11.7% of vehicle crime in Broadland in 2003-4. It also
experienced the

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