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ISSN 0378-3693
of the European
No 3 D 1991
Volume 24 The Bulletin of the European Communities reports on the activities of the Commission and the
other Community institutions. It is edited by the Secretariat-General of then (rue de la
Loi 200, B-1049 Brussels) and published 10 times a year in the official Community languages.
The following reference system is used: the first digit indicates the part number, the second digit
the chapter number and the subsequent digit or digits the point number. Citations should therefore
read as follows: Bull. EC 1 /2-1991, point 1.1.3 or 2.2.36.
Supplements to the Bulletin are published in a separate series at irregular intervals. They contain
official Commission material (e.g. communications to the Council, programmes, reports and pro
© ECSC-EEC-EAEC, Brussels · Luxembourg, 1991
Reproduction is authorized provided the source is acknowledged.
Printed in Belgium Bulletin
of the European
Commission of the European Communities
NO 3 D 1991 Volume 24
Sent to press in May 1991 Bulletin information service
Readers can obtain information on developments since this issue went to press (date of
adoption of instruments by the Council, of opinions given by Parliament or the Economic
and Social Committee, of publication in the Official Journal, etc.) by telephoning the
document services of the Information Offices at the following numbers:
London 222 8122
Belfast 240708
Cardiff 371631
Edinburgh5 205
Dublin 712244
References in text and footnotes
References to other parts of the same issue of the Bulletin are given in parentheses in text,
thus (-» point 2.1.53).
Standardized abbreviations for the designation of certain monetary units in the different languages of
the Community;
ECU European currency unit =
BFR = Belgische frank / Franc beige
DKR = Dansk krone
DM = Deutsche Mark
DR Greek drachma =
ESC Escudo =
FF Franc français =
HFL Nederlandse gulden (Hollandse florijn) =
IRL Irish pound / punt -
LFR Franc luxembourgeois =
LIT Lira italiana =
PTA Peseta =
UKL Pound sterling =
USD United States dollar contents
News in brief 8
1. Towards European union 10
— Economic and monetary union
— Political union
2. The single market and the Community economic and
social area 11
— Economic and monetary policy
— Internal market2
— Competition 20
— Enterprise policy, industrial policy and services 23
— Research and technology7
— Telecommunications and information services8
— Transport9
— Energy 3
— Coordination of structural policies 31
— Social dimension2
— Regional policies3
— Agriculture4
— Fisheries 4
— Environment6
— Consumers 5
3. Role of the Community in the world 53
— European Free Trade Association
— The Soviet Union and the countries of Central and
Eastern Europe
— Mediterranean and Middle East
— United States, Japan and other industrialized countries 59 — Asia and Latin America 59
— African, Caribbean and Pacific countries and overseas
countries and territories 61
— General development cooperation3
— Commercial policy5
— Human rights in the world8
— Diplomatic relations 7
4. Intergovernmental cooperation
— European politicaln1
5. Financing Community activities2
— Budgets
— Financial operations4
— Anti-fraud measures 7
— European Investment Bank
6. Statistics6
7. Community institutions8
— Parliament
— Council 79
— Commission 82
— Community lawcourts
— Court of Auditors 91
— Economic and Social Committee
— ECSC Consultativee
1. The ecu 94
2. Infringement proceedings6
3. Additional references in the Official Journal 97
4. Index8 Supplements 1991
1 /91 The Commission's programme for 1 991 PARTONE
IN MARCH 1991 News ¡n brief
The single market
and the Community economic and social area
Internal market
The Council adopts conclusions in respect of VAT (—» point 1.2.4).
Thel agrees a Directive providing for an increase in value limits on intra-
Community travellers' allowances (—> point 1.2.5).
The Council adopts a Directive on monitoring and controlling large exposures of
credit institutions (—> point 1.2.6).
The Commission adopts a proposal for a Regulation on the type-approval of two- or
three-wheel motor vehicles ( —» point 1.2.7).
The Commission adopts a proposal for a Directive on assistance to the Commission
and cooperation by the Member States in the scientific examination of question s
relating to food (—> point 1.2.8).
Enterprise policy, industrial policy and services
The Commission adopts a communication on the future of the ECSC Treaty (-> point
The Commission adopts a communication on the European electronics and infor
mation technology industry (—> point 1.2.50).
The Commission adopts an on internal trade in the Community setting
out a programme of work designed to create the conditions for a single market in
distribution (—> point 1.2.51).
Thé Commission adopts a proposal for a Community action plan to assist tourism
(-> point 1.2.52).
Coordination of structural policies
The Commission adopts a Community support framework for structural assistance
in the five new Länder of Germany and eastern Berlin (—» point 1.2.77).
Fisheries policy
The Commission adopts Community support frameworks for Community structural
funding to improve the conditions under which fishery and aquaculture products are
processed and marketed (—► point 1.2.147).
Bull. EC 3-1991