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ISSN 0378-3693
No 11 1979
Volume 12 The Bulletin of the European Communities reports on the activities of the
Commission and the other Community Institutions. It is edited by the
Secretariat-General of the Commission (rue de la Loi 200, B-1049
Brussels) and published eleven times a year (one issue covers July and
August) in the official Community languages and Spanish.
Reproduction is authorized provided the source is acknowledged.
The following reference system is used: the first digit indicates the part
number, the second digit the chapter number and the subsequent digit or
digits the point number. Citations should therefore read as follows:
Bull. EC 1-1979, point 1.1.3 or 2.2:36.
Supplements to the Bulletin are published in a separate series at irregular
intervals. They contain official Commission material (e.g. communications
to the Council, programmes, reports and proposals). The Supplements do
not appear in Spanish.
Printed in Belgium BULLETIN
European Coal and Steel Community n Economic Community
European Atomic Energyy
Commission of the European Communities
No 11
Sent to press in December 1979. Volume 12 contents
1. The European Council in Dublin 7
2. Agricultural policy: changes proposed by the Commission —
Reduction of structural surpluses and agricultural expenditure 14
3. Conclusion of the multilateral trade negotiations — Results of the
Tokyo Round approved by the Council 18
4. Development of transport infrastructures — Commission
Memorandum 23
5. Operation of the Community institutions — Conclusions of the
Three Wise Men'5
1. Building the Community 30
— Economic and monetary policy
— Internal market and industrial affairs1
— Customs union5
— Competition8
— Financial institutions and taxation 4
— Employment and social policy2
— Regional policy 47
— Environment and consumer protection
— Agriculture 51
— Fisheries
— Transport
— Energy9
— Research and development, science and education .... 60
— Scientific and technical information and information manage
ment 63 2. Enlargement and external relations 63
—t and bilateral relations with applicant countries 6
— Commercial policy4
— Development 66
— International organizations 71
— Relations with certain countries and regions
— Political cooperation 80
3. Institutionaland political matters2
— Institutional developments
— Institutions and organs of the Communities 83
• Parliament
• Council 91
• Commission4
• Court of Justice5
• Economic and Social Committee 10
• ECSC Consultativee
• European Investment Bank6
— Financing Community activities8
1. Units of account 116
2. Additional references in the Official journal 119
3. Infringement procedures 120
4. Convergence and budgetary questions1
Publications of the European Communities Supplements 1979
1 /79 European Union — Annual reports for 1978
2/79 Accession of the Communities to the European Convention
on Human Rights — Commission memorandum
3/79 Forestry policy in the European Community
4/79 Second Community programme for consumers
5/79 Air Transport: A Community approach — Memorandum of
the Commission
*6/79 Employee participation in asset formation — Memorandum
of the Commission
"8/79 A transport network for Europe — Outline of a policy
" In preparation. PART ONE
SPECIAL FEATURES Standardized abbreviations for the designation of certain monetary units in the different languages of
the Community:
BFR = Belgische frank/Franc belge
LFR = Franc luxembourgeois
DKR = Dansk krone
FF = Franc français
DM = Deutsche Mark
LIT = Lira italiana
HFL = Nederlandse gulden (Hollandse florijn)
UKL = Pound sterling
IRL = Irish pound
USD = United States dollar 1. European Council
in Dublin
Dublin European Council
1.1.1. The European Council met in Dublin application of new computer technologies, to
(Ireland is in the chair for the second half of telecommunications (compunication) and
this year) on 29 and 30 November. It was their implications for the European economy
presided over by Mr Lynch, the Irish Prime —and the world energy crisis were once
Minister, and attended by one Head of State again high up on the agenda. Of particular
(Mr Giscard d'Estaing) and the Heads of note in the Conclusions of the Presidency are
Government of the eight other Member the passages on the establishment of the
States; they were accompanied by the Foreign European Monetary Fund and the formula
Ministers of the Nine. The Commission was tion of Commission proposals for more inci
represented by Mr Jenkins and Mr Ortoli. sive action to combat unemployment. The
passage on energy, however, is vague and is a
The main item on the agenda was 'converg
poor reflection of the far-reaching discussion
ence and budgetary questions', encompassing
on this subject by the Heads of Government.
the British demand for a cut in its net con
tribution to the Community budget and the Other items on the agenda included the
Italian demand for greater balance between report of the Committee of Wise Men on
the different Community policies. No sub adjustments to the machinery and procedures
stantive agreement was reached on the of the Community institutions3 (to be looked
Britisch demand, which dominated the dis at in greater detail at the next European
cussions, although attempts at conciliation Council) and the reports on European Union
were made by certain Heads of Government by the Foreign Ministers and the Commis
and the Commission had made proposals' sion.4 The Commission's proposals5 for tight
aimed at finding a middle way. But the meet ening up the regulation of agricultural mar
ing did finally close on a note of compromise, kets in general and the milk market in par
with all parties agreeing on a course of ticular were also discussed.
Two official statements, one on Iran and the
The Commission was requested, to quote other on Kampuchea, were published at the
from the Conclusions of the Presidency, 'to end of the meeting along with the traditional
pursue the examination of proposals for Conclusions of the Presidency.
developing supplementary Community mea
The Commission had prepared the ground sures within the United Kingdom which will
for the European Council with the customary also lead to a greater participation by the
set of communications on the main items on United Kingdom in Community expenditure.
the agenda—convergence and budgetary The Commission is asked to make proposals
questions, energy, the economic situation, which will enable the Council of Ministers to
adjustments to the common agricultural polpursue the search for appropriate solutions to
icy designed to improve the balance between be reached at the next meeting of the Euro
the different markets, data technology and pean Council. The President of the Council
European Union. will convene the European Council as soon as
the conditions for such a meeting have been
Point 3.4.1.
Point 1.1.7.
The economic and social situation—with par
Points 1.5.1 and 1.5.2.
ticular reference to the outlook for the Corn- Supplement 9/79 — Bull. EC.
unity economy, to unemployment, to the Points 1.2.1 to 1.2.10.
Bull. EC 11-1979 Dublin European Council Dublin European Council
munity industry must continue to enable it to Outcome of the European Council
adapt more quickly to new patterns of demand.
The present difficulties require an improvement 1.1.2. The main results of the discussions
coordination of the economic and monetary by the Heads of State or of Government are
policies of Member States. With this in mind, the
recorded in the now traditional Conclusions
European Council confirms its intention to set up
of the Presidency released at the end of the
the European Monetary Fund in accordance with
Dublin European Council. the timetable envisaged. To this end, the European
Council invites the Commission to submit, for its
next meeting in March 1980, a report setting out
the progress made in this field and the difficulties
Conclusions of the Presidency encountered. Furthermore, the presents
require that the Community continue to pursue a
common approach in conjonction with other 1.1.3. The Conclusions of the Presidency
industrialized countries. The European Council
are reproduced below.'
reaffirmed its determination to conduct economic
policies in line with the principles and strategy
agreed at the European Council in Strasbourg.1
Economic and social situation
Even with the downturn in the international
economy the Community is expected to achieve at
Prospects for the Community economy least a moderate rate of growth next year, and
may avert acceleration in the rate of inflation.
1.1.4. 'The Heads of State or G