Schedule of Audit Findings and Responses Whatcom County Whatcom January 1, 2008 through December 31, 2008 1. Whatcom County did not comply with state law when it transferred interest earned from certain funds in which interest cannot be diverted to the general fund. Description of Condition The County earned $4,332,622 in investment interest during fiscal year 2008. The interest income was allocated as follows: $4,236,334 to the General Fund, $21,709 to the Veterans Relief Fund, $1,530 to the Whatcom County Court Improvement Fund, $35,404 to the Whatcom County Drug Fund and $37,645 to the Ferry System Fund. During our review we noted seven funds restricted by law that did not receive interest they were due. Interest earned on funds, which are restricted, cannot be diverted to the General Fund. The following funds are restricted and did not receive any interest allocation. We estimated the amount of interest due the funds by calculating their ending fund balance using a 3 percent return. This percentage is slightly lower than the Treasurer’s estimated average return, making the calculation more conservative to better reflect the monthly fluctuation in fund balance. Fund Name Amount Whatcom County Jail $129,859 Real Estate Excise Tax I $116,978 Real Estate Excise Tax II $274,597 Convention Center (hotel/motel tax) $ 20,779 Conservation Futures $ 73,912 Equipment Rental $299,353 Emergency Communication $ 1,928 Total ...