Honorable Charles E. Houghtaling, Jr. and Members of the Albany County Legislature: LADIES AND GENTLEMEN: The Audit and Finance Committee of the Albany County Legislature met on October 26, 2005. Chairperson Commisso, Messrs. Domalewicz, Houghtaling, Joyce, Monjeau, Riddick and Ms. Benedict were present. Mr. Dawson and Ms. Comella were excused. The following items were discussed and/or acted upon: Approving Previous Meeting Minutes: Unanimously approved. 1. Authorizing an Agreement Regarding Single Provider Services to Administer the County’s Health Insurance Plan: Human Resources Commissioner Robert Conway, Deputy Commissioner Cathy Connors and the County’s insurance consultant, Stephen Locey, appeared before the Committee. The Committee was informed that the Personnel Committee earlier in the evening discussed the proposal at length before tabling it. The Audit and Finance Committee also voted unanimously to table the proposal. 2. Authorizing Agreements Regarding Participation in the Verifying NY Program to Combat Medicaid Fraud and Abuse in Albany County and Amending the 2005 Albany County Budget: County Comptroller Michael Conners informed the Committee he is pursuing an RFP for the purchase of a computer program to identify Medicaid provider fraud. The State next year will reimburse counties 100% of the cost of computer hardware to target Medicaid fraud. The County Executive also has incorporated a plan in his 2006 proposed budget to ...