L O S A N G E L E S P O L I C E C O M M I S S I O NL O S A N G E L E S P O L I C E C O M M I S S I O NREVIEW OF THE DEPARTMENT’SCATEGORICAL USE OF FORCESYSTEMS AUDITFiscal Year 2006/2007Conducted by theOFFICE OF THE INSPECTOR GENERALANDRÉ BIROTTE, JR.Inspector GeneralJuly 2, 2007TABLE OF CONTENTSREVIEW OF THE DEPARTMENT’S CATEGORICAL USE OF FORCESYSTEMS AUDITPAGE(FISCAL YEAR 2006/2007) NO.PURPOSE 1BACKGROUND ON AUDIT DIVISION’S AUDIT 1FOCUS POINTS 3REVIEW METHODOLOGY 3REVIEW RESULTS 3COMPLETENESS 3Consent Decree Mandates Addressed 3Identification of a Complete Population 4FINDINGS 4Support for Findings 4Presentation of Findings 4QUALITY 4Audit Quality 4Report Quality 5CONCLUSION 5OFFICE OF THE INSPECTOR GENERALREVIEW OF THE DEPARTMENT’SCATEGORICAL USE OF FORCE SYSTEMS AUDIT (FISCAL YEAR 2006/2007)PURPOSEPursuant to Consent Decree Paragraph 135, the Office of Inspector General (OIG) reviewed theDepartment’s Categorical Use of Force (CUOF) Systems Audit (Audit) performed by AuditDivision. The Audit was completed in the third quarter of Fiscal Year 2006/2007 and receivedby the OIG on April 2, 2007. The OIG assessed the Audit’s completeness, findings and quality.BACKGROUND ON AUDIT DIVISION’S AUDITDue to the large number of Consent Decree Paragraphs that must be evaluated involving CUOF,Audit Division, on an annual basis, conducts both a CUOF Systems Audit and a CUOFInvestigations Audit. The CUOF Systems Audit evaluates events that ...