Protect Your BusinessWhy Compliance MattersThe ProblemToo often, businesses fi nd it challenging to navigate the ever-growing complex rules, regulations and compliance laws at both the federal and state level. Legal responsibilities that at one time went unenforced are now being enforced in Compliance Audit Alert - July 1, 2009:unprecedented ways. Business What to do if you receive an ICE Notice of Inspectionexecutives that don’t heed this All employers should be aware that today Immigration and Customs new intensity of enforcement Enforcement (ICE) announced an initiative to audit over 650 US may in fact fi nd their bottom line companies for I-9 compliance through administrative Notices of impacted, or in some cases, fi nd Inspection (NOIs). Each Special Agent in Charge (SAC) has been themselves personally liable. instructed to target businesses with headquarters in their Area of The SolutionResponsibility (AOR). The companies receiving these NOIs have been ICS provides a comprehensive hand-selected by ICE SAC offi ces, and represent a cross-section of auditing service to review industries and sizes: small (less than 20 employees), medium (20-100 existing compliance systems employees) and large (more than 100 employees). with a keen awareness of the vulnerabilities often The new I-9 initiative is part of the government’s ongoing eff ort to hold exploited. For businesses that employers more accountable for immigration compliance. ...