Superfund Interagency AgreementsReport No. 2001-P-00011 June 22, 2001 SUPERFUNDAudit Report Office of Inspector GeneralMike DavisRegions 2, 5, 6, and 7Program Offices Involved: Office of Solid Waste and EmergencyManagementOffice of Administration and ResourcesResponseRegions Covered: Dan HowardAngela BennettRandy Holthaus Central Division: Ann Weiland Tim RoachLeah NikaidohRobert Bronstrup Northern Division: Inspector General Divisions June 22, 2001 Report No. 2001-P-00011 TO:Attached is our report entitled . Region 5, in its response, provided dates will assist in deciding whether to close this report. corrective actions planned but not completed by the response date, reference to specific milestone For this office a written response to the audit report within 90 days of the final audit report date. In accordance with EPA Order 2750, you, as the action official, are required to provide ACTION REQUIRED completing this national review timely. Regions 2, 5, 6 and 7 throughout the audit greatly helped us in officials in OSWER, OARM, and agreements and helped add value to this audit. The proactive participation and cooperation of The staff exhibited a genuine interest in working with us to improve Superfund interagency audit. We appreciate the cooperation of your staff and the assistance provided throughout the report and included your complete responses in Appendices 1, 2, and 3. We ...