COMMl$SJON ON ACCREDITATlONFOR LAW E!"<"FORCEMENT A~ENClFS~HARVEY M, B~CKER.)CHIEF Of POlleEPOLICE DEPARTMENT S'i~March 16, 2009To: Citizens of Goose CreekSubj,: Invitation for Public CommentThe Goose Creek Police Department has been allotted $41,494 by the FederalBureau of Justice Assistance under the 2009 Recovery Act: Edward ByrneMemorial Grant (JAG) Formula Program,The Goose Creek Police Department proposes to allocate this funding for thepurchase of eight (8) new ruggedized laptop computers to be placed in patrolvehicles currently not equipped, This will further implement the agency's effortsat making mission critical information such as wanted and missing persons files,information from the National Crime Information Center (NCIC), state motorvehicle and licensing files, and local information from the agency's own recordsmanagement system (RMS) such as incident reports and mug shots available toevery patrol officer in the field,Attached is a copy of our application for funding, I welcome public comment andinput on our intended use of these funds, You may contact me by dialing (843)863-5200 ext 309 or e-mail Ourapplication must be filed with the Bureau of Justice Assistance no later than 8:00p,m, May 18, 2008, You may visit www,ojp,usdoLgov/BJNfor more information,Sincerely,Harvey BeckerChief of Policecc: Filep,o, Drawer 1768· Goose Creek, South Carolina 29445-1768.843-863-5200· Fax ...