August 25, 2009 VIA HAND DELIVERY Charlene Frizzera, Acting Administrator Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services Department of Health and Human Services Attention: CMS-1414-P Room 445-G Hubert H. Humphrey Building 200 Independence Avenue, SW Washington, DC 20201 Re: CMS-1414-P – Medicare Program; Proposed Changes to the Ambulatory Surgical Center Payment System and CY 2010 Payment Rates Dear Acting Administrator Frizzera: On behalf of the undersigned members of the ambulatory surgery center (ASC) community, please accept the following comments regarding the payment and quality issues related to ASCs in the proposed rule for CY 2010 payments (74 Fed. Reg. 35232, July 20, 2009). These comments are submitted jointly by the ASC Association and the ASC Coalition, a diverse coalition of national and state associations and companies representing all types of ASCs – single- and multi-specialty, physician-owned, joint ventures between hospitals and physicians, and joint ventures between physicians and management companies. These centers range from the very small to the very large and are located in all parts of the nation. We appreciate the diligent work of your staff to review and evaluate the proposed changes to the ASC payment system in 2010, and appreciate the opportunity to offer our insights on the impact of the ASC payment system. This is the first opportunity we have had to reflect upon actual claims experience under the ...
August 25, 2009 VIA HAND DELIVERY Charlene Frizzera, Acting Administrator Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services Department of Health and Human Services Attention: CMS-1414-P Room 445-G Hubert H. Humphrey Building 200 Independence Avenue, SW Washington, DC 20201 Re: CMS-1414-P Medicare Program; ProposedChanges to the Ambulatory Surgical Center Payment System and CY 2010 Payment RatesDear Acting Administrator Frizzera: On behalf of the undersigned members of the ambulatory surgery center (ASC) community, please accept the following comments regarding the payment and quality issues related to ASCs in the proposed rule for CY 2010 payments (74 Fed. Reg. 35232, July 20, 2009). These comments are submitted jointly by the ASC Association and the ASC Coalition, a diverse coalition of national and state associations and companies representing all types of ASCs single- and multi-specialty, physician-owned, joint ventures between hospitals and physicians, and joint ventures between physicians and management companies. These centers range from the very small to the very large and are located in all parts of the nation. We appreciate the diligent work of your staff to review and evaluate the proposed changes to the ASC payment system in 2010, and appreciate the opportunity to offer our insights on the impact of the ASC payment system. This is the first opportunity we have had to reflect upon actual claims experience under the revised payment system. We offer our insights on the first year of experience under the revised system as well as our expectations and recommendations for the coming years as we move through the final phases of the transition. Since the inception of the Medicare benefit in 1982, ASCs have steadily expanded the role they play in meeting the surgical needs of Medicare beneficiaries. A recent study released by the independent health economics and policy firm KNG Health Consulting shows that ASCs have played a pivotal role in moving services into less expensive yet clinically appropriate settings. Most strikingly, the researchers attributed 70 percent of the growth in ASC services between 2000 and 2007 to the migration of services from the hospital outpatient department to the ASC. This finding was buttressed by the fact that ASC market share grew substantially in the primary clinical procedures provided by ASCs. Other key findings from the study, which examined the growth in the number of ASCs and the services provided in this setting between 2000 and 2007, include:
Charlene Frizzera August 25, 2009 Page of 32 1 •ASCs are essential Medicare providers of surgical and cancer screening services. •For gastrointestinal and ophthalmology servicestwo major types of services ASCs provide75% and 94% of the growth, resp ectively, in ASC services over the study period is from the migration of services to the less expensive ASC setting. •result in a higher overall surgical volume in theirThe presence of ASCs does not geographic market/area. The ASC community continues to support CMS’s decision to base ASC payments on the ambulatory payment classification (APC) groups and relative weights used in the hospital outpatient prospective payment system (OPPS). However,we remain concerned that CMS did not adopt a set of policies that would result in a fixed relationship between ASC and OPPS payments over time. CMS’s policies should facilitate Medicare beneficiaries’ understanding of the relative cost of surgical services in outpatient settings and enable them to make direct comparisons on the basis of price and quality. Although these comments will address a variety of topics of importance to the ASC community, we urge the agency to use its administrative authority to address two elements of the revised ASC payment system that result in a growing and inappropriate separation between ASC and HOPD payment rates. •the ASC and HOPD payment systems, the hospitalUse the same inflation update in both outpatient market basket index. •to ASC services without a second scaling of theDirectly apply the OPPS relative weights relative weights. Since CMS published the final rule for the revised ASC payment system, aggregate ASC payments as a percent of the OPPS rates have fallen from 65 percent to an estimated 58 percent in 2010. That relationship is down from 86 percent as recently as 2004. Left unchanged, the expanding gap between payments will reverse the decades-long migration of services into the ASCs as certain procedures or classes of surgical services will not remain viable in the ASC setting. OVERVIEW In linking the ASC and OPPS payment systems, CMS created an opportunity to ensure that both beneficiaries and the government would save money when patients choose the ASC setting over the HOPD. As MedPAC consistently articulates in its annual reports to Congress, program payments should be adequate to cover the costs of an efficient provider of services. By setting ASC rates below the OPPS rates, Medicare pays more for identical surgical services in the HOPD as compared to the ASC setting for a variety of reasons. However, once that differential is established, as it was in the 2008 rulemaking, payment policies for the two systems should expect both settings to manage costs equally well going forward. Carrying this concept to
Charlene Frizzera August 25, 2009 Page 3 of 31implementation means that relative ASC and HOPD rates should not diverge over time, but retain a consistent relationship. We are concerned that several provisions of this proposed rule perpetuate policies that will reduce, rather than expand, access to surgical care due to the selective and incomplete application of OPPS policies in the ASC setting. Maintainingthe integrity of the connection to the OPPS relative weights is paramount in ensuring that the payment policies do not influence site of service selection. In the sections below, we highlight why the agency should address several design and implementation issues in the revised payment system. These changes will ensure beneficiaries’ ability to evaluate their options for outpatient surgery and choose the lowest price setting appropriate for their clinical condition: ¾weights as this further exacerbates the gap betweenCMS should stop rescaling ASC relative ASC and OPPS payments and inappropriately reduces payments to ASCs. The agency’s assertions that scaling will not consistently reduce ASC weights and diversification of the industry will diminish the impact of scaling have not been borne out by experience. ¾the measure of ASC cost increases, ratherCMS should adopt the hospital market basket as than using the CPI-U. The CPI-U does not reflect medical cost inflation and is highly volatile, particularly in response to economic factors unrelated to the delivery of surgical services. The agency’s projection of CPI-U is too low and is inconsistent with projections by other federal agencies. ¾CMS should use the OPPS wage index for ASC payments to improve the consistency between the payment systems and to limit variation in price at the local level. This change will enhance consumers’ ability to compare prices between the two settings. ¾expand the ASC procedure list to more closely reflect the spectrumCMS should continue to of services covered in the HOPD and already covered by commercial insurers and other private and public payors. In those instances where CMS excludes a procedure from the ASC list, it should disclose the reasoning behind such exclusion. ¾to design and implement a quality reporting infrastructure forCMS should complete its work ASCs. Weappreciate the challenges of bringing a system online, but we believe that the agency’s experience with the existing quality reporting initiatives provide sufficient information to move forward with an ASC reporting initiative. The ASC industry is eager to make quality information available to consumers.
Charlene Frizzera August 25, 2009 Page 4 of 31I.conversion factor and scaling of the relative weightsASC In 2010, ASCs will enter the third year of the transition to a payment system based on the relative weights of services paid under the OPPS. During the transition, the rates for the most common procedures are declining. Calendar year 2010 also marks the end to a 6-year rate freeze imposed by the Medicare Modernization Act of 2003. The effects of the rate freeze can be seen in the slowdown of growth in the number of ASCs as well as aggregate payments to ASCs. As ASC growth slows, so too will the migration of services from the HOPD to the ASC setting, resulting in fewer opportunities to garner additional savings for facility-based outpatient surgical services. Figure 1. ASC development and spending growth have slowed substantially
20% 15% 10% 5% 0%
1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 Netpercentgrowthinpaymentsfrompreviousyear Netpercentgrowthincentersfrompreviousyear Data from some of the largest ASC management companies shows same-store volume growth in 2009 is either flat or negative. It is too early to tell what effects the speed and severity of the payment reductions are having on beneficiary access to ASC services, so we urge CMS to avoid implementing additional policies that will decrease payments. In the discussion below, we describe how ASC services when establishing the conversion factorCMS overestimated the growth in • for the new payment system, and •scaling of the ASC relative weights and use of the Consumer Price Index for Urban Consumers is eroding the relationship of ASC to HOPD payments. Medicare’s payment policies should support the continued development of capacity in the industry to move cases into the least intensive setting appropriate to the clinical needs of the patient. Scaling the relative weights and expanding the difference in ASC and HOPD payments is in direct conflict with the goal of ensuring that patients have continued access to surgical care in the lowest priced setting appropriate to their clinical needs.
Charlene Frizzera August 25, 2009 Page 5 o 31f A.ASCs did not grow at the aggressive rate predicted by CMS When CMS established the payment system in its 2007 rulemaking, the agency used a formula that recognized the migration of services between settings in response to the new payment system. To calculate the conversion factor, CMS used 2005 volume from ASCs, HOPDs, and physician offices to project the volume in 2008. Through improvements or decrements to the conversion factor, the formula credited ASCs for moving volume from the HOPD and penalized them for moving services from the physician office into the ASC. The ASC community firmly embraced including migration in establishing the conversion factor. However, we commented at the time that two primary elements of the formula kept the conversion factor low relative to what we believed was an appropriate payment differential with the HOPD (e.g., a conversion factor at 75% of the OPPS rate). We disagreed with the agency’s assertions assumed under the conversion factor formula that ASCs would expand their capacity sufficiently to accommodate a tremendous volume of new services, and that ASCs would begin performing a high volume of low-complexity procedures. The conversion factor formula assumed ASCs would receive volume from the OPPS and physician office in the first year of the new payment system equal to 12.5% of OPPS and 3.75% of physician office volume for new codes allowed in the ASC setting in 2008. Restricting the migration to new codes excluded previously covered services for which ASCs have moved substantial volume to the most appropriate setting; the model overstated the volume growth and spending in the ASC, and the rule set the conversion factor too low. Under the migration assumptions in the CMS formula, ASC volume would have nearly doubled between 2005 and 2008. Most of the volume growth assumed by the agency was concentrated in procedures predominately performed in the physician office. The agency assumed that ASCs would perform more than 2.7 million office based procedures in 2008 in its calculation to establish the ASC conversion factor. Using 2008 claims data, we observe fewer than 200,000 instances in which procedures designated as office based were performed in ASCs, more than a third of which were performed secondary to another procedure and were generally low-priced services.
Charlene Frizzera August 2 , 2009 Page 6 o 31Figure . CMS ove estimated ASC rowth, articul rl for offi e based r cedures 10,000, 00 9,000, 00 8,000, 00 7,000, 00 6,000, 00 5,000, 00 4,000, 00 3,000, 00 2,000, 00 1,000, 00 0 Act alVolume CMSProject dVolume In additi n to overes imating vo ume growt , the agenc likewise o erestimate the level a d distribut on of spending under t e revised s stem. Usin 2008 data n ASC’s e perience u der the new ystem, we ound that CMS’ origin l budget ne trality calc lation on t e new code range ov restimated ASC spend ng growth nd set the c nversion f ctor too lo . First, we determi ed the level of spendin which CM calculated to set the c nversion fa tor. We us d 2005 cla ms and app ied the ass mptions in MS’s con ersion fact r formula o •volume g owth in the OPPS and hysician 005 o fices from , to 200 • of volu tion from th ethe migr se settings to the ASC i 2008, • list to the AS d add codes in ne ccur that ne migration ould onlythe restri tion in 2008, nd • ased for office- d payment n and capp the transitirelevant ayment pol cies such a procedur s. This cal ulation res lted in a pr ection of SC paymen s equal to 285 million over the ra ge of new c des. Second, e analyze the actual olume and ayments for services i the new co e range in 2008; pa ments for ervices equ led $67 mi lion. The ta le below il ustrates the CMS estim tes and actu l 2008 spe ding by pa ment indicator for new ategories of procedure . The CM estimate were inclu ed in the c lculation establishing t e ASC con ersion fact r estimat s
Charlene Frizzera August 25, 2009 Page 7 of 31that we argued were too high and which resulted in a lower conversion factor than we believed was appropriate. Table 1. CMS’s method substantially overestimated the migration of volume in new codes CMS NewCodeTeNofucmobdeersestiomfateActualypspending spending (in millions) J8: Device-intensive procedure 14 $130 $5 G2: Non office-based surgical procedure 284 $70 $42 P3: Office-based surgical procedure, capped at physician rate 388 $60 $15 P2: Office-based surgical procedure, paid at OPPS rate 147 $20 $4 R2: Office-based surgical procedure, capped at physician rate 42 $5 $1 All new codes 875 $285 $67 * Spending excludes beneficiary copayments. As the table illustrates, CMS’s estimate of spending for newly covered procedures was several times higher than the actual spending. If even half as much migration from OPPS and physician offices had occurred, CMS’s estimate of spending would still have been twice the actual level of spending. Since we have no means to attribute the actual volume of new ASC services coming from the HOPD or the physician office, we recalculated CMS’s budget neutrality model, using half as much migration from OPPS and physician offices. We applied the same methodology that CMS outlined in the calendar year 2008 final rule, changing only the assumption of migration from OPPS from 12.5% to 6.25% and the assumption of migration from physician offices from 3.75% to 1.5%. This alternative approach yields a conversion factor of 64 percent. In addition, we know that approximately one third of the volume of office-based procedures was secondary, and hence, we discounted 50 percent. Taking into account the discounting of the office-based procedures would have raised the conversion factor further. This analysis, along with the actual spending levels in 2008, confirms that a higher conversion factor would have maintained budget neutrality.CMS based its migration calculation for the conversion factor on a narrow range of new codes. Though a very small amount of migration did occur to services in those codes, CMS’s range excludes codes with a substantial amount of ASC volume and significant amounts of migration to the ASC setting. A recent report by KNG Health Consulting found that ASCs successfully moved thousands of surgeries to the most appropriate setting between 2000 and 2007. The graph below illustrates migration as a portion of growth in ASC volume.
Charlene Frizzera August 2 , 2009 Page 8 o 31Fi ur olo serv all rowth f ophthal3. Nearl to able attribu is ces in ASC i ration f om HOPDs, 78 perce t of rowt in GI due to mi ration We appl ed KNG’s ethodolog to measure migration i to 2008. ur findings were consis ent with the NG resea ch. Among the domina t specialtie in ASCs, uch as gast oenterolog , ophthal ology or d rmatology services, mi ration can e as much s 90 percen of growth ince 2005. C S’s exclu ion of the s rvices on t e 2007 AS list failed o capture the true exten of migratio to ASCs. . red riatel pa ces ASC re ative weiScalin he inappro ts m nts CMS sta es in the pr posed rule that “Today, hospital o tpatient an ASC surgi al procedur s are paid ased on th relative w ights adopt d for the O PS, and th difference etween payment under the wo systems is largely a reflection o the differe ces in capi al and oper ting costs att ibutable to eing an ASC or being n HOPD ( 4 Fed. Reg. 35392, Jul 20, 2009). Scaling f the relati e weights is intended to maintain b dget neutra ity within a payment system; owever, C S’ applica ion of scali g in the ASC system is instead cre ting increas ngly large pa ment differ ntials betw en ASC an HOPD pa ments without evidenc of growin differen es in capita and operat ng costs in he two setti gs. The reg lations esta lishing the evised AS payment s stem give MS the fle ibility to scale the OPP weights “ s needed. CMS shoul use its ad inistrative uthority an not apply he seconda y scaler to SC relativ weights in 010. In th s section, we will demo strate that: ¾ is inaResc ling paym nt the elationship propriately roding and SC between th OPPS syste s. ¾ pa educing already is ASC any for ments syste ment to the new paThe ransition servi es, and res aling is ex cerbating the transition o the new ayment sys em for man com on ASC se vices. ¾ equired is not he by statute.Resc ling During t is critical e rly imple entation pe iod, CMS s ould conti ually assess the impact f its decision on the fina payment l vels. Scali g of relativ weights is a consistent CMS polic in
Charlene Frizzera August 25, 2009 Page 9 of 31other Medicare payment systems where the cost and volume data are derived directly from the providers affected by the scaler. However, because CMS bases the ASC system off the OPPS relative weights, the weights should be equal in both settings. The scaler breaks the direct link between ASC and OPPS weights and acts as an unnecessary measurement of volume and case mix. The application of the separate ASC scaling factor as proposed in this rule produces payment differentials that are neither sensible nor good policy. Figure 4. The relationship between ASC and HOPD payment should remain constant 66% 65% 65% 65% 65%
Further, basing the scaler on the full panoply of OPPS relative weights and volume is inconsistent with the principle of rescaling. When CMS transports the OPPS relative weights to ASC payments and then applies a budget neutrality adjustment, the agency’s “neutrality calculation assumes that differences in case mix constitute unanticipated spending increases. Instead, CMS should directly apply the OPPS relative weights to ASC payments after adjusting for the cost of device intensive procedures. The rescaling that currently occurs annually in the OPPS results in a new set of weights and is the best proxy for cost increases at both the APC and HCPCs levels. Absent the transition, scaling the ASC relative weights should not result in a year-to-year decrease in the ASC relative weight when the OPPS relative weight for the same service is rising. As illustrated in the chart below, the ASC scaling factor can cause the weights for ASC and HOPD services to move in opposite directions. The services represented in this chart were added to the ASC list under the revised payment system and are paid on the basis of the OPPS relative weights. Payment for a service should not increase in one setting and decrease in another solely on the basis of the scaling factor, as is the case for many ASC services.
Charlene Frizzera August 2 , 2009 Page 10 f 31Fi ure . ASC and PPS wei ts for the ame roce ure can m ve in o osite directi ns HCPCS21550
%Decre seinASCwei ht %IncreaseinOPPSweight
‐.0‐2.0‐ 3.0 1.0 .01.0 0.0 Percent At its co e, the budg t neutrality calculation used to dev lop the con ersion fact r was desi ned to take i to account he mix of s rvices AS s provide a d establish relationsh p between payment for proced res in the t o settings. From that oint forward, the relati e differenc in paymentbetween evel procedure an gregate serv ces at the a OPD ASC andt e should be driven o ly by chan es in the co version fa tor. The 2010 OPPS re ative weig ts reflect re l growth i the relativ cost of ser ices perfor ed in the OPD. The ASC scaler should not reclaim ollars from the ASC pa ent syste as there i no reason o believe that there has not een rea cost growt for the sa e surgical services per rmed in an ASC. In the fi al rule esta lishing the SC payme t system ( 2 Fed. Reg. 42532, Au ust 2, 2007 , CMS su gests that s aling of th relative weights is a design element that will p otect ASCs from changes n the OPP relative we ghts that c uld signific ntly decrea e payment for certain procedu es. Howev r, the trend in the OPP relative w ights sugge ts that the s aling facto for ASCs w ll rarely res lt in an inc ease in AS relative w ights. In f ct, ASCs w uld have experien ed a negati e adjustme t to their eights in si of the last ight years i the linkag to the ASC payment sy tem had oc urred in 2002 when fir t contempl ted by MedPAC. This historica trend, and he absence of any indi ation that it is likely to everse in the future, su gest that the pplication f scaling in the ASC se ting will co tinue to er de the relat onship bet een ASC an HOPD rat s. . r it to susp nd applica ion of the scalin factCMS ha the autho In its re ulations at 416.171(e)(2), CMS es ablished a rocess by which itmay annual ake adjustm nts to the relative paym nt weights.
Charlene Frizzera August 25, 2009 Page 11 of 31“(2) For CY2009 and subsequent calendar years, CMS adjusts the ASC relative payment weights under 416.167(b)(2) as needed so that any updates and adjustments made under 419.50(a) of this subchapter are budget neutral as estimated by CMS. In the first three years under the revised payment system, changes to the OPPS relative weights would have (2008), and did (2009 and 2010) result in the application of an ASC scaling factor that reduces ASC payments relative to the OPPS rates. CMS should use the authority granted it in by the statute and codified in regulations to suspend application of the scaling factor in 2010 to prevent a further divergence in payment between the two systems. The calculation of budget neutrality CMS used to develop the ASC system and codified at §416.171(e)(1) was designed to take into account the differences in case mix between the two settings and resulted in a conversion factor for ASCs at 63 percent of the OPPS rate. We continue to disagree with the initial budget neutrality conversion factor determined by CMS and articulated our concerns in a previous comment letter1 believed then and the 2008 claims. We data confirm that CMS grossly overestimatedthe volume of office-based procedures that would migrate into the ASC. We also identified several other methodological issues with the agency’s calculation. Using our estimate of how the industry would respond to the new payment system, we produced data indicating that 73% of the OPPS conversion factor was budget neutral (see Addendum A for a summary of the methodology). We acknowledge that suspending application of the scaler will result in an aggregate increase in spending in the ASC setting in 2010. However,the scaler is forcing procedures for which the OPPS median cost grew from 2009 to 2010 to finance the transitional payment policies implemented by CMS. Unfortunately, the procedures which the transitional payments were intended to aid are the procedures financing the bulk of the scaler. Our most fundamental objection is that the proposed rescaling results in ASC payments that do not keep pace with rising costs. In this year and in future years, the rescaling process will further erode ASC payments and the relationship between ASC and OPPS rates. Further, altering the ASC weights is contrary to the intent of using the cost-based OPPS measurements to determine the relative payments for the same procedures in the ASC. Rescaling does nothing to maintain the relative weights of procedures that are subject to other payment policies, such as the payment transition or the physician office rate cap. II.ASC Inflation When ASC services payment system were added to Medicare’s Part B benefit in 1980, the first perspective payment system was created. As a result, the hospital market basket was not yet in existence and the consumer price index for all urban consumers (CPI-U) was adopted as the tool for updating payments for Medicare providers. Since that time, CMS has developed market baskets to better-measure price changes for nearly every one of its provider payment systems. 1ASC Coalition Comment Letter "Re: CMS-1506-P - Medicare Program; the Ambulatory Surgical Center Payment System and CY 2008 Payment Rates." November 6, 2006. 11