Tutorial 2 – Replacement Heifers Background Accurate prediction of daily gain that can be expected for the metabolizable energy and protein consumed depends on accurate prediction of energy required for maintenance and composition of gain, which is related to proportion of mature weight at a particular weight (1, 2). A size scaling system is used to adjust shrunk body weight (SBW) to a weight equivalent to a standard reference animal at the same stage of growth (2, 3). For replacement heifers, SRW is 478 kg. This system requires accurate estimation of mature weight if breeding herd replacements. Representative weights of mature cull cows sold in average body condition score can be used as a starting point for estimating mature weight for breeding herd replacements. Daily gain is predicted as the residual energy available for production after meeting maintenance and pregnancy requirements. Protein required is calculated from the energy allowable gain. Target rates for herd replacement heifers Recent research has identified optimum growth rates for herd replacement heifers for minimizing replacement costs while maximizing first lactation milk production (3, 4, 5). After reaching maturity, body weight changes reflect use of energy reserves to either supplement ration deficiencies or to store energy consumed above requirements. Most beef and dairy producers monitor body condition score changes in cows to manage energy reserves. The ...