Federal Register/Vol. 71, No. 97/Friday, May 19, 2006/Proposed Rules 29117 section will be considered before we person or vessel may enter or remain in • Federal eRulemaking Portal: http:// make the final decision on whether to the regulated area. www.regulations.gov. Follow the on-line categorically exclude this rule from (2) The operator of any vessel in the instructions for submitting comments. • E-mail: rcra-docket@epa.gov. further environmental review. regulated area shall: • Fax: 202–566–0272. (i) Stop the vessel immediately when List of Subjects in 33 CFR Part 100 • Mail: send comments to RCRA directed to do so by any Official Patrol. Docket, (5305T), Attention Docket ID Marine safety, Navigation (water), (ii) Proceed as directed by any Official No. EPA-HQ–RCRA–2006–0097, 1200 Reporting and recordkeeping Patrol. Pennsylvania Avenue, NW., requirements, Waterways. (iii) When authorized to transit the Washington, DC 20460. Please include For the reasons discussed in the regulated area, all vessels shall proceed two copies. We request that you also preamble, the Coast Guard proposes to at the minimum speed necessary to send a separate copy of the comment to amend 33 CFR part 100 as follows: maintain a safe course that minimizes the contact person listed below (see FOR wake near the race course. PART 100—REGATTAS AND MARINE FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT). (c) Effective period. This section will PARADES • Hand Delivery: In person or by be enforced from 11 ...
Federal Register Rules 71, No. 97 / Friday, May 19, 2006 / Proposed/ Vol.
section will be considered before we person or vessel may enter or remain in•Federal eRulemaking Portal:http:// make the final decision on whether to the regulated area.uger.wwws.ontilav.goFollow the on-line categorically exclude this rule from (2) The operator of any vessel in the instructions for submitting comments. further environmental review. regulated area shall:••iam-:lFxaEpa.get@edockcra-rvo. List of Subjects in 33 CFR Part 100ehwidnaideyletdooosctretedffciailSto(i)2eev:p0h2timmssle–566–0272. Marinesafety,Navigation(water),(ii)ProceedasdbiyreacntyedObyanyPOaftfriocli.alNDoo•A-slH:QaiM.nPeE05c,tek35(–T)AtRC,RAtmocd–nt2e0n06iostnem–0oDoktcteID0AR2C1R,7900 Reporting and recordkeeping Patrol. requirements, Waterways. (iii) When authorized to transit the Pennsylvania Avenue, NW., For the reasons discussed in the regulatedarea,allvesselsshallproceedtWwaoshcionpgiteos.n,WDeCre2q0u4e6s0t.tPhlaetasyeouincllsuodepreamble,theCoastGuardproposestoattheminimumspeednecessarytosendasepatecopyofthecommaenttoamend 33 CFR part 100 as follows: maintain a safe course that minimizes ar PART 100—REGATTAS AND MARINEc)(awekEnffeeacrttihveerpaecrieocdo.winioctseshiTe.urtsllFhUeRTcHoEnRtaIcNtFpOeRrMsAoTnIOliNstCeOdNbTeAlCoT)e(es.wFORPARADES be enforced from 11:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. co•andHyrevileDrepnI:bornsoieury,rdlevirecmoemntsto:RCRA1.Theauthoritycitationforpart100opnosAtpuognuestd5d,u2e0t0o6.wIftthheratcheeinstheDHoQc–,tektAtARCR–0620itneno–0110390,7DkeocIDto.NPAE–continues to read as follows: ea er, Authority:33 U.S.C. 1233; Department oftemporary special local regulations will Homeland Security Delegation No. 0170.1.be enforced during the same time period Constitution Avenue, NW., Room B–thenextday,August6,2006.1d0el8i,veWriaesshianrgetoonnl,yDaCcc2e0p0t0e4d.dSuurcihngthe 2. Add a temporary§ 100.35–T05–036 2006.Dated: May 2Docket’s normal hours of operation, and to read as follows:, Larry L. Hereth,special arrangements should be made §100.35–T05–036 Chesapeake Bay, CapeRear Admiral, U.S. Coast Guard, Commander,for deliveries of boxed information. Charles, VirginiaFifth Coast Guard District. uestPlease incl (a)Definitions.(1)Coast Guard Patrol[FR Doc. E6–7618 Filed 5–18–06; 8:45 am]tahtqereW.espicootweudyfocpoaretesapdasenalsoyouhetCommandermeans a commissioned,BILLING CODE 4910–15–Pact ers warrant,orpettyofficeroftheCoastcboelmomwe(nsteetoFtOhReFcUoRnTtHERpINFOoRnMlAiTsItOeNdGuard who has been designated by theCONTACT). Commander, Coast Guard SectorENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTIONInstructions:Direct your comments to Hampton Roads.N Y (2)Official Patrolmeans any vesselAGE CAPtDEI0D97.keo0c’yEciAloPNps.o–HsiQht–colaltRaCRA–enmm6200–ts assigned or approved by Commander,40 CFR Part 278received will be included in the public Coast Guard Sector Hampton Roads[EPA–HQ–RCRA–2006–0097; FRL–8171–9]ateanmadelibaaavlnnielodkeociwtuohthctegnahdttpm:a//ybe with a commissioned, warrant, or petty officer on board and displaying a CoastRIN 2050–AG27wwwtaluger.vog,.snoiincluding any Guard ensign. dCriteria for the Safeontimarofnisedulcnitecommennlessthived,duitnopornfimaorrspealon (3)Participantincludes all vesselsllyentaectiProtnaormnnEivoesUevfclaimed to be Confidential Business participating in the East Coast Boat Racing Club power boat race under theGranular Mine Tailings Known asInformation (CBI) or other information auspices of a Marine Event Permit‘P‘eartioCdh’’; Reopening the CommenttaformtinnthationoD.etimbustodteictrtutasbyofhwcihsirsethedisclosure issued to the event sponsor and approved by Commander, Coast GuardAGENCY:iuoocctteryoePdalrnntomiesneotbtedrotephguorhtEvnrinohCtBtpI:o//rohtseerwi Sector Hampton Roads. Agencywww.cregulations.govor e mail. Send or (4)Regulated areaincludes the watersACTION:.-deliverulneo;ineeddiroopfonsitaPmrrCBfstgonIofeiptiinraeodeof the Chesapeake Bay, along the shoreline adjacent to Cape Charles, comment period. only the following address: Ms. LaShan Virginia, to and including waters up to 300 yards offshore, parallel with theSAUgMeMncAyRY(:EpoersihtgnineenmmcoetTEheirnAvnoemtnlaPorettcionPA)nOfficer,EAP(aMliCdoe3505AtntteniokcoDIteoNDPE.,esynHacoDARCRoCtnemu–W)trol,QH Cape Charles Beach shoreline in this period for the proposed rule entitled RCRA–2006–0097, 1200 Pennsylv–ania area. The area is bounded on the south‘‘Criteria for the Safe and by a line running northwesterly from the Cape Charles shoreline at latitude Environmentally Protective Use of Avenue, Washington, DC 20460. Clearly 37°16′.2″North, longitude 076°01′28.5″‘rGCtanha’ul.’’upssilbasopawlisThropnwasnisgKtonineTailarMnoehdwaamhwtrwytkroheugceulplaaarititmoonotrs.agllboevoCehT.BIiseteWbeniofrfhthitmstapta:ni/o/n West, to a point offshore approximately April4, 2006 (71 FR 16729), and the‘‘ano.nymous access’’system, which 300 yards at latitude 37°16′3.4″North, comment means period ended on May 4, 2006. EPA will not know your identity longitude 076°01′36.6″West, and contact information unl or because a commenter has However, you s bounded on the north by a line running northwesterlyfromtheCapeCharlesrtehqeuiessstueedsaradidsietdioinnatlhteimpreotpoorseasl,pownedatroeIpfryooviudseeintdinatnhee-bmoadilycoofmyoemsuerntcodimremcetlnyt.shoreline at latitude 37°16′26.2″North, longitude 076°01′14″ reopening the comment period to allowWest, to a point offshoreapproximately300yardsatfpoerriaond.additional30daycommenttawdowEdwPr.ersAesgwwuilitallhtoiboeuntsga.ougitonovg,mm-eyruoclaylotracgiuhthhaatpitltpu:/r/ed latitude 37°16′28.9″North, longitudeDATES:Comment m be ow of the comment art 076°01′24.1″ sWest. All coordinates n ay referenceDatumNAD1983.submitteduntilJune19,2006.tahnadtiinscplluadceeddaisntphepublicdocketand(b) Special local regulations. (1)ADDRESSES:Submit your comments, made available on the Internet. If you Except for event participants and identified by Docket ID No. EPA–HQ– an electronic comment, EPA submit persons or vessels authorized by the RCRA–2006– recommends that you include your0097, by one of the Coast Guard Patrol Commander, no following methods: name and other contact information in
VerDate Aug<31>2005 14:37 May 18, 2006 Jkt 208001 PO 00000 Frm 00028 Fmt 4702 Sfmt 4702 E:\FR\FM\19MYP1.SGM 19MYP1
Federal Register May 19, 2006 / Friday, Rules / Proposed/ Vol. 71, No. 97
the body of your comment and with anyFederal Register inon April 4, 2006 (71 FR non-highway activities. In addition, disk or CD–ROM you submit. If EPA 16729), proposes mandatory criteria for the commenter noted that the additional cannot read your comment due to the environmentally protective use of time is needed to coordinate so that, as technical difficulties and cannot contact chat for transportation construction much as possible, their comments you for clarification, EPA may not be projects carried out in whole or in part reflectthe expertise and views of a able to consider your comment. with Federal funds, and a certification broad segment of their members. Electronic files should avoid the use of requirement. Chat used in ues specialcharacters,anyformoftransportationprojectsmustbeadEdPitiAobnealliteivmesetihsereraesqonatblfeo,rhowever,encryption, and be free of any defects or encapsulated in hot mix asphalt we believe 30 additional days is viruses. For additional information concrete or Portland cement concrete li about EPA’ unless the use of chat is otherwise adequate. The Agency bes public docket, visit the EPA eves an Docket Center homepage athttp://onti3alda0iysiddasethisproposalsdaqeauetbceuapecosinyrevsiworraneFraredutlarihodzeabytaSote www.epa.gov/epahome/dockets.htm.response action undertaken pursuant to round ac the technic and We also request that interested parties lica ral or State whowouldlikeinformationtheyeanpvpbleFedeIntherosalwedocumentsalbnkg previouslysubmittedtoEPAtobeareiarlsoonrmeecnotmalmlaenwds.ingcriteprioapasenxotteendstivhea.tIssninuacpdepdtoihrtiteiocng,oitmthismsheronuutllepdeabrrieeodnotconsidered as part of this reconsiderationactionidentifythepgruoitdeacnticveeounstehoefecnhvaitrionnnmoenn-tallyrceloospeednionngtMhaeyc4otmhmanedntthpeerAiogde,ncyisrelevant information by docket entry ns ortation cement and c numbersandpagenumbers.tprraojepcts.oncretetchoamnmendtears,infact,willhavemoreFOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: eThe comment StephenHoffman,OfficeofSolidWasteruleendedonMapy,ri4o,d2f0o0r6t.hHeopwroevpeors,edacroemexm3te0enntdpiynesrgfitrohodemccltoohsmeedmd.aetTnethtephreaertfiotorhdee,fowre(5306W), U.S. Environmental Protection Agency,ArielRiosBuilding,1200antpeurbelsitcRceosmeamrcehntGerro(tuheUU..SS..PPIuRblicis PennsylvaniaAvenue,NW.,Iup(dthecomG)m)ehnatsthproposaluntilJune19,2006.Washington, DC 20460–epays,60dbyriodehttahtgnitonhpnoetel20,00qeretseePAenxtthdEeatLisEtnovfirSounbmjeecntstailnp4r0oteCcFtiRoPn,arCth2a7t,8 (703) 308– s8413, e-mail address Mine tai additional time is needed to evaluate hoffman.stephen@epa.gov. this on ntl intelFor more nt informationonthisrulemaking,pleaseiamndpocrotamntmiessue.ThliisgecomymenteralsoIanndDidaatrenedsc:-olMdraaknydes1e,2p,i2n0g0r6.e,Rlingeremtn,sWsaet.uiqropegnitvisitepa.www.epaogov/hto/rews/renoted that they need additional time toMatthew Hale, mining/chat/.consult with experts who understandSUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION: only the chemistry of encapsulatingThe notDirector, Office of Solid Waste. proposed rule that is the subject of this mine tailing, but also the different risks[FR Doc. E6–7653 Filed 5–18–06; 8:45 am] notice, and which was published in the ifthe final rule allows use of the chatBILLING CODE 6560–50–P