UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIAINTERNAL AUDIT PLAN2000-01 NARRATIVE & ASSUMPTIONSSan Francisco.______________________________________________________________________________1. Available Hours—The number of available hours is based on a permanent staff of 10audit FTE’s. Because of the return of the Medical Center, the permanent audit staff isincreased by 2. Their salaries and expenses are to be supported by a recharge to theMedical Center. We already have the 2 staff, as they were added in September 1999 withtemporary appointments so that the 99-00 annual plan could be completed after beingdisrupted by the cashiering investigation. Since the department is fully staffed, we do notforesee at this time less than a full staff during fiscal year 00-01.2. Indirect Hours— Administrative and other hours were budgeted for 00-01 based on ourrdexperience through the 3 quarter of fiscal year 99-00. 80 hours of professionaldevelopment hours were budgeted for each employee. This level of professionaldevelopment is being planned because a significant portion of the staff is relatively new tohigher education and with the return of the Medical Center will also need training in thisspecialized area. There were no unusual variances in budgeting non-controllable time.The Director’s time is charged directly to time categories, whether it is for projects oradministrative categories.3. Audit Program—Nearly all high risk components of the audit universe are covered in ...