April 13, 2000UNIVERSITY AUDITOR PATRICK V. REED:Re: UCLA’s 2000-2001 Audit PlanThe attached document comprises the 2000-2001 Audit Plan for UCLA. The plan has been developedin accordance with prescribed guidelines. It has been submitted to Vice Chancellor Olsen for reviewand was discussed at the last meeting of the UCLA Audit Committee. The development of the planincluded interviews and discussions with senior campus administrators as well as an extensive riskevaluation process.The plan is based on a number of assumptions and factors. The validity and accuracy of certainassumptions and factors will not be known until closer to year-end and the finalization of budgetrequests. At that time, several adjustments may be required; however, we do not believe that theserevisions will adversely affect the plan taken as a whole. We anticipate reviewing the plan at mid-yearto make any required adjustments.Gross and Net Available Hours% of the Tier 2Available hours are based on a staff complement of 20.75 professionals, weighted for recruiting efforts. Should the need arise for temperary staff utilization, we would most likely contract with the sameservice firms that we now use. Non-Controllable hours are comprised of vacation, sick leave andholiday hours. We have allocated 392 hours per staff member for the year. Indirect HoursIndirect hours are comprised of hours allocated for the following:n Administration-This category is in line with last years plan ...