Agenda Item No: Report No:Report Title: Strategic Audit PlanReport To: Audit Committee Date: 21 March 2005Ward(s) Affected: AllReport By: Director of Finance and Community ServicesContact Officer(s): David Heath, Chief Internal AuditorPurpose of Report:To present to Councillors the Strategic Audit Plan for the period2005/2006 to 2007/2008, and seek agreement for the Strategic Audit Planand the Annual Audit Plan for 2005/2006.Officers Recommendation(s):1 To agree the three year Strategic Audit Plan for 2005/2006 to 2007/2008.2 To agree the Annual Audit Plan for 2005/2006.Reasons for RecommendationsThe remit of the Audit Committee includes a duty to agree a three yearStrategic Audit Plan and an Annual Audit Plan, and keep them under review.Information1 Background1.1 The Internal Audit function at Lewes operates in accordance with theauditing guidelines published as a Code of Practice for Internal Audit bythe Chartered Institute of Public Finance and Accountancy (CIPFA).1.2 The 2003 CIPFA Code of Practice refers to the need for a high levelstrategy that outlines how the Internal Audit service will be delivered anddeveloped, and for there to be a risk based periodic plan that sets outhow the strategy is to implemented.1.3 The Strategic Audit Plan sets out the scope, conduct and timing ofinternal audit work for the three year period from 2005/2006 to2007/2008. The first year of the Strategic Audit Plan provides theAnnual Audit Plan for 2005/2006. ...