Risk Advisory Services - Internal Audit Strategic Co-Sourcing








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www.bdo.ca/RaSri SK aDvi Sory Servi CeSInteRnal audIt StRategIc co-SouRcIngdemandS on InteRnal audIt (Ia) depaR tmentS aRe gReateR than eveR. FInancIal RepoR tIng guIdelIneS have neveR been moRe StRIngent and the cuRRent FocuS on Sound coRpoRate goveRnance haS neveR been moRe compellIng. A strategic co-sourcing arrangement can management of a world-class, risk-oriented provide excellent advantages and produce internal audit function. Our professionals CONTACT BDOhandsome dividends. Your organization can can provide ad-hoc or ongoing support for gain technical experience and resources your resource needs, helping you achieve Nationalsuited to your needs, on your schedule. The your corporate governance objectives. We Sam Khoury capabilities of our full-time staff can always be have found that a co-sourcing strategy can 416 369 6030 extended and the value of your IA function empower an organization and help it create skhoury@bdo.cacan multiply. and maintain a competitive edge.Central CanadaBDO can help you maximize organizational Outsourcing any or all aspects of the internal Carlo Mariglia resources and strengths. Our Risk Advisory audit function depends on the specific 416 369 3078 Services practice offers strategic partnering characteristics of the organization, the needs cmariglia@bdo.ca and co-sourcing services to assist your of management and the audit committee. business with the establishment and The importance of the IA function to an ...
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riSK aDviSory ServiCeS InteRnal audIt StRategIc co-SouRcIng
demandS on InteRnal audIt (Ia) depaRtmentS aRe gReateR than eveR. FInancIal RepoRtIng guIdelIneS have neveR been moRe StRIngent and the cuRRent FocuS on Sound coRpoRate goveRnance haS neveR been moRe compellIng.
A strategic co-sourcing arrangement can provide excellent advantages and produce handsome dividends. Your organization can gain technical experience and resources suited to your needs, on your schedule. The capabilities of our full-time staff can always be extended and the value of your IA function can multiply. BDO can help you maximize organizational resources and strengths. Our Risk Advisory Services practice offers strategic partnering and co-sourcing services to assist your business with the establishment and
advantage to InteRnal audIt StRategIc co-SouRcIng
outsOuRcIng àllOws àn ORgànIzàtIOn tO REplàcE ‘fixEd’ cOst EmplOYEEs wIth ‘VàRIàblE’ fEEs. ThE ORgànIzàtIOn càn VàRY usàgE Of thE REsOuRcEs thROughOut thE YEàR whIch càn lEàd tO cOst-sàVIngs fOR thE cOmpànY QuàlIfiEd IndEpEndEnt tEstIng fOR iCFr càn REducE ExtERnàl àudIt cOsts all humàn REsOuRcEs RIsks IncludIng tRàInIng ànd dIscIplInE Of stàff REsIdE wIthIn BDo
management of a world-class, risk-oriented internal audit function. Our professionals can provide ad-hoc or ongoing support for your resource needs, helping you achieve your corporate governance objectives.We have found that a co-sourcing strategy can empower an organization and help it create and maintain a competitive edge. Outsourcing any or all aspects of the internal audit function depends on the specific characteristics of the organization, the needs of management and the audit committee. The importance of the IA function to an
why chooSe bdo?
BDo pROVIdEs YOuR ORgànIzàtIOn wIth àn àppROpRIàtE mIx Of lOcàl REsOuRcEs ànd subjEct màttER ExpERts, whIlE EnsuRIng thE tEàm flOuRIshEs wIthIn YOuR cultuRE BDo hàs thE ia mEthOdOlOgIEs, fRàmEwORks, REpORt tEmplàtEs ànd OthER tOOls REquIREd tO Run àn EffEctIVE ia functIOn BDo Is àn IntERnàtIOnàl nEtwORk wIth à stROng lOcàl pREsEncE In OVER 100 cOuntRIEs
CONTACT BDO National Sàm KhOuRY 416 369 6030 skhOuRY@bdO.cà Central Canada CàRlO MàRIglIà 416 369 3078 cmàRIglIà@bdO.cà DàVId KnOtt 416 815 3016 dknOtt@bdO.cà
InteRnal audIt methodology
Understand the Business
IA Governance & Reporting 05
IA Framework
Assess Risk & Develop Audit Execution Strategic Audit Plan 04 03
organization’s controls and governance structure means decisions should be based on a comprehensive analysis by the audit committee and senior management.Only when all parties are informed of the facts and have reached a mutual agreement, can a plan be implemented.
Internal Audit Services All companies currently face new corporate governance concerns and intense internal and external scrutiny. A reactive approach to internal audit is no longer acceptable; there can be no surprises when it comes to managing the risks and opportunities in your business. BDO has found that many internal audit groups struggle with a number of conflicting demands, most notably contention for resources; while trying to maintain traditional IA functionality. BDO’s Risk Advisory Services practice has developed a suite of services designed to help clients develop/implement an internal audit function or, transform a standard, compliance driven IA function into one that is proactive and risk-oriented. We can help you align your internal audit function and capabilities with the needs of your overall organization.
managIng the Ia FunctIon
engàgEmEnt PlànnIng
engàgEmEnt COntROl
issuE idEntIficàtIOn
issuE TRàckIng ànd rEsOlutIOn
KnOwlEdgE TRànsfER
PROfEssIOnàl StàndàRd
Our services include:  Establishing an effective internal audit function  Quality Assurance Reviews gauging the effectiveness of the internal audit function  Strategic partnering and co-sourcing  Risk assessment services  Managing the internal audit function  Constructing audit services  Financial institutions compliance  IT audit services
Contact BDO As part of our value-added service, BDO offers a complimentary needs and requirements assessment. This provides you with the opportunity to identify and review your risk advisory needs with our team of trained professionals. We encourage you to contact us to learn more about our services and to meet our team.
BDO Canada LLP, a Canadian limited liability partnership, is a member of BDO International Limited, a UK company limited by guarantee, and forms part of the international BDO network of independent member firms. BDO is the brand name for the BDO network and for each of the BDO Member Firms.
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