New Audit Standards: How Will They Impact the Audit Process?Presented byRobinson, Farmer, CCoxox Associates“The Commonwealth’s premier source of financial expertise since 1953.”„„„„Presentation ObjectivesObjectivesDiscuss background and reasons for enacting selected new Statements on Auditing Standards (SAS’s).Review specific per-SAS requirements.Conveypy the impacts of the new requirements on„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„Risk Assessment Standards (SAS 104-111) - OverviewThe AICPA’sAICPA’s AAuditinguditing StandardsStandards BoardBoard has issued eighteight Statements oonnAuditing Standards (SAS)(SAS)(SAS)(SAS) relating to the assessment of risk inininin an auditofof financial sstatements:tatements:SAS No.No. 104,104, Amendment toto Statement onon Auditing Standards NoNo. .1,1,Codification oof f AuditingAuditing Standards aandnd PProcroceduresedures (“DueProfessional Care inin the PerformancePerformance ooff Work”)SAS No.No. 105,105, Amendment ttoo StatementStatement on Auditing Standards NoNo..9955 ,,Generally Accepted Auditing StandardsStandardsSAS NoNo.. 106,106, Audit EEvidencvidenceeSAS NoNo.. 107, Audit RiskRisk andd Materialityyyy in ConductiConductin ng an AudituditSAS NoNo.. 108,108, Planning and SupervisionSupervisionSAS No.No.1109,09, Understanding tthehe EEntityntity and ItsIts Environment andAssessing the RisksRisks of Material MisstatementSAS No.... 110, Perrrrfffforming Audit ...