A REPORTTO THEARIZONA LEGISLATUREFinancial Audit DivisionSingle AuditMaricopa CountyJune 30, 2002Debra K. DavenportAuditor GeneralThe Auditor General is appointed by the Joint Legislative Audit Committee, a bipartisan committee composed of fivesenators and five representatives. Her mission is to provide independent and impartial information and specificrecommendations to improve the operations of state and local government entities. To this end, she provides financialaudits and accounting services to the State and political subdivisions, investigates possible misuse of public monies, andconducts performance audits of school districts, state agencies, and the programs they administer.Copies of the Auditor General’s reports are free.You may request them by contacting us at:Office of the Auditor General2910 N. 44th Street, Suite 410 • Phoenix, AZ 85018 • (602) 553-0333Additionally, many of our reports can be found in electronic format at:www.auditorgen.state.az.us Maricopa County Single Audit Reporting Package June 30, 2002 Table of Contents Page Comprehensive Annual Financial Report Issued separately Reports on Compliance and Internal Control Report on Compliance and on Internal Control over Financial Reporting Based on an Audit of Financial Statements Performed in Accordance with Government Auditing Standards 1 Report on Compliance with Requirements Applicable to Each Major Program and on Internal Control over ...
The Auditor General is appointed by the Joint Legislative Audit Committee, a bipartisan committee composed of five senators and five representatives. Her mission is to provide independent and impartial information and specific recommendations to improve the operations of state and local government entities. To this end, she provides financial audits and accounting services to the State and political subdivisions, investigates possible misuse of public monies, and conducts performance audits of school districts, state agencies, and the programs they administer.
Copies of the Auditor Generals reports are free. You may request them by contacting us at: Office of the Auditor General 2910 N. 44th Street, Suite 410 Phoenix, AZ 85018 (602) 553-0333
Additionally, many of our reports can be found in electronic format at: www.auditorgen.state.az.us
MaricopaCounty Single Audit Reporting Package June30,2020Table of Contents Comprehensive Annual Financial Report Issued separately Reports on Compliance and Internal Control ReportonComplianceandonInternalControloverFineapnocritailngR Based on an Audit of Financial Statements Performed in Accordance wit G h o vernment Auditing Standards Report on Compliance with Requirements Applicable to Ea ch Major Program and on Internal Control over Compliance in Accordance with OMB Ciruclar A-133 Schedule of Expenditures of Federal Awards Schedule of Findings and Questioned C osts Summary of Auditors’ Results Federal Award Findings and Questioned Costs County Respons es Corrective Action Plan Summary Shcedule of Prior Audit Find ings
1 3 6 12 13 16 19
STATE OF ARIZONA DEBRA K. DAVENPORT, CPA AUODFIFTIOCREGOEFNTEHREALW D I EP L U L T I Y A AU M D IT T O H R O GE M NE S R O AL N AUDITOR GENERAL Independent Auditors’ Report on Compliance and on Internal Control over Financial Reporting Based on an Audit of Financial Statements Performed in Accordance w G it o h v ernment Auditing Stand ards Members of the Arizont a tSe Legislature The Board of Supervisors of Maricopa County, Arizona WehaveauditedthefinancialstatementsofMaricopaCountyasofandfortheyearende2d, June 30, 2 and have issued our report thereon dJ a tneudary21,2003,whichwasmodifieads to consistency becauseoftheimplementationofGovernmentalAccountingStandardsBoardStateamnedntaNo.34 changeinaccountingprincipleaffectingthereportingofcompensatedaanbdsdeunecteosourrelianceonthereporotfotheraudit.orsWeconductedourauditinaccordancewithU.S.generallyacceptedauditing standards and the standards applicable to financial audits co G nt o a v i e n r e n d m i e n nt Auditing Standard , s issued by the Comptroller General of the United States. Compliance AspartofobtnaiingreasonableassuranceaboutwhethertheCounty’sfinancialstatementsarefree material misstatement, we performed tests of its compliance with certain provisions of laws, regula contracts,andgrants,noncompliancewithwhichcouldhaevcet a n d irmaterial effect on the determinationoffinancialstatementa.mHoouwntesver,providinganopiniononcompliancewiththoseprovisionswasnotanobjectiveofourauditand,accordingly,wedonotexpresssuc.hThaenopinion results of our testnsdathe reports of the other auditors disclosed no instances of noncompliance that a required to be reported un G de o r v ernment Auditing Stand . a H rd o s wever,ewnotedcertainimmaterialinstances of noncompliance that we will report to the County’s mtai n aagesempeanrateletter. Internal Control over Financial Reporting In planning and performing our audit, we considered the County’s internal control over financial rep inordertodetermineourauditingproceduresforthepurposeofexprepsisn i nogn o unr tohe financial statementsandnottoprovideassuranceoninternalcontroloverfinanc.iOalur ecp o nrts i ndgerationofinternal control over financial reporting would not necessarily disclose all such internal conttrol matte mightbemartiealweaknessesA.materialweaknessisaconditioninwhichthedesignoroperationofone or more of the internal control components does not reduce to a relatively low level the risk misstatementsinamountsthatwouldbematerialinreleatfiionnantocitahlstatementsbeingauditedmayoccur and not be detected within a timely period by employees in the normal course of performing assignedfunctio.nsWeandthereportsoftheotherauditorsnotednomattersinvolvinginternalcon over fniancial reporting and its operation that we and the other auditors consider to be mate weaknesse.sHowever,wneotedothermattersinvolvinginternalcontroloverfinancialreportingthatwe report to the County’s management in a separa te letter. 2910 NORTH 44 th STREET • SUITE 410 • PHOENIX, ARIZONA 85018• (602) 553 -0333 • FAX (602) 553 -0051
Dennis L. Mattheisen, CPA Financial Audit Director