September 24, 2004 153049 Via E-mail: Ron Salole, Director Accounting Standards Public Sector Accounting Board 277 Wellington Street West Toronto ON M5V 3H2 Dear Mr. Salole: Thank you for the opportunity to respond to Government Transfers - Associates' Draft to Revise Section 3410 prepared by the CICA Public Sector Accounting Board. Our general comments and more specific responses are attached. Should you wish any further explanation of our comments, please contact Barbara Reuther, or myself. Yours truly, Arn van Iersel Comptroller General pc: Provincial Comptrollers Auditor General of British Columbia Barbara Reuther Attachment Ministry of Finance Office of the Mailing Address: Comptroller General PO Box 9413 STN PROV GOVT Victoria BC V8W 9V1 Province of British Columbia Response to Government Transfers - Associates' Draft to Revise Section 3410 CICA Public Sector Accounting Board General Comments Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (GAAP) should establish a principle-based approach that promotes sound decision-making; it should not drive business decisions. There should be an emphasis on achieving representational faithfulness, to ensure transactions and events affecting the entity are presented in financial statements in a manner that represents the substance of underlying transactions and events rather than their legal form. ...