AUDIT ALERT:COUNTY PROCUREMENT OFFICEPOLICY ON SOLE SOURCE CONTRACTS AS OF JUNE 1, 2008In conjunction with our audit of Sheriff-Coroner Administration’s sole source procurements for Fiscal Years 2006-07 and 2005-06, we have issued an Audit Alert to the County Procurement Office. Our alert identifies areas to enhance the County’s Contract Policy Manual on sole source contracts. Specifically, we recommend clearer guidelines and examples on policy requirements, most notably in the documentation requirements to justify deviating from the County’s standard competitive bidding process. AUDIT NO: 2766-5 DATE: JULY 17, 2008 Audit Director: Peter Hughes, Ph.D., MBA, CPA Deputy Director: Eli Littner, CPA, CIA Sr. Audit Manager: Michael Goodwin, CPA, CIA Senior Auditor: Susan Nestor, CPA, CIA Serving the OC Board of Supervisors since 1995 2007 Association of Local Government Auditors’ Bronze Website Award 2005 Institute of Internal Auditors’ Award for Recognition of Commitment to Professional Excellence, Quality, and Outreach O C B o a r d o f S u p e r v i s o r s ’ Internal Audit Department ORANGE COUNTY Independence Objectivity Integrity Providing Facts and Perspectives Countywide Dr. Peter Hughes Ph.D., MBA, CPA, CCEP, CITP, CIA, CFE Office of The Director Certified Compliance & ...